Installing SPSS Modeler

A project administrator can install SPSS Modeler on IBM® Cloud Pak for Data.

Permissions you need for this task
You must be an administrator of the OpenShift® project (Kubernetes namespace) where you will deploy SPSS Modeler.
Information you need to complete this task
  • SPSS Modeler needs only the restricted security context constraint (SCC).
  • SPSS Modeler must be installed in the same project as Cloud Pak for Data.
  • SPSS Modeler uses the following storage classes. If you don't use these storage classes on your cluster, ensure that you have a storage class with an equivalent definition:
    SPSS® Modeler leverages the storage that is provisioned when you install Watson™ Studio.

Before you begin

Ensure that the cluster meets the minimum requirements for installing SPSS Modeler. For details, see System requirements.

Additionally, ensure that a cluster administrator completed the required Pre-installation tasks for your environment. Specifically, verify that a cluster administrator completed the following tasks:

  1. Cloud Pak for Data is installed. For details, see Installing Cloud Pak for Data.
  2. For environments that use a private container registry, such as air-gapped environments, the SPSS Modeler software images are mirrored to the private container registry. For details, see Mirroring images to your container registry.
  3. The cluster is configured to pull the SPSS Modeler software images. For details, see Configuring your cluster to pull images.
  4. The SPSS Modeler catalog source exists. For details, see Creating catalog sources.
  5. The SPSS Modeler operator subscription exists. For details, see Creating operator subscriptions.

If these tasks are not complete, the SPSS Modeler installation will fail.

Prerequisite services

Before you install SPSS Modeler, ensure that the following services are installed and running:


Complete the following tasks to install SPSS Modeler:

  1. Installing the service
  2. Verifying the installation
  3. Choosing a service upgrade plan
  4. What to do next

Installing the service

To install SPSS Modeler:

  1. Log in to Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform as a user with sufficient permissions to complete the task:
    oc login OpenShift_URL:port
  2. Create a Spss custom resource to install SPSS Modeler. Follow the appropriate guidance for your environment.
    Important: By creating a Spss custom resource with spec.license.accept: true, you are accepting the license terms for SPSS Modeler. You can find links to the relevant licenses in IBM Cloud Pak for Data License Information.
    • The recommended storage class names are described in Setting up shared persistent storage.

      Create a custom resource with the following format.

      cat <<EOF |oc apply -f -
      kind: Spss
        name: spss-sample     # This is the recommended name, but you can change it
          accept: true
          license: Enterprise | Standard | WatsonStudioPremium     # Specify the license you purchased (Enterprise, Standard, or WatsonStudioPremium)
        storageClass: storage-class-name     # See the guidance in "Information you need to complete this task" above

Verifying the installation

When you create the custom resource, the SPSS Modeler operator processes the contents of the custom resource and starts up the microservices that comprise SPSS Modeler, including Spss. (The Spss microservice is defined by the spss-sample custom resource.) SPSS Modeler is installed when the Spss status is Completed.

To check the status of the installation:

  1. Change to the project where you installed SPSS Modeler:
    oc project project-name
  2. Get the status of SPSS Modeler (spss-sample):
    oc get Spss spss-sample -o jsonpath='{.status.spssmodelerStatus} {"\n"}'

    SPSS Modeler is ready when the command returns Completed

Choosing a service upgrade plan

You can choose how SPSS Modeler is upgraded when you install a newer version of the SPSS Modeler operator on the cluster.

Automatic upgrade (recommended)

If you want SPSS Modeler to be automatically upgraded when you install a newer version of the SPSS Modeler operator on the cluster, remove the version entry from the Spss custom resource.

To remove the version entry, run the following command. You must update the command with the appropriate project name before you run the command.

oc patch Spss spss-sample \
--namespace project-name \
--type=json \
--patch '[{ "op": "remove", "path": "/spec/version" }]'
Manual upgrade

If you want to manually upgrade SPSS Modeler after you install a newer version of the SPSS Modeler operator, you can pin the installation at a specific version in the Spss custom resource.

By default, when you create the Spss custom resource, it includes the version entry, so no additional action is required.

If you removed the version entry from the Spss custom resource, run the following command to pin the installation at Version 4.0.9. You must update the command with the appropriate project name before you run the command.

oc patch Spss spss-sample \
--namespace project-name \
--type=merge \
--patch '{"spec": {"version":"4.0.9"}}'

For a list of operand versions supported by the SPSS Modeler operator, see Operator and operand versions.

What to do next

The SPSS Modeler service is now ready to use. See Creating SPSS Modeler flows.