STEP 9. Configuring IBM AD Batch Server

About this task

Before running IBM® AD Batch Server, some preliminary configurations must be performed. You need to specify on which projects you want IBM AD Batch Server to run the reports, which reports to generate, where to store the generated reports, and so on. Also, you need to specify the parameters for IBM AD Web Service.

The configuration parameters are stored in and files, which can be found in the configuration folder.

Below are the instructions on how to perform a minimal configuration in order to have source code analysis in IBM AD Analyze Client. For detailed instructions on how to configure IBM AD Batch Server, see Step 9.1 Advanced Configurations for IBM AD Batch Server.


  1. Access Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin, and go to Configure > Environments > "Your environment" > Servers > Graph Database Server. The Graph Database Server settings page is displayed.
    1. During the installation process through IBM AD Configuration Wizard, the password for GraphDB Server's root user was set. If necessary, set a new password and confirm it.
    2. Click Save.
  2. This step is already covered in Securing Access on IBM AD Services Endpoints and is to be used for verification purposes only. In the context of Graph Database, OrientDB SSL can be configured as follows:
    Note: For more information about OrientDB SSL configuration, see Using SSL with OrientDB.
    1. Before you begin, make sure to complete the instructions on the following pages:
    2. Copy the path to the keystore file that was uploaded to the AD Configuration Service Admin, for example, <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\security\<environment-id>\server_keystore.p12.
    3. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\orientdb\orientdb-community\config, open the orientdb-server-config.xml, set OrientDB SSL to true and update the password for both keystore and truststore as follows:
      <parameter name="network.ssl.clientAuth" value="true"/> 
      <parameter name="network.ssl.keyStore" value="<IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\security\<environment-id>\server_keystore.p12"/>
      <parameter name="network.ssl.keyStorePassword" value="password"/>
      <parameter name="network.ssl.trustStore" value="<IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\security\<environment-id>\server_keystore.p12"/>
      <parameter name="network.ssl.trustStorePassword" value="password"/>
      Note: You can enter an encrypted Keystore Password. For more information, see Obtaining an encrypted keystore password.
    4. In the listeners section of the orientdb-server-config.xml file, update the first line that includes the socket and the default port range for OrientDB SSL as follows:
      <listener protocol="binary" socket="ssl" port-range="2424" ip-address=""/>
    5. Open the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\orientdb\orientdb-community\config\jvmargs.txt file, paste the following parameters in one single line and fill in the location and password of your keystore file:
      -Dclient.ssl.enabled=true"<IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\security\<environment-id>\server_keystore.p12""password OR encrypted password""<IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\security\<environment-id>\server_keystore.p12""password OR encrypted password"
    6. Open the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Batch Server\conf\jvmargs.txt file, paste the following parameters in one single line and fill in the location and password of your keystore file:
      -DgdbImport.client.ssl.enabled=true"<IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\security\<environment-id>\server_keystore.p12""password OR encrypted password""<IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\security\<environment-id>\server_keystore.p12""password OR encrypted password"
    Note: At this point, OrientDB SSL is configured to run with the root username and the password that is configured above.
  3. The file contains a set of global settings, followed by the specific settings for each type of component. The global settings specify the projects on which the IBM AD Batch Server will operate and which components will run on the specified projects.

    Detailed information on the additional components that can be considered for this service.

    Table 1. Optional Components
    Component Description
    ruleBased The Rule Based component generates reports for the resources specified in the configuration files according to the rules and parameters defined in the corresponding configuration files.
    Note: If the Rule Based component is used, make sure that the file is configured. For more information, go to File.
    reports The Reports component is used to generate the complexity reports. For more information, go to Complexity Reports.
    cobolPP The cobolPP, jclPP, and pl1PP components generate the expanded sources for Cobol, JCL, and PL/I. For more information, go to View Expanded Source.

What to do next

  • Restart Graph Database Server.
    • Under Windows: Once the configuration is done, go to the Dashboard tab, in IBM® AD Configuration Server, click the menu button of Graph Database Server, and select Restart Service.
      Note: Wait until the service is restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.
  • Restart Batch Server Service.
    • Under Windows: Once the configuration is done, go to the Dashboard tab, in IBM® AD Configuration Server, click the menu button of Batch Server Service, and select Restart Service.
      Note: Wait until the service is restarted, this can take a few minutes to complete.
Note: Make sure to restart IBM AD Batch Server after modifying the configuration files.
Important: For monitoring the IBM AD Batch Server tasks, see Checking the log files of components.