IBM SPSS Analytic Server connection

To access your data in SPSS Analytic Server, create a connection asset for it. This allows you to import and run SPSS Modeler streams (.str) against an SPSS Analytic Server data source that were created in SPSS Modeler classic to run on SPSS Analytic Server.

SPSS Analytic Server is a solution for big data analytics that combines IBM SPSS technology with big data systems and allows you to work with familiar IBM user interfaces such as SPSS Modeler to solve problems.

Supported versions

IBM SPSS Analytic Server 3.2.2

Create a connection to SPSS Analytic Server

When creating a connection asset for IBM SPSS Analytic Server in a project, you must provide the following connection details for the server:

  • Tenant: In a multi-tenant environment, this is the tenant you belong to (the tenants provide a high-level division of users, projects, and data sources so that objects can't be shared between tenants. The default tenant value is ibm.) For more information about tenants, see the SPSS Analytic Server documentation.
  • URL: The URL to the SPSS Analytic Server. For example:
    • http{s}://{HOST}:{PORT}/{CONTEXT-ROOT}
    • where {HOST} is the address of the SPSS Analytic Server host, {PORT} is the port the SPSS Analytic Server is listening on (the default is 9080), {CONTEXT-ROOT} is the context root of the SPSS Analytic Server (the default is analyticserver)
  • Credentials: Type the username and password for the SPSS Analytic Server connection. If you have a kerberized server environment with multiple Kerberos realms, also specify which realm to use.
  • SSL Certificate (optional): If secure communication is configured in SPSS Analytic Server, copy text from your certificate file and paste it into this field.

For Credentials and Certificates, you can use secrets if a vault is configured for the platform and the service supports vaults. For information, see Using secrets from vaults in connections.

Next step: Add data assets from the connection

See Add data from a connection in a project.

Where you can use this connection

You can use the SPSS Analytic Server connection in the following workspaces and tools:


  • Data Refinery (Watson Studio)
  • SPSS Modeler (SPSS Modeler service)


  • For Data Refinery, you can use this connection only as a source. You can't use this connection as a target connection or as a target connected data asset.
  • For SPSS Modeler, you can use this connection only as a source and for SQL pushback. You can't use this connection as a target connection or as a target connected data asset.
  • Watson Machine Learning isn't supported with SPSS Analytic Server (you can't promote the connection asset from a project to a deployment space).

Known issues

  • SPSS Analytic Server connections don't accept data sources with a space in the table name.
  • If an error occurs (such as an incorrect username or password, incorrect SPSS Analytic Server URL, or an empty data source) when the SPSS Analytic Server connection tries to connect to the SPSS Analytic Server, the Asset Browser will become unresponsive and not report an error.

Learn more

IBM SPSS Analytic Server product documentation

Parent topic: Supported connections