Disabling mapbox visualization if you use Cognos Dashboards on air-gapped client workstations

If you are running Cognos® Dashboards in air-gapped client workstations, you must disable the mapbox visualization for these client workstations because mapbox visualizations require Internet access.

Before you begin

Who needs to complete this task?
To complete this task, you must have one of the following roles:
  • Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster administrator.
  • Red Hat OpenShift project administrator on the project where Cloud Pak for Data is installed.
When do you need to complete this task?
You need to complete this task only on client workstations that are running in an air-gapped environment.

About this task

The mapbox visualization does not work when you are running Cognos Dashboards in an air-gapped client workstation because mapbox visualizations require Internet access. Complete the following steps to disable the mapbox visualization to resolve issues with the air-gapped client workstations:


  1. Open the Cognos Dashboards custom resource for editing.
    oc edit dashboardservice dashboardservice-cr -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}
  2. Set the enableMapbox property to false.
  3. Save the update and exit the editor.

    Saving this update triggers all Cognos Dashboards services to restart, so it takes approximately 5 minutes for this change to take effect.

    Run the following command to view the status of the Cognos Dashboards services while they are restarting:

    oc get pod -o wide -lapp.kubernetes.io/managed-by=ibm-dashboard-prod -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}

    Look for the status and age fields in the output.


After you disable the mapbox visualization, the canvas displays the following message in place of any mapbox visualizations that are created by users with full Internet access and the options enabled:

Restricted access or deleted custom visual: This custom visual cannot be viewed because it has either been deleted or has restricted access.