Adding a connected folder asset from a catalog (Watson Knowledge Catalog)

Click the connected folder asset name to view the contents of the connected folder asset. Click the eye (eye icon) icon next to a file name to preview the contents of the files within the folder that have these formats:

  • CSV
  • JSON
  • Parquet

The files within the connected folder asset are not profiled because those files are not data assets.

You can specify a classification for the connected folder asset. The contents of the folder inherit the classification of the connected folder asset.

Policies can block access to the connected folder asset and its contents, but files within the folder are not individually subject to policies. For example, a policy might mask personal information in all data assets in the catalog, but that policy does not apply to files within connected folder assets. Any personal information in those files is not masked.

You can download files from within the connected folder asset if the IBM Cloud Object Storage connection asset that's associated with the connected folder asset has an Access Key and a Secret Key (also known as HMAC credentials). For more information about HMAC credentials, see Using HMAC credentials.

Next steps

Parent topic: Adding assets to a catalog