Updating Projects

About this task

You can update a project in two ways: manually or automatically. The process of manually updating a project is described as follows. For details on the automatic process, see V. Setting up Automatic Updates with Windows Scheduler. If you want to update the project manually, this procedure takes only two steps from the project menu only.


  1. Update Modified Mainframe Members.
    This action checks for all project members that originated from the mainframe, if a new version of their source is available.

    All sources that are brought from the mainframe have data about their mainframe origin and last update time, which is stored in the IBM® AD repository for the project.

    For sources that were brought from Endevor, this action checks against Endevor if a new version for the file is available, since the last retrieval date. If a new version for the file is available, the member is brought to the mapped virtual folder that matches the Endevor library.

    For PDS members, IBM AD Build Client checks the file dates on the mainframe against the last update date from IBM AD repository. If the member on the mainframe is newer, it gets updated on the PC folder that matches the PDS name.

  2. Make
    This action effectively updates the IBM AD repository with the information relevant to the modified sources, and keeps it up to date with the code in the sources on the mainframe.

    Make builds a small subset of the whole project, as an incremental build step after which the full project repository is up to date with the minimal effort needed.

    This action starts with checking all the project members on the PC disk folders against their last recorded update dates on the last build time that is stored in the IBM AD repository for the project.

    If a file on the disk is newer than the information recorded in the database, then the file is part of the Project Make process that is an incremental build. If the newly updated files are programs or jobs, then they are added to the list of components that must be added to the programs/Jobs to be built in the Make process.

    If the newly updated files are copybooks, then IBM AD Build checks in the repository for all programs that copy these files, and these programs are added to the programs to be built in the Make process.

    If the new updated files are JCL PROCs, or JCL Include Files, or JCL Control files (PARMLIB files) then IBM AD Build checks in the repository for all JCL Jobs that use these files, and these Jobs are added to the programs to be built in the Make process.

    After this stage, IBM AD Build runs a build for the programs and Jobs that must be updated according to the previous steps, and after these components are built a summary of the number of updated components appears on the Make log.

    The Make log, just like any Build log, is saved to the disk under the project folder, with the Make date time. This method allows viewing past Make results and updated components at any time.

    You do not need to do anything on IBM AD Build Configuration for this update of Endevor and PDS members.

    For the CA7 manual update, the way to start the CA7 Data retrieval is by using the IBM AD Build Configuration, by using Querry Environment > CA-7 Workload Automation option.