Known issues and limitations for Watson OpenScale

The following list contains the limitations and known issues for IBM Watson OpenScale.


Known issues

Watson OpenScale has the following known issues:

Watson OpenScale upgrade from version 4.0.x to version 4.5.2 fails with a non-default custom resource name

If you don't use the default aiopenscale custom resource name when you install Watson OpenScale version 4.0.x, your attempt to upgrade to version 4.5.2 might fail. During the failed upgrade, the micro-serice pod from the Watson OpenScale dashboard doesn't start. You can use the following steps to fix this issue and complete the upgrade:

  1. Log in to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform with the following command:
    oc login <OpenShift_URL>:<port>
  2. Pause the Watson OpenScale operator reconciliation of the Watson OpenScale custom resource.

    instanceCRName='wos-cr-name' # default custom resource name is aiopenscale
    oc patch WOService ${instanceCRName} -n ${instanceProjectName}  --type merge --patch '{"spec": {"ignoreForMaintenance": true}}'

    If you did not install Cloud Pak for Data in the cpd-instance project, specify accurate values in the instanceProjectName field. Specify the name of the Watson OpenScale in the instanceCRName field.

  3. Add a proxy Watson OpenScale Redis service to your existing Redis service:
    cat <<EOF |oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
    name: aiopenscale-ibm-aios-redis-master-svc
    namespace: $instanceProjectName
    - port: 6379
     protocol: TCP
     targetPort: 6379
     name: server-port
    - port: 26379
     protocol: TCP
     targetPort: 26379
     name: sentinel-port
    type: ClusterIP
     release: $instanceCRName
     name:  $instanceCRName-ibm-aios-redis
     component: redis $instanceCRName-ibm-aios-redis-0
  4. Resume the Watson OpenScale operator reconciliation of the Watson OpenScale custom resource.

    oc patch WOService ${instanceCRName} -n ${instanceProjectName}  --type merge --patch '{"spec": {"ignoreForMaintenance": false}}'
  5. Check the status of the upgrade with the following command:

    oc get WOService ${instanceCRName} -n ${instanceProjectName} -o jsonpath='{.status.wosStatus} {"\n"}'

    The status of the custom resource changes to Completed when the upgrade finishes successfully.

Watson OpenScale instance does not display correct status after shutdown

After you shut down a Watson OpenScale instance, the status of the instance displays as pending or failed on the Cloud Pak for Data service instance details page. The shutdown is still successful and you can use the following command to verify that the instance is not running:

oc get WOService ${instanceCRName} -n ${instanceProjectName} -o jsonpath='{.status.wosStatus} {"\n"}'

If you did not install Cloud Pak for Data in the cpd-instance project or use aiopenscale as the name of the Watson OpenScale custom resource, specify accurate values in the instanceProjectName and instanceCRName fields.

The status of the instance displays as shutdown to confirm that the shutdown finished successfully.

Information missing because a feature name contains a period

If you have a feature name that contains a period (.), the Chart Builder interface isn't displayed. Instead, you see a Failed to get data error message.

A section is missing from the user interface when partial drift detection is configured

If you enable model drift and don't enable data drift, then the Drop in accuracy section doesn't appear in the right panel of the user interface. This issue occurs only if you intentionally configure partial drift detection in the notebook and drift archive.

Limit on the number of features for a model

Scoring payloads for a model must fit within the maximum width allowed for the table created by payload logging in the datamart database (with some buffer for the internal-use columns that Watson OpenScale itself adds). In addition, apart from the width there is also a hard-coded limit of 1012 features.

The following table summarizes what this means for models with different sizes of features:

Table 1: Feature column limits

Feature column limits
Feature type Feature # limit
int64 or float64 or string length 1-64 1012
string length 65-2048 444
string length 2048-32K 28

Because many models have features of mixed types, the following sample configurations can be used for planning purposes:

Explainability is not enabled in model risk management production models when importing settings from a preproduction regression model

Edit one of the tiles in the Model details pane to enable the explainability for the production model deployment.

Oracle compatibility mode not supported for Db2 Warehouse

The use of Oracle compatibility mode causes problems for Watson OpenScale. You might receive an error, such as "Drift archive could not be uploaded for service instance" if you attempt to use Db2 Warehouse with Oractly compatibility mode activated. To use Watson OpenScale with Db2 Warehouse, you must disable compatibility mode.

Next steps