Stopping active runtimes (Watson Studio)

You should stop all active runtimes when you no longer need them.

Jupyter notebook runtimes are started per user and not per notebook. Stopping a notebook kernel doesn’t stop the environment runtime in which the kernel is started because you could have started other notebooks in the same environment. You should only stop a notebook runtime if you are sure that no other notebook kernels are active.

Only runtimes that are started for jobs are automatically shut down after the scheduled job has completed. For example, if you schedule to run a notebook once a day for 2 months, the runtime instance will be activated every day for the duration of the scheduled job and deactivated again after the job has finished.

Project users with Admin role can stop all runtimes in the project. Users added to the project with Editor role can stop the runtimes they started, but can’t stop other project users’ runtimes. Users added to the project with the viewer role can’t see the runtimes in the project.

You can stop runtimes from the Environments page of a project, which list the active runtimes for a specific project, by clicking the Environments tab for a project.

Jupyter notebook, JuypterLab and GPU idle timeout

All Jupyter notebook, JupyterLab, and GPU environment runtimes are shutdown automatically if they have been idle for longer than 18 hours.

A cluster administrator can disable the default idle timeout if this is desired. See Disabling the default CPU and GPU idle timeout.

Satellite runtime idle timeout

All Jupyter notebook environment runtimes on prebuilt Satellite locations are stopped after 3 hours of inactivity.

Spark idle timeout

All Spark runtimes are automatically stopped after 30 minutes of inactivity.

RStudio idle timeout

An RStudio is stopped for you after an idle time of 2 hour.