Configuring the PL/I Preprocessor

Before you begin

Make sure that IBM® AD Build Client is up and running, and a project is available and can be used.

About this task

When working with the PL/I Preprocessor, you can configure parsing options, which drive the way preprocessing is executed, environment variables, encoding, the default library, and other settings. The PL/I Preprocessor configuration options are specified in the PL1PreprocessorInfo.ini file. The file follows the general format of .ini files where options are specified as key=value. You can access and edit the file from IBM® AD Build Client.


  1. Click Project > Settings and select Show the project tree.
  2. Select PL1 from the list and click Edit Preprocessor Settings.

    The PL1PreprocessorInfo.ini file is displayed in your default text editor.

  3. Specify the configuration options to customize the PL/I preprocessor. See PL/I Preprocessor Configuration File for details about the configuration options you can set and for an example of the PL/I Preprocessor configuration file.