Provisioning the service (Db2 Data Management Console)

Before you can use Db2 Data Management Console service, you must provision an instance service. You can provision only one instance of Db2 Data Management Console service for IBM Cloud Pak for Data

Before you begin

Before you provision the Db2 Data Management Console service, you must:

About this task

The Db2 Data Management Console service is provisioned to any compute node in the Cloud Pak for Data cluster that has the specified resources (cores and memory) available.

Important: To complete this task, you must have the Provision Databases permission. The default Cloud Pak for Data administrator role, Admin, has this permission.


To provision the Cloud Pak for Data service:

  1. Click the Services icon. (services icon) from the Cloud Pak for Data web user interface.
  2. From the list of services, locate the IBM Db2 Data Management Console service under the Data sources category. Click the action menu and select Provision instance.
  3. In the Compute section, specify the number of Cores and the amount of Memory you want to allocate.
    Memory (GB) CPU (Cores) No of concurrent users No of databases
    10 4 5 1
    18 9 20 10
    36 18 100 50
  4. Click Next.
    The console checks your OpenShift® cluster for adequate memory and CPU resources to meet your specifications. An error message displays if inadequate resources are found. If this occurs, you must either reduce the amount that you specified or add more resources to the cluster.
  5. In the Storage section, specify the resources (storage class and amount of memory) to allocate for persistent storage using Persistence Volume Claim (PVC).
    Note: The only storage classes supported are Network file system (NFS), OpenShift Container Storage (ocs-storagecluster-cephfs), and Portworx (portworx-shared-gp3). You must use one of these classes.
    If you want to create a new persistent volume claim (PVC), select Create new claim. Then, select the storage class to use.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Ensure that the summary is correct and click Create.
  8. Optional: It can take approximately 10 minutes for the service to be provisioned. Check the status to determine the state of a provisioning or provisioned service. If you want to use Cloud Pak for Data while you wait for the provisioning process to complete, click Home.
    Note: If you open the provision instance for Db2 Warehouse, Db2 Advanced Edition, and Big SQL, the Db2 Data Management Console service opens directly if the console is installed else you will be redirected to the installation page.