Changing the display language of the scan log

You can change the display language of the scan log in Scan.log file.

Complete the following steps to change the display language.
Note: The following procedures only change the display language of the scan log. If you want to change the display language on the Wazi Analyze web interface, you will need to change the language setting on your browser settings.
  1. Open the scan configuration files for your project.

    You can find the project configuration files in the /home/wazi/data/<project_name>/ directory. For example, if your project directory is testApp, the project configuration file is in the /home/wazi/data/testApp/testApp.dat directory.

  2. Edit the LANGUAGE=EN option to one of the following languages.
    • EN for English
    • DE for German
    • ES for Spanish
    • FR for French
    • IT for Italian
    • JA for Japanese
    • KO for Korean
    • PT-BR for Brazilian Portuguese
    • ZH-CN for Simplified Chinese
    • ZH-TW for Traditional Chinese
    • You can use any text editor to view or edit the file.
    • If you use the VI editor, you can run the following command to open the file.
      vi /home/wazi/data/<project_name>/<project_name.dat>
      You can use the following keys to change the editing mode of VI editor:
      • Press i to go to edit mode.
      • Press Esc + :wq to save and exit.
      • Press Esc + :q! to exit without saving.
  3. Save the changes.