Adding a folder asset to an analytics project (Watson Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog)

You can create a folder asset based on a path within an IBM Cloud Object Storage system that is accessed through a connection. You can view the files and subfolders that share the path with the folder asset. The files that you can view within the folder asset are not themselves data assets. For example, you can create a folder asset for a path that contains news feeds that are continuously updated.

You must have the Admin or Editor role in the project to add a folder asset.

To add a folder asset from a connection to a project:

  1. If necessary, create a connection asset. Include an Access Key and a Secret Key to your IBM Cloud Object Storage connection to enable the downloading of files within the folder asset. If you're using an existing IBM Cloud Object Storage connection asset that doesn't have an Access Key and Secret Key, edit the connection asset and add them.
  2. Click Add to project > Connected data.
  3. Select an existing connection asset as the source of the data.

  4. If necessary, enter your personal credentials for locked data connections that are marked with a key icon (the key symbol for connections with personal credentials). This is a one-time step that permanently unlocks the connection for you. After you have unlocked the connection, the key icon is no longer displayed. See Adding connections to projects.

  1. Select the folder you want and click Select.
  2. Type a name and description.
  3. Click Create. The folder asset appears on the project Assets page in the Data assets category.

Click the folder asset name to view the contents of the folder asset. Click the eye (eye icon) icon next to a file name to view the contents of the files within the folder that have these formats:

You can refine the files within a folder asset and then save the result as a data asset. While viewing the folder asset, select a file and then click Refine.

You can view the files within the folder asset if the IBM Cloud Object Storage connection asset that's associated with the folder asset has an Access Key and a Secret Key (also known as HMAC credentials). For more information about HMAC credentials, see IBM Cloud Object Storage Service credentials.

Next steps

Parent topic: Adding data to an analytics project