Disabling session affinity for the Cognos Dashboards service

Optional. If you do not allow cluster services to send requests to external URLs that are defined in OpenShift®, you must disable session affinity because Cognos® Dashboards implements session affinity in this manner.

Before you begin

Who needs to complete this task?
To complete this task, you must have one of the following roles:
  • Red Hat® OpenShift cluster administrator.
  • Red Hat OpenShift project administrator on the project where Cloud Pak for Data is installed.


  1. Open the Cognos Dashboards custom resource for editing.
    oc edit dashboardservice dashboardservice-cr -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}
  2. Set the enableAffinity property to false.
  3. Save the update and exit the editor.

    For example, if you are using vi, press Esc and enter :wq! to save and exit.

    Saving this update triggers all Cognos Dashboards services to restart, so it takes approximately 5 minutes for this change to take effect.

    Run the following command to view the status of the Cognos Dashboards services while they are restarting:

    oc get pod -o wide -lapp.kubernetes.io/managed-by=ibm-dashboard-prod -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}

    Look for the status and age fields in the output.