
During operation, Db2 Data Gate might issue one or more of the messages listed here. The messages are sorted numerically in ascending order.

DGU10000I The operation was completed successfully.

Problem determination

Success message for the XML MESSAGE output parameter of each stored procedure.

DGU10001I Product version: productVersion; Stored procedure interface version: interfaceVersion; Build label: buildLabel; Build timestamp: buildTimeStamp; Build platform: buildPlatform; Support level: supportLevel; DRDA protocol level: communicationProtocolLevel;


Product version
Interface version of the stored procedure(s). This number can be used in the MESSAGE input parameter of stored procedures to enforce the output according to this version. Future versions of stored procedures may extend the output.
Build label of the stored procedure
Time of the build
Platform on which the procedures were built
The support level of the stored procedure
DRDA protocol level of the stored procedure

Problem determination

To include version information about IBM® Db2 for z/OS® Data Gate in the MESSAGE output parameter as shown in the message text, you can set the version attribute in the XML MESSAGE input parameter for any IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate stored procedure. To do so, set the versionOnly attribute to the value true;

DGU10002W Warnings were issued during this operation, but a corresponding output message could not be generated. The highest severity code was: highestSeverity Additional diagnostic data: additionalDiagnostic


The highest internal severity code that was issued during the stored procedure run
Additional diagnostic data

Problem determination

This message is issued when the generation of an output message failed although the stored procedure could complete the requested operation. This indicates that warnings, but not errors, have been issued during the operation.

User action

Contact IBM support.

DGU10003E An error caused the operation to fail. A corresponding output message could not be generated. The highest severity code was: highestSeverity Additional diagnostic data: additionalDiagnostic


The highest internal severity code that was issued during the run of the stored procedure
Additional diagnostic data

Problem determination

This message is issued when the requested operation could not be executed and when the generation of a corresponding output message failed.

User action

Contact IBM support.

DGU10004W Several messages could not be included in the MESSAGE output. The number of skipped messages is numberOfSkippedMessages.


Number of messages that could not be written to the MESSAGE output parameter

Problem determination

This message is issued as part of the MESSAGE output. It is displayed if some of the messages could not be included in the output object because the size limit of 64 KB would have been exceeded.

User action

Check the messages that are actually included in the output object. If these messages indicate a situation that requires further analysis, rerun the stored procedure with a trace level of DEBUG. This will cause all messages to be written to a trace file. Moreover, you can retrieve the full set of messages from the last result set of the procedure (identified by MESSAGES_CURSOR).

DGU10005W A character in the MESSAGE output parameter was substituted due to an XML 1.0 character set violation.

Problem determination

This message is issued as part of the MESSAGE output to indicate the replacement of an invalid XML 1.0 character in the output.

User action

Check the warnings that are included in the output. Substituted bytes are replaced with an asterisk (*). If the warnings indicate a situation that requires further analysis, rerun the stored procedure with a trace level of DEBUG. This causes all warnings to be written to a trace file.

DGU10050E An internal error occurred in the 'dataGateInstanceName' Db2 Data Gate instance: diagnosticMessage


Name of the instance
Diagnostic information returned by the instance

Problem determination

This error occurs when an unhandled error was detected in the Db2 Data Gate instance. Additional information is returned in the diagnostic message.

User action

If this message was returned by the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES stored procedure, you might receive the message 04E-00E4007 abend LOC=DSNUT101.DSNUGSDA for those Db2 UNLOAD utilities processes or threads that have already unloaded data to the Db2 Data Gate instance. You can ignore this message and delete the corresponding dump files.

DGU10052W The dataGateInstanceName rejected the cancellation request for task taskId. Reason: cancelationErrorReason.


Name of the instance
ID of the task that could not be canceled
Diagnostic information from the instance (internal message that explains why the cancellation failed)

Problem determination

This warning occurs when it is not possible to cancel a task. The task might no longer exist because it finished recently or the Db2 Data Gate instance might have refused the cancellation. In either case, the Db2 Data Gate instance remains unchanged and operations continue.

User action

Check the list of running tasks and make sure that a task with the reported ID really exists.

DGU10053W A task taskId of type taskType is running in the Db2 Data Gate instance 'dataGateInstanceName' using table tableSchema.tableName. The operation SYSPROC.DATAGATE_REMOVE_TABLES is completed, but the identified concurrent task may fail due to that.


Name of the instance that was accessed
Schema name of the table that was removed
Name of the table that was removed
ID of the concurrent instance task that is using the table
Type of the concurrent instance task that is using the table

Problem determination

This warning occurs when you drop a Db2 Data Gate instance table that is still used by a process or task. The table will be dropped, but the task or process might fail thereafter.

User action

No action required. You can ignore error messages that are issued by related processes running in parallel.

DGU10055E One or more tables prevent the removal of the 'dataGateInstanceName' Db2 Data Gate instance because they have not been removed or are still listed in the SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES catalog table of your Db2 subsystem (database). In this particular case, the tables were found in or on the 'existOnSide'


Name of the accelerator
Table location, that is, ACCELERATOR or DATABASE

Problem determination

Remaining tables or orphaned catalog entries prevent the removal of a Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

Follow these steps:
  1. Find the remaining tables or orphaned catalog entries by running the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_GET_TABLES_INFO stored procedure.
  2. Run the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_REMOVE_TABLES stored procedure or the corresponding function on Cloud Pak for Data to remove these tables and entries.
  3. Remove the Db2 Data Gate instance by running the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_REMOVE_ACCELERATOR stored procedure or the corresponding function on Cloud Pak for Data.

DGU10061W The maximum size of compressed trace data that is specified in the traceProfileName trace profile for the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance has been changed from userSpecifiedSize MB to adjustedSize MB.


Name of the Db2 Data Gate instance that the trace information is written to
Name of the trace profile
Maximum size of the compressed trace file as specified by the user in the trace profile
Adjusted size of the compressed trace file

Problem determination

This warning occurs when the allowed maximum size of compressed trace data, as specified in the trace profile, has been modified because it was outside the allowed limits, or because no size limit was specified in the profile. The maximum size in the trace profile is the total data size in MB for Db2 Data Gate instance traces that can be returned by the getTraceData command of the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR stored procedure.

User action

Check the file size that is displayed by the adjustedSize parameter in the warning. The next time that you specify a trace profile, choose a bigger size than this.

DGU10062W The Db2 Data Gate instance had been added to the same Db2 subsystem before. Obsolete data from this subsystem (dbmsSystemName) was found in the Db2 Data Gate instance. This obsolete data has been deleted during the process.


Location name of the Db2 subsystem that the instance is added to

Problem determination

A Db2 Data Gate instance can be added only once to a Db2 subsystem. To add it again, it must have been removed before. However, there are situations in which a Db2 Data Gate instance was not properly removed, but the authentication token and other information that is required for using the Db2 Data Gate instance is missing from the Db2 catalog tables. When this information has disappeared from the catalog tables, the Db2 Data Gate instance can be added again. However, it probably contains data that was unloaded from the Db2 subsystem at an earlier time. Since the original authentication token is lost, the data cannot be accessed anymore. Adding the Db2 Data Gate instance once more to the Db2 subsystem removes the orphaned data and thus allows you to start over from a clean setup. This warning just indicates that obsolete data from the Db2 subsystem was found in the Db2 Data Gate instance and has been deleted.

User action

No action required related to this warning.

DGU10064E The stored procedure cannot connect to the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance because the authentication failed. Diagnostic information: reasonText.


Name of the instance
Additional diagnostic information about the authentication failure

Problem determination

This exception occurs when an authentication problem prevents the communication component running inside a stored procedure from connecting to the Db2 Data Gate instance. This can occur in connection with any IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate stored procedure.

User action

  • Check whether the catalog tables in the Db2 communication database were accidentally modified or replaced with a backup after adding the Db2 Data Gate instance. If this is the case, restore the catalog tables to the correct state.
  • If this exception occurred very shortly after the authentication token was renewed by the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_CREDENTIALS stored procedure, or by the equivalent function on Cloud Pak for Data, rerun the stored procedure or repeat your action on Cloud Pak for Data.

DGU10065W A trace profile with the name traceProfileName already exists in the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance. The existing profile was not changed.


Name of the instance
Name of the trace profile that already exists in the catalog

Problem determination

This warning occurs when a trace profile cannot be created or changed in a Db2 Data Gate instance because a trace profile with the same name already exists.

User action

Change the name of the new trace profile or remove the existing trace profile.

DGU10066W A trace profile with the name traceProfileName does not exist on the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance, and therefore could not be removed.


Name of the instance
Name of the trace profile that does not exist in the catalog

Problem determination

This warning occurs when a trace profile cannot be removed because it is not listed in the catalog of the Db2 Data Gate instance.

DGU10067W The trace profile traceProfileName cannot be removed from the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance because it is a predefined (system) profile rather than a user-defined profile.


Name of the instance
Name of the trace profile that cannot be removed

Problem determination

This warning is issued when you try to remove a predefined trace profile from a Db2 Data Gate instance. Predefined trace profiles cannot be removed.

DGU10068W The previously active trace profile removedTraceProfileName has been removed from the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance. For that reason, the activeTraceProfileName profile is used as the active profile.


Name of the instance
Name of the previously active trace profile, which has been removed
Name of the new active trace profile

Problem determination

This warning is issued when the Db2 Data Gate instance resorts to the default trace profile because the previously active profile has been removed.

DGU10069E The trace profile traceProfileName could not be created in the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance because an incorrect trace level levelName was specified.


Name of the instance
Name of the trace profile with an incorrect trace level
The incorrect trace level

Problem determination

This error occurs when you specify an incorrect trace level for the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR stored procedure. You might have misspelled the trace level or accidentally specified a level that does not exist.

User action

Correct the trace level in the COMMAND input parameter for the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR stored procedure.

DGU10070E The trace profile traceProfileName could not be created in the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance because an incorrect trace component name componentName was specified.


Name of the instance
Name of the trace profile in which the unknown component is defined
Name of the wrong or unknown trace component

Problem determination

This error occurs when you specify an incorrect trace component for the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR stored procedure. You might have misspelled the component name or accidentally specified a component that does not exist.

User action

Correct the trace component name in the COMMAND input parameter for the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR stored procedure.

DGU10071E The accelerated table tableSchema.tableName is in 'currentTableState' state, which does not allow the attempted operation. Diagnostic information: operation: 'diagnosticHintOperation'


Schema name of the table that is affected by the operation
Name of the table that is affected by the operation
Current table state, which prevents the execution of the operation
Diagnostic information about the failed operation

Problem determination

This error occurs when the state of a Db2 Data Gate instance table prohibits a certain type of operation. For the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_SET_TABLES_ACCELERATION(ON) operation, the allowed states are Loaded and UpdateInProgress. For the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_SET_TABLES_REPLICATION(ON) operation, the allowed states are Loaded, InitialLoadPending and Error. For the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES operation, the allowed states are Loaded, InitialLoadPending and Error. For the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ARCHIVE_TABLES operation, the allowed states are Loaded, InitialLoadPending.

User action

  1. Make sure that all tables involved are in a state that permits the operation.
  2. Retry running the procedure. In most cases, the current state indicates that an operation like SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES or SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ALTER_TABLES is currently running on the table. You must wait for the completion of the currently active operation.

DGU10073W The Db2 Data Gate instance dataGateInstanceName was added to a Db2 subsystem, but the system date or time of the subsystem differs from the system date or time of the Db2 Data Gate instance. The system date and time of the referenceTimeSubsystemName subsystem serves as a reference for the Db2 Data Gate instance. A time difference imposes limitations on the use of certain SQL statements.


Name of the Db2 subsystem that sets the reference time
Name of the instance

Problem determination

The system time and date of a Db2 Data Gate instance must be in sync with the system time and date of the Db2 subsystem to which it is attached. Otherwise queries that include time-related SQL expressions, such CURRENT_DATA, CURRENT_TIME, and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, cannot be processed correctly. If multiple database subsystems are attached to the same Db2 Data Gate instance, all these subsystems must use the same date and time settings. A violation of this rule might lead to unexpected query results.

User action

The easiest solution is to avoid queries that contain SQL expressions such as CURRENT_DATA, CURRENT_TIME, or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. If this is not possible:
  1. Remove the Db2 Data Gate instance from all subsystems with different time settings.
  2. Align the date and time settings of the Db2 subsystems with those of the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  3. Re-add the Db2 Data Gate instance.

DGU10074W The stored procedure and the Db2 Data Gate instance use different versions of the DRDA protocol (releaseLevelProcedure for the stored procedure and releaseLevelAccelerator for the Db2 Data Gate instance).


The version of the DRDA protocol that is supported by the stored procedure
The version of the DRDA protocol that is supported by the Db2 Data Gate instance

Problem determination

This warning occurs when the protocol versions of a stored procedure and a Db2 Data Gate instance are not compatible.

User action

Make sure that your Db2 Data Gate instance is updated to the same or a higher PTF level than the stored procedures that you are using. When you upgrade your system, you must transfer and activate a new software version in the Db2 Data Gate instance before you can activate the corresponding load libraries for the stored procedures. When you downgrade the Db2 Data Gate instance by activating an older software version, you must also switch to a corresponding older version of the stored procedures.

DGU10075E The failingTest test failed.


The name of the test that failed. Possible names: ping, connect, mtupath, networkSpeed.

Problem determination

This error occurs when a test fails that was started by the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_TEST_CONNECTION stored procedure.

User action

See the output (value of the diagnostic_output parameter) of the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_TEST_CONNECTION stored procedure for details.

DGU10076W The tableSchema.tableName table in Db2 Data Gate instance dataGateInstanceName cannot be found in the catalog of the unknownOnSide or has been altered, such that the table definitions in the Db2 Data Gate instance are not longer in sync with the definitions in the database.


Schema that the out-of-sync table belongs to
Name of the table that is out of sync
Name of the instance
Catalog that does not list a table with the specified name (ACCELERATOR or DATABASE).

Problem determination

The Db2 catalog table SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES and the information in the Db2 Data Gate instance catalog are out of sync with regard to the specified table. This might have been caused by a restore operation or a modification of the original Db2 table.

User action

  • If the warning was issued while the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_REMOVE_TABLES stored procedure was running, do not take any action. The inconsistency has already been removed.
  • If the warning was issued while the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_GET_TABLES_INFO stored procedure was running, check if columns were added to or modified in the original table after it was defined in the Db2 Data Gate instance. In this case, remove the table from the Db2 Data Gate instance and define it again.
  • In all other cases, check the SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES table for recent modifications or restore operations to determine the cause of the inconsistency. If possible, restore the latest state of the table. If this is not possible:
    1. Remove the Db2 Data Gate instance table (using SYSPROC.DATAGATE_REMOVE_TABLES)
    2. Redefine it (using SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ADD_TABLES).

DGU10077W The tableSchema.tableName table is unknown in the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance.


Schema name of the table that does not exist
Name of the table that does not exist
Name of the instance

Problem determination

A table cannot be removed because it cannot be found in the catalog of the Db2 Data Gate instance. This table is ignored so that the processing of the other tables can continue.

User action

No action necessary.

DGU10078E The value value for the columnName column of type columnDataType in table tableSchema.tableName (partition ID: partID) is not supported by the product: diagnosticText


Name of the schema that the table belongs to
Name of the table
Logical ID of the partition in which the table resides
Name of the affected table column
Data type of the column in which the unsupported value was found
Value that cannot be processed by the instance
Optional diagnostic information with details about the error.

Problem determination

A value in a Db2 table is not supported by the product. Displayed in the error message is a short extract of the full value. The first part (before the square brackets) shows the last 10 correct bytes. The square brackets indicate the point of error. The brackets contain the first 10 illegal or unsupported bytes, which makes it easier for you to locate the point of error and analyze its cause. Because the value is not supported, you cannot load a table that contains this value. The error occurs for example in the following cases: 1) A Db2 string value contains invalid UTF-8 sequences in a CHAR column. 2) A Db2 floating point value exceeds the exponent range for IEEE single precision in a REAL column.

User action

  • Change the values in the original Db2 tables to close nearby values that will not influence the results too much.
  • Alternatively, remove the table that cannot be loaded from the Db2 Data Gate instance. You might receive a message similar to 04E-00E4007 abend LOC=DSNUT101.DSNUGSDA for those Db2 UNLOAD utilities that have already unloaded data to the Db2 Data Gate instance. You can ignore this message and delete the corresponding dump files.

DGU10079E The tableSchema.tableName in the Db2 subsystem with the location name locationName has too many informational unique key columns. The table can have maxNumOrganizingKeyColumns informational unique key columns at most, but numOrganizingKeyColumns columns have been specified. The limit has been exceeded.


Location name identifying the Db2 subsystem to which the table belongs
Schema name of the table that uses the informational unique keys
Name of the table that uses the informational unique keys
Number of informational unique key columns that were specified for the table
Allowed maximum number of informational unique key columns

Problem determination

The table has too many informational unique key columns.

User action

Specify fewer informational unique key columns so that the limit is not exceeded.

DGU10080E The distribution key for table tableSchema.tableName in the database system with the location name locationName can have maxNumDistributionKeyColumns columns at most. However, numDistributionKeyColumns columns have been specified. The limit has been exceeded.


Location name identifying the Db2 subsystem to which the table belongs
Schema name of the table that uses the distribution key
Name of the table that uses the distribution key
Number of specified distribution key columns
Allowed maximum number of distribution key columns

Problem determination

The distribution key has too many columns.

User action

Reduce the number of columns in the distribution key so that the limit is not exceeded.

DGU10081E A plan with an ID of planid cannot be found in the Db2 Data Gate instance.


The plan ID that was specified for the stored procedure could not be found in the instance

Problem determination

The specified plan ID is unknown to the Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

Rerun the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_GET_QUERIES stored procedure to obtain the most recent plan ID.

DGU10082E The schema of the tableSchema.tableName table was changed after adding the table to this Db2 Data Gate instance: details.


Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table
Exception details

Problem determination

This exception occurs when a column definition was changed or a column was added or removed from a table by an ALTER TABLE statement after adding the table to an Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

  1. Remove the table from the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  2. Re-add the table to the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  3. Rerun the stored procedure that returned the error.

DGU10084W The dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance was removed from the Db2 subsystem that sets the reference time for Db2 Data Gate instances. From now on, the Db2 Data Gate instance uses the time of the newReferenceTimeSubsystemName subsystem as the reference time. This might impose restrictions on the use of certain SQL statements.


Name of the Db2 subsystem that now provides the reference time for the instances
Name of the instance

Problem determination

The system date and time of a Db2 Data Gate instance must be in sync with the system date and time of the database subsystems to which it is attached. Otherwise queries that contain expressions like CURRENT_DATA, CURRENT_TIME, or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP cannot be processed correctly. If a Db2 Data Gate instance is attached to multiple subsystems, the subsystem to which it was added first sets the reference time. Ideally, the system dates and times of all subsystems that use a Db2 Data Gate instance are the same. If a Db2 Data Gate instance is attached to subsystems with different date and time settings, and the Db2 Data Gate instance is removed from the subsystem that sets the reference time, one of the other subsystems takes over, that is, sets the reference time for the Db2 Data Gate instance. This might lead to different query results if your queries contain any of the SQL expressions mentioned before.

User action

The easiest solution is to avoid queries that use SQL expressions such as CURRENT_DATA, CURRENT_TIME, or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. If this is not possible, remove the Db2 Data Gate instance from subsystems with different date and time settings.

DGU10088W The tableSchema.tableName table was loaded or updated successfully in the Db2 Data Gate instance, but the REFRESH_TIME column of the SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES catalog table could not be updated. Diagnostic information: diagnosticText


Schema name of the table that was loaded
Name of the table that was loaded
Diagnostic information indicating why the REFRESH_TIME column could not be updated.

Problem determination

The table was successfully loaded, but the timestamp for this event could not be updated in the SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES catalog table in Db2. The next time you run the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES stored procedure on the same table, another attempt is made to update the timestamp.

DGU10089W The following problem occurred during the migration of the Db2 Data Gate instance catalog: description.


Description of the migration problem

Problem determination

A problem was encountered during the migration (update) of the Db2 Data Gate instance metadata. An auto-correction is in place for problems of this type.

User action

If you are interested in the corrective actions that were taken by the Db2 Data Gate instance, see the information in the problem description.

DGU10091W Tried to add the tableSchema.tableName table to the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance, but the data type of the following columns is not supported: columnList


Name of the instance
Name of the table schema
Name of the table
Comma-separated list of all columns in the current table whose data type is not supported

Problem determination

This warning occurs if you want to add a table to the Db2 Data Gate instance, but the table contains one or more columns whose data type is not supported by IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate. To check the data type compatibility, IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate reads the entries in the SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS catalog table of Db2 for z/OS.

DGU10100E The value NULL was specified for the parameterName parameter of the stored procedure, but NULL is not a valid value for this parameter.


Name of the parameter for which NULL was used as a value

Problem determination

This error occurs when SQL NULL has been used as a parameter value although NULL is not allowed. In most error situations of this kind, NULL was used by default because the caller of the stored procedure omitted a value that was mandatory in the given context.

User action

Specify a valid parameter value.

DGU10101E The 'value' value is not valid for the parameterName parameter.


Name of the parameter whose value is incorrect
The incorrect value

Problem determination

This error indicates that an incorrect input parameter value was passed to a stored procedure.

User action

Correct the incorrect input value.

DGU10102E The value 'identifier' is incorrect for an identifier of the type type. The error condition is: condition. The identifier can take on a maximum length of maxLength. The minimum length is 1.


Describes the error.
Type of the incorrect identifier
The incorrect identifier value
Allowed maximum length of the identifier

Problem determination

This error occurs when an input parameter of a stored procedure contains an invalid identifier value. This happens, for example, if the Db2 Data Gate instance name is too long. The incorrect value can be a database name, a Db2 Data Gate instance name, a schema name, a location name, a table name, a column name, a table space qualifier, a table space name or a path in a hierarchical file system.

User action

Specify a correct identifier value.

DGU10103E The value 'value' is incorrect for the name environment variable, which is of the type type. Error condition: condition. Additional diagnostic information: additionalDiagnostic


Describes the error.
Type of the incorrect value
Name of the environment variable
Value of the environment variable
Additional diagnostic information

Problem determination

This error occurs when an environment variable that is used by a stored procedure contains an invalid value, for example, a string where a number is expected.

User action

Specify a correct value in the DGUENV data set. If you use the ISPF editor, make sure to use the 'NUM OFF' setting. Otherwise, automatically inserted line numbers are appended to the values of the environment variables.

DGU10105E The 'dataType' data type is used by the columnName column in the tableSchema.tableName table. Columns with this data type cannot be used in distribution keys or as organizing keys.


Name of the schema that the table with the column in question belongs to
Name of the table that the column belongs to
Name of the column for which an unsupported data type has been defined
Name of the unsupported data type

Problem determination

This error occurs when a user has specified a column with an unsupported data type as an organizing key or as a distribution key column.

User action

Select a different column as an organizing key or distribution key column or remove the key definition from the table specification.

DGU10107E The tableSchema.tableName table is not partitioned by range. Only range-partitioned tables are supported.


Name of the schema that the unsupported table belongs to
Name of the unsupported table

Problem determination

Only range-partitioned tables are supported.

User action

Remove all tables that are not partitioned by range from the table set and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10109E A table with the name tableSchema.tableName was specified more than once.


Name of the schema that the duplicate table belongs to
Name of the duplicate table

Problem determination

This error occurs when one and the same table occurs multiple times in an input parameter. Table names must be unique within a set of tables.

User action

Remove the duplicate table name from the parameter value and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10114E The tableSchema.tableName table is of the type tableType, which is not a base table type. Only base tables are supported.


Name of the schema that the unsupported table belongs to
Name of the unsupported table
Type of the unsupported table

Problem determination

This error occurs when a table that is referenced by a Db2 Data Gate table set is not a base table. Only base tables (as opposed to other tables, such as views, auxiliary tables or XML tables) are supported.

User action

Remove all tables that are not base tables from the table set and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10115W The table tableSchema.tableName may not be processed correctly because it was defined with a version of the Db2 Data Gate instance software that is newer than the currently active stored procedures. The table uses feature support level tableSupportLevel, but the stored procedure that is currently in use can only handle tables defined at support level highestSupportLevelAllowed or lower.


Schema name of the table that was created with a newer version
Name of the table that was created with a newer version
The support level of the table
The highest support level that the stored procedure can handle

Problem determination

This error warning occurs when a table was defined in a Db2 Data Gate instance with a newer version of the Db2 Data Gate instance software. The higher support level indicates that this version supports a wider range of data types and other features than the currently active version of the stored procedures. If the table uses a data type or feature that is not supported by the stored procedures, it cannot be processed correctly.

User action

Check if a problem exists that prohibits the installation of the newest stored procedures, for example, in the STEPLIB section of the WLM application environment. After correcting the problem, rerun the last operation with the most recent version of the stored procedures. If you want to continue using the current (older) version of the stored procedures, remove the problematic table from the Db2 Data Gate instance and re-define it by using the current version of SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ADD_TABLES.

DGU10116E The output location for the trace file is missing (empty string). Specify a valid file name or data-set name.

Problem determination

This error occurs when an empty string was specified as the value of the outputLocation XML attribute in the COMMAND input parameter.

User action

Specify a file name in the outputLocation XML attribute of the COMMAND input parameter and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10118E The pairing code givenPassword is incorrect or has expired.


The specified pairing code

Problem determination

This error occurs when the Db2 Data Gate instance refuses a pairing code because it is incorrect or has expired.

User action

Try to add the Db2 Data Gate instance again with a newly generated (valid) pairing code.

DGU10120E A Db2 Data Gate instance with the name instanceToCreate could not be added to the Db2 subsystem because the name already exists.


Name of the instance

Problem determination

This exception occurs when a Db2 Data Gate instance cannot be added to a Db2 subsystem because the name of the Db2 Data Gate instance already exists in the system tables of the subsystem.

User action

Specify a different Db2 Data Gate instance name.

DGU10121E The PARTITIONS value for the tableSchema.tableName table, which was specified as the value of the parameterName parameter for the stored procedure, contains an error. The error is at position offset of the value string value.


Name of the parameter for which an incorrect PARTITIONS value was specified
Name of the schema that the table belongs to
Name of the table for which an incorrect PARTITIONS value was specified
The position of the error in the value string of the PARTITIONS element
The PARTITIONS value in which the error was found

Problem determination

This error occurs if the PARTITIONS element of the input XML string for the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES or SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ARCHIVE_TABLES stored procedure contains incorrect PARTITIONS values for a table. The error message gives you information about the position of the error in the PARTITIONS element.

User action

Correct the PARTITIONS element value and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10122E The parameterName parameter of the stored procedure specifies invalid partitions partitions for the tableSchema.tableName table.


Name of the parameter in which the invalid partition numbers were found
Name of the schema that the table belongs to
Name of the affected (partitioned) table
The invalid partition numbers that were found

Problem determination

This error occurs when the PARTITIONS element of the input XML string for the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES stored procedure contains a logical partition number value that does not exist for this table in Db2 for z/OS. The error message gives you information about the position of the error in the PARTITIONS element.

User action

Remove the invalid partition numbers from the PARTITIONS element and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10123E The tableSchema.tableName table uses the feature feature, which is not supported by IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate.


Name of the schema that the table with the unsupported feature belongs to
Name of the table with the unsupported feature
Type of the feature that is not supported (descriptive string)

Problem determination

This error occurs when the table that you want to add to a Db2 Data Gate instance uses a Db2 feature that is not supported by IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate.

User action

Remove the table with the unsupported feature from the table set and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10124E Your Db2 subsystem does not permit to write trace information to the standard output stream (STDOUT).

Problem determination

This error occurs if your Db2 subsystem does not permit to write trace data to the standard output stream (STDOUT).

User action

Do not request the output to be directed to STDOUT. Modify the MESSAGE input parameter of the stored procedure accordingly.

DGU10127E The value of the parameterName parameter contains an invalid character at position positionOfInvalidCharacter. Diagnostic information: diagnosticInfo.


Name of the parameter
Position of the first invalid character in the input parameter value. Note that this is the character position, which is not necessarily identical to the byte position.
The hexadecimal UTF-16 representation of the invalid character

Problem determination

This error occurs when an input parameter value of a stored procedure contains a character that is not allowed by the XML 1.0 specification. The invalid character makes it impossible to return the wrong value in the XML message output parameter.

User action

Correct the input value.

DGU10128E The value parameterValue of the parameterName parameter contains a forbidden character at position positionOfInvalidCharacter.


Name of the affected parameter
Parameter value that contains the forbidden characters
Position of the first forbidden character in the parameter value (instance name)

Problem determination

This error occurs when the Db2 Data Gate instance name that is specified as an input value for the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ADD_ACCELERATOR2 stored procedure contains forbidden characters. Note: Only the first forbidden character is identified in the error message. There might be more.

User action

Correct the parameter value. Allowed characters are A-Z, 0-9.

DGU10129E The 'componentName' component does not exist or is unknown. Hence events or errors related to this component cannot be traced.


Specified component name

Problem determination

This error occurs if the MESSAGE input parameter contains an invalid XML component name.

User action

Check and correct the component names in the MESSAGE input parameter.

DGU10130E The Db2 Data Gate instance could not be added to the Db2 subsystem because the instanceConflict Db2 Data Gate instance uses the same IP address (iPConflict).


The name of the instance that uses an identical IP address
The duplicate IP address

Problem determination

All Db2 Data Gate instances of a Db2 subsystem must have unique IP addresses.

User action

Check whether the existing Db2 Data Gate instance with the same IP address is the one that you wanted to add. If not, assign a unique IP address to the new Db2 Data Gate instance.

DGU10131E The tableSchema.tableName table resides in the tablespaceQualifier.tablespaceName table space, which is unavailable or cannot be accessed for the requested operation. The status of this table space in the Db2 catalog table SYSIBM.SYSTABLESPACE (output of the Db2 command -DISPLAY DATABASE SPACENAM) is tablespaceStatus.


Name of the schema that the table in the unavailable table space belongs to
Name of the table in the unavailable table space
Name of the database containing the unavailable table space
Name of the unavailable table space
Status of the table space that is unavailable to the requested function according to the SYSIBM.SYSTABLESPACE catalog table or the output of the DISPLAY DATABASE SPACENAM command.

Problem determination

This error occurs if a table is listed in a table set for Db2 Data Gate instance processing, but the table-space status of this table does not permit the requested operation.

User action

Remove the affected tables from the table set and rerun the stored procedure, or make the table space available again, for example by running the REORG command to remove a status of AREO.

DGU10132E A Db2 Data Gate instance with the name instanceToCreate could not be added to the Db2 subsystem because a remote location with the name locationToCreate already exists.


The specified instance name
The specified location name

Problem determination

This exception occurs when a Db2 Data Gate instance cannot be defined in the system tables of the Db2 subsystem because a remote location with the same name already exists.

User action

Specify a different location name for the Db2 Data Gate instance.

DGU10133E The acceleratedTableSchema.acceleratedTableName table cannot be added twice to the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance. An entry already exists in the catalog table SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES.


The specified instance
The specified schema
The specified table name

Problem determination

This exception occurs when you try to add a table more than once to the same Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

Consider dropping the table or modify the table set (table_specification parameter) for the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ADD_TABLES stored procedure.

DGU10134E The acceleratedTableSchema.acceleratedTableName table does not exist in the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance.


Name of the table schema
Name of the table
Name of the instance

Problem determination

This error occurs when a table is specified in an input table set, but not listed as a table in the SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES catalog table. A possible reason is that the table has just been defined by a concurrent run of the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ADD_TABLES stored procedure, which has not yet ended. Another possible reason is that the table is a reference table and its corresponding SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES record is missing when invoking SYSPROC.DATAGATE_REMOVE_REFERENCE_TABLES.

User action

If the table is part of a set of tables that is just being added to the Db2 Data Gate instance, wait until the table definition process has ended and then rerun the stored procedure that returned the error. If the table is a reference table in error, remove the table as follows:
  1. Run SYSPROC.DATAGATE_REMOVE_TABLES to remove the table from the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  2. Submit a DROP TABLE statement to remove its entry from the Db2 catalog.

In all other cases, take one of the following actions:

  1. Remove the table from the input table set and rerun the stored procedure.
  2. Add the table to the Db2 Data Gate instance and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10138E The 'identifier' value for identifier type type contains an illegal character at position positionOfInvalidCharacter.


Type of the incorrect name (that is, schema name, table name, etc.)
The illegal character in the name
Position of the first illegal character in the name

Problem determination

This error occurs when a schema name, table name, or column name contains a character that is not allowed in the Db2 Data Gate instance. For example, backslashes or double quotes are not allowed.

User action

Replace the illegal characters with characters that are allowed in the Db2 Data Gate instance. To maintain compatibility with in-house Db2 queries, insert a view that maps the changed names to the original names.

DGU10139E The tableSchema.tableName table does not contain any column that is suitable for Db2 Data Gate.


Schema of the specified table
Name of the specified table

Problem determination

The specified table cannot be used for Db2 Data Gate because none of its columns fulfills the conditions.

User action

Do not add this table to a Db2 Data Gate instance.

DGU10141E The range-partitioned table tableSchema.tableName cannot be processed because the partitioning ranges are not known.


Schema name of the table
Name of the table

Problem determination

A range-partitioned table cannot be processed because the boundaries or limits of the partitions are unknown. This happens if ranges have not been defined, because a partitioning index is missing.

User action

  1. Define partitioning ranges for the table by creating the partitioning index.
  2. Retry the operation.

DGU10142E A Db2 Data Gate instance with the name instanceToCreate could not be added to the Db2 subsystem because the SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES catalog table contains entries for tables in a Db2 Data Gate instance with the same name.


Name of the instance

Problem determination

This exception occurs when table definitions exist in the SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES catalog table, although the Db2 Data Gate instance that these tables belong to has already been deleted. This is most likely the result of an incomplete manual cleanup.

User action

Remove the orphaned table entries from SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES or specify a different Db2 Data Gate instance name.

DGU10143E An unsupported version specifiedLevel of the Db2 Data Gate stored procedures was specified in the compatibilityLevel element of the message input parameter. The latest supported version is currentLevel.


Compatibility level that was specified in the message input parameter
Latest supported version

Problem determination

This exception occurs when an invalid value was specified for the compatibilityLevel element of the message input parameter of a stored procedure. For backward compatibility, specify a version not older that the earliest and not newer than the latest supported version.

User action

Specify a valid value or remove the compatibilityLevel element from the message input parameter.

DGU10147E The tableSchema.tableName table resides in the tablespaceQualifier.tablespaceName table space, whose status is NOT LOGGED. You cannot enable incremental updates for such a table (the table cannot be enabled for replication).


Name of the schema that the affected table belongs to
Name of the affected table
Name of the database containing the affected table
Name of the table space of the affected table

Problem determination

This error occurs when you want to enable incremental updates for a table, but logging is not enabled for activities that affect the table space of this table. Table changes can only be replicated if they can be written to the log of the table space.

User action

Enable logging for the table space by using the ALTER TABLESPACE SQL statement.

DGU10148W The specified partition list was ignored because the value attributeValue of the attributeName attribute does not permit the use of a partition list. The affected table is attributeTableSchema.attributeTableName.


Name of the XML attribute
Value of the XML attribute
Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table

Problem determination

If you specify forceFullReload='true' or detectChanges='DATA' for a table to be loaded, you cannot use a partition list because the partitions are determined by the Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

Determine what most suits your needs: to selectively load certain table partitions, to capture and propagate the latest changes to a table, or to fully reload a table for whatever reason. Then adjust the XML input parameter accordingly. That is, change the attribute values, completely remove certain attributes, or remove the partition list from the XML input parameter. Finally, rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10149E The tableSchema.tableName table has an incomplete definition according to its entry in the Db2 catalog table SYSIBM.SYSTABLES.


Name of the schema that the table in the unavailable table space belongs to
Name of the table in the unavailable table space

Problem determination

This error occurs when a table is listed in a table set for Db2 Data Gate instance processing, but the table is definition is not complete. Only tables with complete definitions can be used.

User action

To solve this error, take one of the following actions:
  • Remove all tables with incomplete definitions from the table set and rerun the stored procedure.
  • Try to understand the reasons for the incomplete definitions by looking at the corresponding entries in the TABLESTATUS column of the SYSIBM.SYSTABLES catalog table. If you can eliminate the causes:
    1. Remove the incompletely defined tables from the Db2 Data Gate instance
    2. Re-define these tables.
    3. Rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10151E The tableSchema.tableName table cannot be defined in a Db2 Data Gate instance because it uses multiple encoding schemes.


Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table

Problem determination

The specified table contains columns that use encoding schemes other than the encoding scheme of the table space because they were created with an explicit CCSID clause.

DGU10152E The tableSchema.tableName table resides in the databaseName database, which is read-only and therefore unavailable for the requested operation.


Name of the table schema in the read-only database
Name of the table in the read-only database
Name of the read-only database

Problem determination

This error occurs when a table is listed in a table set for Db2 Data Gate instance processing, but the database of this table has been started in read-only mode.

User action

Remove the affected tables from the table set or start the database in read/write mode and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10200E The operation operation failed. Error information: sqlError. The unsuccessful operation was initiated by the following statement: sqlStatement.


A keyword that identifies the failed operation. The following keywords exist:
SQL error information that describes the error and lists the error tokens
SQL statement or API call that caused the problem

Problem determination

This error occurs when an unexpected error from an SQL statement or API call, such as DSNRLI in Db2 for z/OS, is encountered. Details about the error are part of the message, for example, the SQL code and the SQL message.

User action

Look up the reported SQL code in the documentation of your database management system and try to correct the error.

DGU10201E Information about the 'dataGateInstanceName' Db2 Data Gate instance in the IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate catalog tables is inconsistent.


Name of the affected accelerator

Problem determination

This error occurs when inconsistent information about a Db2 Data Gate instance is found in the IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate catalog tables in the Db2 subsystem. Example: A Db2 Data Gate instance is listed in the SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATORS table, but a corresponding entry cannot be found in the SYSIBM.LOCATIONS table. This error must not be confused with a situation in which the Db2 Data Gate instance server cannot be reached.

User action

  1. Remove all entries pertaining to the affected Db2 Data Gate instance from the IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate catalog tables in your Db2 subsystem.
  2. Add the Db2 Data Gate instance again from Cloud Pak for Data or by running the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ADD_ACCELERATOR2 stored procedure. Make sure to use the same name as before.

DGU10202S The 'dataGateInstanceName' Db2 Data Gate instance cannot be contacted over the network. Additional diagnostic data: additionalDiagnostic


Name of the affected Db2 Data Gate instance
Additional diagnostic data

Problem determination

This error occurs when a connection to a Db2 Data Gate instance could not be established. This might indicate that:
  • A network problem exists between your Db2 subsystem and the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  • The IP addresses or port numbers that are stored in the Db2 subsystem are wrong.
  • The Db2 Data Gate instance is not running.

User action

  1. Check the configuration of the network between your Db2 subsystem and the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  2. Verify that the entries in the system tables SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATORS, SYSIBM.LOCATIONS, SYSIBM.IPNAMES, and SYSIBM.USERNAMES are correct.

DGU10205S An internal processing error occurred in the stored procedure. Diagnostic information: errorMessage


Additional diagnostic information about the error.

Problem determination

This error occurs when IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate encounters an unknown internal error.

DGU10206E The operation operation on the fileName file, data set, or pipe failed in z/OS. Diagnostic information: diagnosticMessage


Name of the file, data set, or pipe that causes the problem
Operation that was attempted on the file, data set or pipe.
Additional diagnostic information.

Problem determination

This error occurs when a file, data set, or pipe in z/OS cannot be created or accessed. The cause of the error depends on the type of the operation. For example: invalid file names or insufficient access rights.

User action

Check the diagnostic information, refer to #Return codes (errnos)# in the z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes documentation. Error code 133 usually indicates that no space is left in the z/OS UNIX hierarchical file system (zFS) and you need to clean up old temporary files from the /tmp directory.

DGU10207E Writing to a file is restricted to one process at a time. If a file has been opened for writing, it's not possible to open this file for writing again at the same time.


Data set location (file name)
Return code received from the file control system function
Error code returned by the file control system function

Problem determination

Most likely, the same MESSAGE input parameter has been specified for the tracing of different stored procedures that are running in parallel.

User action

Check the MESSAGE input parameter used by your IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate stored procedures. Ensure that stored procedures running in parallel use different trace file names.

DGU10300E A string could not be converted from the coded character set identifier (CCSID) sourceCcsid to CCSID targetCcsid. The z/OS Unicode Conversion Services (UCS) returned error code returnCode and reason code reasonCode. The error class is error.


Type of the error. The following types of errors exist:
CCSID in which the original string is encoded.
CCSID to which the string should have been converted.
Return code received from z/OS Unicode Conversion Services (UCS). If a return code is not available, 0 is returned.
Reason code received from UCS. If a return code is not available, 0 is returned. The availability of a reason code depends on the return code.

Problem determination

This error occurs when the UCS could not convert a string from one CCSID or code page to another.

User action

  1. Look up the return code and the reason code in the UCS documentation.
  2. Verify a correct UCS setup.

DGU10301E An error occurred in the interfaceName service of your database management system (DBMS). The return code is returnCode. The reason code is reasonCode. Additional diagnostic information: 'additionalInfo'


Name of the service that returned the error
Return code received from the service
Reason code reported by the service
Additional diagnostic information

Problem determination

This error occurs when a problem is reported by a service of the DBMS.

User action

  • If the problem was reported by the DSNTIAR service or the DSNRLI service, you, as a user, cannot analyze and solve the problem. Contact IBM support in such a case.
  • If the problem was reported by the DSNUTILU service, check the diagnostic information that was output by the DSNUTILU stored procedure and try to solve the problem.

DGU10302E The SYSPROC.ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM stored procedure could not retrieve the ZPARMs of the Db2 subsystem. Possible reasons: insufficient privileges of the user who invoked the stored procedure (MONITOR1 is required), IFI errors, or SQL errors in the SYSPROC.ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM stored procedure. Additional diagnostic information from ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM: 'additionalInfo


Additional diagnostic information reported by ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM that describe the IFI error or SQL error that is encountered.

Problem determination

This error occurs when the ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM stored procedure, which retrieves the ZPARMs of the current Db2 subsystem, fails to return valid results. Possible reasons are internal errors in ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM (like failures to issue the respective IFI calls) or insufficient privileges of the caller.

User action

Ask your system administrator to check the privileges of the caller or resolve the errors in the IFI call.

DGU10303E The 'location' data set cannot be allocated dynamically by the stored procedure. The allocation failed with return code returnCode, error code errorCode and reason code reasonCode.


Data set location (file name)
Return code received from the dynalloc function
Error code returned by the MVS dynamic allocation functions
Information code returned by the MVS dynamic allocation functions

Problem determination

This exception occurs when a data set for a stored procedure could not be allocated dynamically on z/OS. In the context of the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR stored procedure, this usually means that there is not enough disk space for a data set big enough to hold the trace data to be saved.

User action

Look up the reason code in the MVS dynalloc documentation and eliminate the cause of the allocation failure.

DGU10304W An error occurred during the invalidation of the Db2 Dynamic Statement Cache after the loading of a table or the moving of partition data. The return code is returnCode. The following diagnostic information was returned by the DSNUTILU utility, which was used to invalidate the cache: 'additionalInfo'


Return code received from DSNUTILU
Additional diagnostic information from DSNUTILU.

Problem determination

This warning occurs when the loading of a table or the moving of partition data succeeded, but the invalidation of the dynamic statement cache failed for the processed tables.

User action

Invalidate the dynamic statement cache manually. The statement that you have to use for this action is shown in the diagnostic information that was returned by the DSNUTILU utility.

DGU10308E The caller (user ID) of the storedProcedureSchemaDotName stored procedure is not authorized to run the user-defined function udfSchemaDotName (missing EXECUTE authority). The value of the storedProcedureParameterName input parameter requests an execution of the subfunction functionXMLElement. The udfSchemaDotName function checks whether a user is authorized to run this sub-function.


Name of the user-defined function that was run to check the authorization for running a sub-function
Name of the sub-function that the caller of the stored procedure must not execute.
Name of the parameter whose value indicates that the use of the indicated sub-function is not authorized.
Name of the stored procedure that was invoked

Problem determination

Running the requested sub-function of the stored procedure requires EXECUTE authorization for a separate user-defined function in Db2 for z/OS.

User action

Grant EXECUTE authority for the user-defined function to the caller of the stored procedure.

DGU10400E An internal XML processing error of the type xmlError occurred. Information from the XML parser: 'errorMessage'. Context information from the calling stored procedure: 'errorContext'.


Possible error types during XML processing
Additional information about the error from the XML parser
Additional information about the error context in the stored procedure

Problem determination

This error message is displayed when an internal XML processing error has occurred. Do not confuse this with the error that occurs when an invalid XML document cannot be parsed because it does not conform to the corresponding XML schema.

DGU10402E The XML document cannot be validated and parsed correctly because it does not conform to the corresponding XML schema. Error 'xercesError' was detected in line lineNumber, column columnNumber of the following XML document: 'partialXmlDocument', submitted as parameter: 'StoredProcedureParameterName'.


Error message returned by the XML parsing component
Number of the line containing the error
Number of the column containing the error
The first 400 characters of the XML document containing the error
The Name of the stored procedure parameter name.

Problem determination

This error occurs when an XML document cannot be parsed and validated because the document does not conform to the corresponding XML schema. The error message contains information about the position of the error.

User action

If you use an XML document as input for a stored procedure, use the error information in the message to correct the error.

DGU10403E The value (XML document) of the parameterName parameter is invalid because it contains an invalid attribute combination in the 'elementName' XML element. The following attribute combination is not allowed: 'attributeNameA=\"attributeValueA\"' and 'attributeNameB=\"attributeValueB\"'.


Name of the first attribute
Value of the first attribute
Name of the second attribute
Value of the second attribute
Name of the element containing the invalid attribute combination
Name of the parameter containing the invalid XML input document

Problem determination

This error occurs when an XML document provided as input to a stored procedure cannot be validated because the document contains an XML element with an invalid combination of attributes or attribute values. The error message contains information about the XML element and its attributes.

User action

Use the error information in the message to correct the error.

DGU10413E The Db2 real-time statistics could not be externalized. Diagnostic information: diagnosticInfo.


Diagnostic information about the cause of the issue.

Problem determination

The real-time statistics could not be externalized, that is, could not be written from the system memory to the real-time statistics table. This means that the newly gathered statistics do not contribute to the metrics that support processing decisions. If processing continues, the decisions will be based on obsolete and therefore inaccurate data.

User action

  1. Analyze the diagnostic information in the message text. Ensure that the user (ID) who runs the stored procedure has the right to invoke the Db2 command -ACCESS DATABASE (ACCESS DB).
  2. Check whether the value of the AQT_RTS_EXTERNALIZATION_AUTH_FAILURE environment variable is appropriate.

DGU10414W The Db2 real-time statistics could not be externalized because the user is not authorized to invoke the Db2 command -ACCESS DATABASE (ACCESS DB). Processing continues because the AQT_RTS_EXTERNALIZATION_AUTH_FAILURE environment variable is set to WARNING.

Problem determination

The real-time statistics could not be externalized, that is, could not be written from the system memory to the real-time statistics table. This means that the newly gathered statistics do not contribute to the metrics that support processing decisions. Processing continues because the AQT_RTS_EXTERNALIZATION_AUTH_FAILURE environment variable is set to the value WARNING, but processing decisions will be based on obsolete and therefore inaccurate data. This might cause unwanted side-effects (see the description of AQT_RTS_EXTERNALIZATION_AUTH_FAILURE in Environment variables).

User action

No action is required.

DGU10415W Db2 column statistics are not available for the acceleratedTableSchema.acceleratedTableName table. The absence of appropriate statistics will prevent an automatic creation of organizing keys.


Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table

Problem determination

As long as column statistics are missing, organizing keys cannot be automatically created. As a result, incremental updates might be applied inefficiently.

User action

You can ignore this message unless you want to create organizing keys automatically during the initial load of the table and have enabled the corresponding function on the Db2 Data Gate Console. In this case, run the Db2 RUNSTATS utility to collect the missing statistics.

DGU10416I The Db2 Data Gate instance dataGateInstanceName has started a operation operation with parallelismGoal parallel threads. The operation has the unique identifier taskId.


Name of the instance
Unique identifier of the corresponding instance task
Number of parallel threads
Type of the operation that was started

Problem determination

This message indicates the beginning of a load process for the specified Db2 Data Gate instance. If the environment variable AQT_DO_SYSLOGGING is set, this message is written to the system log (SYSLOG) of the connected z/OS system.

User action

No action is required.

DGU10417I The dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance has completed operation task taskId.


Name of the instance
Unique identifier of the corresponding instance task
Type of the operation that was started

Problem determination

This message indicates the completion of a load process for the Db2 Data Gate instance. If the environment variable AQT_DO_SYSLOGGING is set, this message is written to the system log (SYSLOG) of the connected z/OS system. The message does not indicate whether the load failed or succeeded.

User action

No action is required.

DGU10418I Load task loadTaskId for Db2 Data Gate instance dataGateInstanceName is being executed with fewer parallel threads than configured. loadParallelismGoal threads have been configured, but only loadParallelismCurrent threads are running.


Name of the instance
Unique identifier of the load task
Configured number of parallel threads
Actual number of parallel threads

Problem determination

The load job is carried out with fewer parallel threads than intended. The reason might be too many concurrent load jobs, including those that serve other connected Db2 subsystems.

User action

The load continues, but the processing time will increase. The number of threads increases automatically when free resources become available. To manually increase the number of threads for this particular job, identify and cancel other concurrently running load jobs for this Db2 Data Gate instance.

DGU10419I The number of parallel threads for load task loadTaskId in Db2 Data Gate instance dataGateInstanceName has increased again. loadParallelismGoal threads have been configured. loadParallelismCurrent threads are running.


Name of the instance
Unique identifier of the load task
Configured number of threads
Actual number of threads

Problem determination

The number of parallel threads executing this load job has been increased because the total number of concurrent load jobs went down. An automatic increase occurs only if the number of threads was reduced before.

User action

No action is required.

DGU10420E Load task loadTaskId in Db2 Data Gate instance dataGateInstanceName could not load the tableSchema.tableName table. The table was not loaded because: notLoadedCause.


Name of the instance
Unique identifier of the load task
Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table
Reason why the table could not be loaded

Problem determination

A particular table could not be loaded. This does not necessarily mean that none of the specified tables could be loaded. This message is only displayed if lock mode TABLE, PARTITIONS, ROW, or NONE is used.

User action

Find the faulty table and remove the cause of the failure. Then start a new load for this table only.

DGU10421E Load task loadTaskId in Db2 Data Gate instance dataGateInstanceName could not load partition partition of the tableSchema.tableName table. The partition was not loaded because: notLoadedCause.


Name of the instance
Unique identifier of the load task
Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table
Number (identifier) of the affected physical partition
Reason why the partition could not be loaded

Problem determination

A particular partition of a table could not be loaded. This does not necessarily mean that none of the specified tables or partitions could be loaded. This message is only displayed if lock mode PARTITIONS, ROW, or NONE is used.

User action

Find the faulty partition and remove the cause of the failure. Then start a new load for this partition only.

DGU10428E The tableSchema.tableName table cannot not be processed by the stored procedure because it is not defined in Db2.


Schema name of the specified table
Name of the specified table

Problem determination

The stored procedure cannot process a table that does not exist in Db2.

User action

Check the table names that were specified as input to the stored procedure. You might have mistyped a table name.

DGU10429E The network connection from the z/OS IP address sourceIP to the Db2 Data Gate instance IP address targetIP does not allow the transfer of data messages with a large payload (portion of the user data in a network packet).


IP address of the z/OS LPAR that communicates with the instance.
IP address of the instance

Problem determination

This message indicates that the MTU size or the MTU path discovery is misconfigured for the network path between the z/OS LPAR and the Db2 Data Gate instance. Large TCP/IP packets might get lost on their way, and the loss goes unnoticed. This might in turn lead to communication problems and deadlock situations. As a possible consequence, stored procedure calls do not return anything to the caller.

User action

With the help of your network administrator, validate the configuration of all network components from the z/OS LPAR to the Db2 Data Gate instance including switches, routers, and gateways in-between. Make sure that the MTU size is set properly, that the switches do not drop network packets, and that MTU path discovery is enabled on the switches. If your switches do not support this feature, make sure that all components use the same MTU size.

DGU10433I Number of tables successfully synchronized: numSynchronized. Number of tables which have been changed in Db2 since the last check, but do not need any changes in the Db2 Data Gate instance: numAlreadyInSync. Number of tables which can not be synchronized (unsupported change): numNotSynchronizable.


The number of tables that had changes and are now in sync
The number of tables that had not any instance-relevant changes (still in sync).
The number of tables that could not be brought in sync

Problem determination

Informational messages about the synchronize schema operation. It contains the numbers of the tables that were synchronized.

DGU10435E The table SYSACCEL.SYSACCELRATEDTABLEAUTH does not exist in the Db2 subsystem.

Problem determination


User action

Make sure you have applied PI77826 for Db2 z/OS V11 or PI91620 for Db2 z/OS V12 and that you have run the Db2-supplied job DSNTIJAS.

DGU10438W Access to the tableSchema.tableName table on the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance has already been granted to a referencing Db2 subsystem with the name remoteLocationName.


Schema name of the table
Name of the table
Name of the instance
Location name of the referencing Db2 subsystem

Problem determination

This error occurs, for example, when a table is specified in an input table set, but access has already been granted to a referencing Db2 subsystem with the given location name.

User action

If the table is part of a set of tables to which access must be granted, remove it from the input table set and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10444E The REMOTELOCATION column does not exist in the SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES table.

Problem determination

A required column is missing from the SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES table.

User action

Make sure you have applied Db2 fix (PTF) UI48595 (for Db2 11) or UI54293 (for Db2 12) and have run the Db2-supplied job DSNTIJAS.

DGU10453E A database with the name databaseName does not exist.


Name of the database

Problem determination

The specified database does not exist in the Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

  1. Correct the database name or leave out the userSpecifiedDatabase parameter.
  2. Rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10464E You don't have the privilege or authorization to remove table tableSchema.tableName .


Schema name of the table
Name of the table

Problem determination

You're not allowed to remove the tables.

User action

Obtain the required privilege or authorization and rerun the stored procedure.

DGU10500W An error prevented the stored procedure from returning all the result sets. However, the result that contains the output messages (status information regarding the stored-procedure run, associated with the MESSAGES_CURSOR) might be available none the less. If not, then you can find this information in the MESSAGE output parameter. If trace files could not be transferred to the result set associated with the SP_TRACE_CURSOR, they might have been left on the z/OS system, in the following location: traceFiles


Trace files that were left on the z/OS system

Problem determination

This warning indicates that your stored-procedure-run did not return all the result sets that are normally returned by the stored procedure.

User action

  1. Let applications that call the stored procedure dynamically process only the available result sets.
  2. Inspect the MESSAGE output parameter, or, if available, the MESSAGES_CURSOR result set to find the cause of the problem.
  3. If trace files have been left on the z/OS system, the location is indicated in this message. Check these messages if they are available.

DGU10501E The procSchema.procName stored procedure is incorrectly defined in Db2. The parameterName parameter of type parameterType was not found.


Schema name of the stored procedure
Name of the stored procedure
Name of the expected parameter in the CREATE PROCDURE DDL statement.
Type of the expected parameter in the CREATE PROCDURE DDL statement.

Problem determination

An expected stored-procedure parameter was not found.

User action

Make sure that the DDL statement for the stored procedures are correct. (These are usually set by the installer program AQTTRIN, except for remote wrapper stored procedures) Define at least the message output parameter as a CLOB with a size of 64K. Regarding remote wrapper procedures, contact the DDL provider for instructions. For procedures supplied with the product, verify that these were installed correctly. If so, contact IBM support.

DGU10502W Wrong value unicodeSortOrderValue for UNICODE_SORT_ORDER. The value BinaryUTF8 is taken instead.



Problem determination

This warning indicates that the stored procedure should not be called with a UNICODE_SORT_ORDER value other than BinaryUTF8.

User action

To avoid this warning, specify BinaryUTF8 as the value of UNICODE_SORT_ORDER.

DGU10503E A Db2 Data Gate instance could not be contacted. Diagnostic information with details about the connectivity problem: errorMessage


Additional diagnostic information about the error.

Problem determination

This exception occurs when a Db2 Data Gate instance cannot be contacted to determine its version.

User action

The diagnostic information in the message text gives more details on the kind of error. Check if the network address and the port number are correct. It may stem from incorrect input to the procedure.

DGU10506S The dataset specified with DD:DGUDEF6 cannot be opened or is empty.

Problem determination

The dataset specified with DD:DGUDEF6 cannot be found or the dataset is empty.

User action

Make sure the dataset specified with DD:DGUDEF6 does exist, is readable and contains valid XML according the corresponding XML schema.

DGU10507W At least one column of the tableSchema.tableName table has been altered, added, or removed in Db2 for z/OS after defining the table in the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance.


Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table
Name of the instance

Problem determination

This exception occurs when a column definition was changed or a column was added or removed from a table by an ALTER TABLE statement after adding the table to an Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

  1. Remove the table from the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  2. Re-add the table to the Db2 Data Gate instance.

DGU10508E An unsupported stored procedure or sub-function of a procedure has been called by IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate version version: unsupportedFunction


Name or description of the unsupported procedure or function.
Version of the stored procedure

Problem determination

This exception occurs when an unsupported stored procedure or sub-function has been called.

User action

The function is not supported and cannot be used with this version of the stored procedure.

DGU10509E In the input parameter (XML string) of the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_TEST_CONNECTION stored procedure, the version element, which is a sub-element of the diagnosticCommand element, contains an invalid combination of attributes. That is, the instance attribute is used together with the 'ip or port attribute. For details, see: errorMessage.


Additional diagnostic information about the error.

Problem determination

This error occurs if you run the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_TEST_CONNECTION stored procedure with the DIAGNOSTIC_SPECIFICATION parameter and if the value of this parameter (an XML string) contains an invalid combination of attributes.

User action

Use the instance attribute only, or both, the ip and port attributes.

DGU10510E The threads could not be started within the timeout period of timeout seconds.


Timeout period in seconds

Problem determination

This error occurs if the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES or the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_TEST_CONNECTION stored procedure cannot start parallel threads within the given timeout period. A timely start might be prevented by a high system workload with concurrent operations.

User action

Rerun the procedure operation when the system utilization is lower.

DGU10511W The packageFileName package was deployed (copied) without an integrity check because you neither specified a hash value for comparison, nor an algorithm or method for the hash verification.


Name of the unchecked package file

Problem determination

The integrity of the package could not be checked after deploying the file, such that a future activation step might fail.

User action

No action is required at this point. If the activation of the package fails, remove the package and deploy it again.

DGU10512E The Db2 Data Gate instance listening on port usedPort at IP address usedAddress is running on the platform platform. The stored procedure SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ADD_instance2 did not find the license module member, which entitles you to use that platform.


Network address used to contact the instance
Port number used to contact the instance
Hardware platform the instance is running on
License module (member of SAQTMOD) containing the hardware-specific license

Problem determination

This error occurs if a hardware-specific license module is missing from the SDGUMOD data set of your installation. The license module is needed to operate a Db2 Data Gate instance on that particular hardware.

User action

Check your installation on z/OS. You must install the entitlement FMID for the platform of the Db2 Data Gate instance.

DGU10513I The external load utility function callbackFunctionName ended with return code returnCode and the following message: message. Context: diagnosticInformation.


Name of the external load utility function
Additional information about the context
Return code issued by the external load utility function
Message issued by the external load utility function

Problem determination

An external load utility function called by SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES issued a return code and a message. This message might contain important information or instructions.

User action

Follow the instructions in the message (if any).

DGU10514W The external load utility function callbackFunctionName ended with return code returnCode and the following warning: message. Context: diagnosticInformation.


Name of the external load utility function
Additional information about the context
Return code issued by the external load utility function
Message issued by the external load utility function

Problem determination

An external load utility function called by SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES issued a return code and a warning.

User action

Heed the warning, as it might hint at unwanted circumstances or side-effects.

DGU10515E The external load utility function callbackFunctionName ended with return code returnCode and the following error message: message. Context: diagnosticInformation.


Name of the external load utility function
Additional information about the context
Return code issued by the external load utility function
Message issued by the external load utility function

Problem determination

An external load utility function called by SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES issued a return code and an error message.

User action

  1. Use the information in the message to eliminate the error.
  2. Rerun the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES stored procedure.

DGU10517I component=status


Internal name of the software component to be updated
Status of the software update for the component

Problem determination

When you run the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR stored procedure with the getActivationLog sub-command during a software update, the procedure tries to retrieve the update status for each software component. The status is reported in a separate message for each component.

User action

Monitor the update progress until the process has been completed for each component. If a software update could not be completed, contact IBM support.

DGU10518W The stored procedure is unable to connect to the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance. For that reason, the activation log was retrieved from the software update component.


Name of the instance

Problem determination

You ran SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR with the getActivationLog command to retrieve the software activation log from the specified Db2 Data Gate instance. However, the Db2 Data Gate instance stopped during a software update and cannot respond at the moment. If that happens, the stored procedure retrieves the activation log from the software update component instead.

User action

If you get this message during a planned software update, the stored procedure behaves as expected. Otherwise, check why the Db2 Data Gate instance is offline. If you cannot find the cause and solve the problem, contact IBM support.

DGU10519W The stored procedure failed to enable DATA CAPTURE CHANGES on the \"schemaName.tableName\" table. DATA CAPTURE CHANGES are required to identify pending incremental updates. Run the following SQL code to make up for this error: ALTER TABLE \"schemaName.tableName\" DATA CAPTURE CHANGES


Schema name of the table
Name of the table

Problem determination

The DATA CAPTURE CHANGES setting on a table is mandatory for the identification of pending incremental updates. The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_SET_TABLES_REPLICATION stored procedure tried to add this setting, but failed. The table is enabled for replication. However, without the setting, it cannot be synchronized successfully.

User action

  1. Run the suggested SQL code to set DATA CAPTURE CHANGES on the table.
  2. If this does not solve the problem, contact IBM support.

DGU19000I The AQTTRIN program was started for Db2 subsystem subsystemId Db2 for z/OS version db2Version, mode (systemMode)


Name of the Db2 subsystem
Version of Db2 for z/OS
Current Db2 mode. Possible values are: CMn Conversion mode, where n represents the Db2 version that you migrate from. NFM New-function mode

Problem determination

This message is returned when the AQTTRIN program starts. It gives you the version and the processing mode of the Db2 subsystem that the program connects to.

User action

No action is required.

DGU19001I The AQTTRIN program reports an internal error at location locationName because an unexpected object of the type objectType was encountered. The name of this object is objectName.


Diagnostic information that identifies the function that was involved in the error.
Type of the object
The name of the object as a specific name or as a qualified name: object-name is a specific name. SPECIFIC NAME name object-name is a qualified name (

Problem determination

The program ended because an unexpected object was encountered.

User action

Check the maintenance level of the AQTTRIN program. Update the program to the newest level if necessary. If the problem persists, contact IBM support.

DGU19002I The AQTTRIN program received the unexpected SQL code sqlCode from the SQL statement sqlRequest.


SQL code (a numeric value that hints at the cause of the SQL error)
All or part of the SQL statement that was issued. Long statements are truncated.

Problem determination

The AQTTRIN program received an unexpected SQL code while it was processing an SQL statement. Processing ended for that reason.

User action

Examine the standard SQLCA diagnostic messages and output in the SYSPRINT output log at the point of failure to determine the cause of the error. Correct the error and rerun the program.

DGU19003I AQTTRIN has encountered an error in the following control statement: dd = ddName, error = errorText, line = lineNumber, statement = errorStatement


The name of the data definition (DDL) statement.
The location (line number) of the error.
The control statement that caused the error.

Problem determination

AQTTRIN, the configuration program for routines that are supplied by IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate, encountered an error while it was processing a configuration control statement.

User action

  1. See the faulty control statement at the indicated line in the input, which was allocated by the specified data definition statement.
  2. Analyze and correct the problem.
  3. Resubmit the AQTxxxxx job to resume processing.

DGU19004I The AQTTRIN program has successfully created the objectType objectName object.


Type of the object
Name of the object, which is a specific name or a qualified name: object-name is a specific name SPECIFIC NAME name object-name is a qualified name

Problem determination

The AQTTRIN program has successfully created the SQL object.

User action

No action is required.

DGU19005I The AQTTRIN program has skipped processingType processing of the objectType, objectName object for the following reason: reasonText


Attempted SQL operation
Type of the object
Name of the object. The object name is a specific name or a qualified name: object-name is a specific name. SPECIFIC NAME name object-name is a qualified name (
This operation requires Db2 to be run in new-function mode.

Problem determination

The AQTTRIN program could not complete SQL processing for the indicated object.

User action

If you receive reason code 10, run the job again after Db2 has entered the new-function mode. Otherwise, no action is required.

DGU19006I The authorization IDs authorizationIds were granted accessType access on the objectType objectName object.


Authorization or access that was granted
Type of the object
Name of the object
The authorization IDs to which access was granted.

Problem determination

The AQTTRIN program has granted access on one or more objects to one or more authorization IDs as indicated in the message.

User action

  1. Verify that the granted access is appropriate for each of the authorization IDs. If the access is not appropriate, modify the GRANTTO parameter of the configuration control statement for each stored procedure or user-defined function that requires a different access list.
  2. Resubmit the DGUTIJSP job.

DGU19007I The AQTTRIN program has dropped (deleted) the objectType, objectName object.


Type of the object
The name of the object as a specific name or as a qualified name: object-name is a specific name. SPECIFIC NAME name object-name is a qualified name (

Problem determination

The indicated object has been dropped (deleted). The AQTTRIN program drops existing objects only if the program runs in REINSTALL mode or REINITIALIZE mode.

User action

No action is required.

DGU19008I The AQTTRIN program has set the Workload Manager (WLM) environment for the routineType objectName object to environmentName.


The type of routine: user-defined function or stored procedure.
The name of the object, which is a specific name or a qualified name: object-name is a specific name. SPECIFIC NAME name object-name is a qualified name (
Name of the Workload Manager (WLM) environment.

Problem determination

A WLM environment has been assinged to a stored procedure or user-defined function as shown.

User action

Verify that the assigned WLM environment is appropriate for the stored procedure or function. If the WLM environment is inappropriate, modify the WLMENV parameter of the configuration control statement for each stored procedure or user-defined function that requires to be run in a different environment. Then resubmit the DGUTIJSP job.

DGU19009I The AQTTRIN request to bind a package for collection ID collectionId.packageName succeeded with return code returnCode. The owner of the package is packageOwner.


Return code of the command
Collection ID of the bound package
Name of the bound package
Name (user ID) of the package owner

Problem determination

A bind job was completed for the indicated package.

User action

No action is required.

DGU19010I AQTTRIN requestType plan request for packageName failed with return code returnCode.


Name of the package that could not be bound or freed
Numeric value that indicates the reason for the failure.

Problem determination

The requested operation was rejected by Db2. See the diagnostic messages that were issued before this message.

User action

  1. Check the diagnostic messages from Db2.
  2. Correct the problem.
  3. Resubmit the AQTTRIN request.

DGU19011I One or more of the submitted input parameters are invalid. Reason code = reasonCode, text = reasonText


The reason code describes the cause of the error: Reason code = 1 : The number of parameters is incorrect. The text of the reason code suggests that fewer or more parameters were submitted than expected, where: number-passed The number of submitted parameters number-expected The number of expected parameters reason code = 2 : A required parameter is missing. Text of the reason code: REQUIRED PARAMETER parameter-name WAS NOT PASSED, where parameter-name is the name of the expected parameter, which was not provided. reason code = 3 : An unknown parameter was submitted. Text of the reason code: UNRECOGNIZED PARAMETER parameter-name WAS PASSED, where 'parameter-name' is the name of the submitted parameter that was not expected. reason code = 4 : One of the parameter values is invalid. Text of the reason code: THE VALUE FOR PARAMETER parameter-name IS NOT VALID, where parameter-name is the name of the parameter with the invalid value. reason code = 5 : The routine specified in the DD:SYSIN statement is not a valid Db2-supplied routine. Text of the reason code: schema.routine-name IS NOT A VALID Db2-SUPPLIED ROUTINE, where schema.routine-name is the qualified name of the invalid routine. reason code = 6 : The same parameter was specified two or more times. Text of the reason code: 'PARAMETER parameter-name WAS PASSED MORE THAN ONCE.' reason code = 7 : The length or size of the submitted statement exceeds the allowed maximum number of bytes. Text of the reason code: 'STATEMENT EXCEEDS number-of-bytes BYTES', where number-of-bytes denotes the byte limit.
Text that comes with the reason code

Problem determination

The program encountered an error as it attempted to process the input parameters in the PARM parameter or the SYSIN DD statement.

User action

Correct the problem and run the program again.

DGU19013I The AQTTRIN program for the Db2 versions supportedVersion1 and supportedVersion2 cannot be run on Db2 version db2Version.


The first supported version of Db2.
The second supported version of Db2.
The Db2 version.

Problem determination

The maintenance levels of the AQTTRIN program and Db2 do not match. This happens, for example, if, during the migration to a new Db2 version, the program was run on a member of a Db2 data sharing group whose maintenance level is lower than that of the program. To run members of a data sharing group at different maintenance levels is called coexistence. It is a common practice.

User action

If you have a Db2 data sharing group with coexisting members, run the program on a member that has been migrated to the latest version. If this is not possible, make sure that the load library that is specified for program execution in the JOBLIB or STEPLIB statement is at the same maintenance level as Db2.

DGU19014I The AQTTRIN program reported a fileOperation file error for the DD:ddName statement. Diagnostic text: diagnosticText


The file operation during which the error occurred, that is, OPEN, READ, WRITE, or CLOSE
The name of the data definition (DDL) statement
Additional diagnostic information about the error, as provided by the IBM Language Environment.

Problem determination

The program detected an error in the data set that was allocated to the data definition statement.

User action

Correct the error as suggested in the diagnostic information.

DGU19015I The preview option was specified for the AQTTRIN program. Therefore, the installType action was not carried out. An installation JCL job was generated and stored in the storedLocation member.


Type of the installation job
Contains the name of the data set and the name of the JCL member in which the generated installation job was stored.

Problem determination

The Db2-supplied routines and supporting objects were not installed, configured, or bound to the system because the preview option was specified. To generate a JCL that contains the actual SQL and BIND statements that eventually install the Db2-supplied routines, you must specify a DD statement with the name JCLOUT in the JCL. If you want to know which objects you must include for processing, see the detailed report in SYSPRINT.

User action

See the report in SYSPRINT. Modify the DGUTIJSP installation job so that it includes the required objects. Then rerun the job without the preview option or submit the generated JCL.

DGU19025I The preview option of the AQTTRIN program was specified. Therefore, the installType action was not carried out.


Type of installation

Problem determination

The Db2-supplied routines and supporting objects were not installed, configured, or bound to the system because the preview option was specified. You find details about this job in SYSPRINT.

User action

See the report in SYSPRINT. Modify the DGUTIJSP installation job so that it includes the required objects. Then rerun the job without the preview option.

DGU19033I The AQTTRIN installation program ended with return code returnCode.


The most severe return code encountered at any time during processing.

Problem determination

Batch processing ended abnormally.

User action

If the return code is 4 or higher, look for other messages that might explain the cause of the warning or failure. Proceed as instructed by the message.

DGU19052I The authorization ID authorizationId, is not a Db2 installation system administrator ID. The authorization of the submitted ID is insufficient.


Specified authorization ID

Problem determination

The authorization ID, which was specified in the AUTHID parameter for the program, is not a Db2 installation system administrator ID. However, the authorization of such an ID is required if stored procedures or user-defined functions must be marked as system-defined procedures or functions. This is the case here.

User action

Change the value of the AUTHID parameter so that it provides a Db2 installation system administrator ID. Then run the DGUTIJSP job again.

DGU19053I The AQTTRIN program was unable to process the IFI read request for IFCID 106. Return code: returnCode, reason code: reasonCode, bytes that were not moved to the instrumentation facility communications area (IFCA): bytesRemaining


Return code from IFI
Reason code from IFI
Number of bytes that did not fit in the return area and therefore still remain in the buffer

Problem determination

The AQTTRIN program tried a synchronous read of IFCID trace record 106, but received an unexpected return code from the Db2 Instrumentation Facility Interface (IFI).

User action

To find the cause of the error, check the return code and the reason code for information about the IFCARC1 and IFCARC2 values in the instrumentation facility communications area (IFCA). Correct the error. Then rerun the DGUTIJSP job.

DGU19054I One or more objects of the AQTTRIN program must be updated. The update might require the rebinding of packages that reference these objects.

Problem determination

Run in preview mode, the AQTTRIN program found one or more objects that must be updated. However, the program cannot determine whether packages that refer to these objects will become invalid as a result of the update. If this is the case, you must rebind these packages.

User action

If the ABIND subsystem parameter is set to NO and you want to use the generated JCL job to install or update the Db2-supplied routines, resubmit the DGUTIJSP installation job with the MODE(INSTALL-PREVIEW) option. This identifies invalid packages that must be rebound and generates corresponding BIND statements. Finally, run these BIND statements. If the ABIND subsystem parameter is set to YES, or if you run the DGUTIJSP job without the preview option, no action is required because in either case, Db2 for z/OS rebinds invalidated packages automatically.

DGU19400I The job was completed successfully (SQL code 0).

Problem determination

You might see warnings (SQLWARN indicators) although the job could be completed successfully.

User action

You can ignore the warnings. No action is required.

DGU19909I The AQTTRIN bind plan request succeeded with return code returnCode for the packageName package with owner packageOwner.


Return code of the command
Name of the bound package
Owner (ID) of the bound package

Problem determination

The bind request has been carried out successfully.

User action

No action is required.

DGU19910I The AQTTRIN requestType request for the collectionId.packageName package failed with return code returnCode.


Collection ID of the package that could not be bound or freed
Name of the package that could not be bound or freed.
A numeric value that indicates the reason for the failure

Problem determination

The request was rejected by Db2. Diagnostic messages have been issued in addition to this message.

User action

  1. Check the diagnostic Db2 messages to identify the problem.
  2. Correct the problem.
  3. Resubmit the request.

DGU20001W Failed to retrieve a plan for SQL statement statementID with statement text statement on the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance.


The instance ID of the SQL statement for which a corresponding plan file is not available
The original SQL statement
Name of the instance

Problem determination

This message indicates that a query was processed by a Db2 Data Gate instance, but the corresponding plan information can not be retrieved or the retrieved plan is malformed. This might indicate some internal error or that a table referenced by the query has been removed from the Db2 Data Gate instance after query execution. Query plans are kept for a limited time only. Newer queries take precedence over older queries, so that the oldest plans are deleted after some time. In the context of the deprecated SYSPROC.DATAGATE_GET_QUERY_DETAILS procedure, a plan compatible with previous versions can never be retrieved.

User action

  1. Rerun the query to collect fresh plan information.

DGU20003W ATTENTION: Potential risk of data loss. A unique constraint, such as a primary key or unique index, is not defined for the tableSchema.tableName table. Data consolidation may consolidate multiple inserted rows to one row, or the deletion of one row might cause the deletion of multiple rows in the Db2 Data Gate instance table. The consequence of such a situation are incorrect query results. Therefore, do not enable incremental updates for this table unless you know for sure that it does not contain duplicate rows. Another problem with tables of this type is that queries and incremental updates might take much longer.


Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table

Problem determination

Without a unique constraint, all columns of a table are used to identify a table row. There might be multiple rows with exactly the same column values. Inserting the same row twice may result in only one row at the target. A deletion of one row in Db2 for z/OS entails the deletion of all rows with the same values from the corresponding Db2 Data Gate instance table because duplicate rows cannot be differentiated. This leaves you with inconsistent tables, which inevitably leads to incorrect query results from the Db2 Data Gate instance. The absence of a unique constraint also means that the identification of table rows takes longer because the entire table must be scanned. For large tables, this might result in a poor query and update performance.

User action

To add a unique constraint to the table, follow these steps:
  1. Disable incremental updates for the table.
  2. Remove the table from the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  3. In Db2, define the unique constraint.
  4. Redefine the table in the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  5. Enable incremental updates for the redefined table.
  6. Load the redefined table.

DGU20004W The tableSchema.tableName table is enabled for replication, but has no unique constraint that matches one or more of its organizing keys. This lack might cause incremental updates to be applied very slowly to the table. The unique constraints are: uniqueConstraints. The organizing keys are: organizingKeys.


Schema name of the table that is being modified and still in use by some other task
Name of the table that is being modified and still in use by some other task
Unique constraints on the table
Organizing keys on the table

Problem determination

A large number of row updates or deletions cannot be applied efficiently because the absence of an organizing key that matches one or more of the table's unique constraints requires a scan of the entire table. The identification of the rows to be updated thus takes longer.

User action

  1. Disable synchronization for the affected table.
  2. Define the organizing keys for the table in such a way that one or more of the keys match a unique constraint.
  3. Re-enable synchronization for the table.

DGU20006E At least one of the tables that are to be loaded with lock mode lockMode is enabled for replication. To prevent inconsistencies between the source tables in Db2 for z/OS and the tables in the Db2 Data Gate instance, tables that are enabled for replication must be loaded with lock mode TABLESET.


Lock mode used for table loads

Problem determination

A capture point for incremental updates is set at the end of a load operation. Updates to the source tables that occurred before the setting of the capture point are not propagated as incremental updates, which causes Db2 source tables and Db2 Data Gate instance tables to be out of sync. To avoid a situation like this, you must use a lock mode that prevents updates of the source tables until the capture point is set during a load. If you cannot tolerate the Db2 lock scope implied by lock mode TABLESET, you can also use lock mode ROW. However, this requires incremental updates to be stopped during the load and additional measures to guarantee data consistency. See the documentation for detailed information.

User action

Load the tables with lock mode TABLESET.

DGU20007E The dataGateInstanceName is in the 'currentState' state, which does not allow a attemptedOperation operation.


Name of the affected instance
Current synchronization state
Attempted operation that failed due to the replication state

Problem determination

The current replication state does not allow the attempted operation. For example, the state might be in the process of being changed, or incremental updates are not enabled for the Db2 subsystem.

User action

If incremental updates are disabled for the affected Db2 subsystem, enable these from the Db2 Data Gate Configuration Console. If incremental updates are currently being started or stopped, wait for the operation to complete, then retry running the operation.

DGU20012W Incremental updates have been enabled for the tableSchema.tableName table. To guarantee the consistency of the original Db2 table and its counterpart in the Db2 Data Gate instance, this table has been reset to InitialLoadPending state, which requires a reload of the entire table. Without this reload, you cannot start incremental update processes for this table.


Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table

Problem determination

If incremental updates are enabled for a loaded table, there might be pending changes that occurred after the last load. The incremental update process does not propagate such changes to the corresponding Db2 Data Gate instance tables because changes are not registered by the process before the capture point is set. The capture point, however, is set when the incremental update process starts. So there might be changes that go unnoticed. To avoid such a condition, loaded tables are reset to InitialLoadPending state when they are enabled for replication, which requires a fresh reload of the table data before the incremental update process begins. This ensures that no table changes go unnoticed.

User action

Reload the table.

DGU20013E Task canceledTaskID of type taskType has been canceled by task cancelingTaskID of type cancelingTaskType for the following reason: cancelReason.


Unique identifier of the canceled task
Type of the canceled task
Reason for the task cancelation
Identifier of the task that caused the cancelation
Type of the task that caused the cancelation

Problem determination

This error occurs when a user cancels a Db2 Data Gate instance task from Cloud Pak for Data or by running the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR stored procedure. This error also occurs when a task is canceled by another, conflicting task. For example, removing a table from the Db2 Data Gate instance leads to the cancellation of any other operation on the table happening at the same time.

User action

If you want to prevent other users from canceling a task, adjust the execution privileges for the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR stored procedure.

DGU20014I The following data was transferred to the tableSchema.tableName table: Scope: scope, number of rows: numRows, amount of data: dataSizeInMB MB, time: timeInSeconds seconds.


Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table
Scope of the data that was transferred (full table or selected partitions)
Number of rows that were transferred
Amount of data that was transferred
Time that was needed to transfer the data

Problem determination

This message, which is issued for each transaction of the same type, reports information about the table data that was transferred by the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES stored procedure.

DGU20015I No data was transferred for table tableSchema.tableName.


Schema name of the table that was skipped
Name of the table that was skipped

Problem determination

You want to load or move a table, but no data is transferred to the Db2 Data Gate instance. This can happen if the detectChanges='DATA' attribute is specified for the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_LOAD_TABLES stored procedure, but table changes cannot be detected.

User action

No action required.

DGU20018E The replication service cannot confirm that all changes were applied to the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance. Reason: reasonID.


Name of the affected instance.
Reason why the replication service was not able to confirm

Problem determination

The replication service cannot confirm that all data changes were applied to the Db2 Data Gate instance. Possible reasons: 1: The user-specified timeout period has elapsed. 2: An internal error has occurred.

User action

  1. Check which of the indicated reasons applies.
  2. Increase the timeout value or contact IBM support.

DGU20020E The Db2 credentials for incremental updates are invalid. Update the Db2 credentials of user userName in Db2 subsystem locationName.


Location name identifying the Db2 subsystem
Db2 user name that is used for incremental update processes

Problem determination

The Db2 user name or the password of the user ID that is used by IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate for incremental updates is invalid or has expired.

User action

  1. From the Db2 Data Gate Console, update the Db2 credentials of the user that is mentioned in the error message.
  2. Restart the incremental update process.

DGU20022E Incremental updates could not be enabled for the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance because the following script is missing: scriptName


Name of the instance
Name of the missing script

Problem determination

Installation scripts are missing that are needed to enable incremental updates.

User action

Contact IBM support

DGU20023E Incremental updates could not be enabled for the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance because the following script returned an error: scriptName


Name of the instance
Name of the failed script

Problem determination

There is a problem with the installation of synchronization components in the Db2 Data Gate instance

User action

Contact IBM support

DGU20026E The operation operation cannot be carried out because the version of the stored procedure is incompatible with the current version of the Db2 Data Gate instance. To run this operation, install version minimumRequiredVersion or later of the stored procedures. The version of the stored procedures must never be higher than the software version of the Db2 Data Gate instance; the software version of the currently active Db2 Data Gate instance is currentinstanceVersion.


Operation that should have been completed by the stored procedure
Minimum stored-procedure version that is required for compatibility with the instance.
Software version of the currently active instance

Problem determination

Your combination of stored procedure and Db2 Data Gate instance software versions does not support the requested operation.

User action

Upgrade your stored procedures to the same program-temporary-fix (PTF) level as the Db2 Data Gate instance.

DGU20034E The query contains numParameterMarkers parameter markers or special registers and therefore cannot be explained.


The number of parameter markers or special registers in the query to be explained

Problem determination

You cannot extract Db2 Explain information about a query from a Db2 Data Gate instance if the query contains parameter markers or special registers.

User action

Revise the query and replace the parameter markers or special registers with literals, for example dummy values.

DGU20044E You are trying to load numReplicatedTablesToLoad replication-enabled tables, but the limit is limit.


Number of replication-enabled tables to be loaded
Maximum allowed number of replication-enabled tables that can be loaded

Problem determination

The number of replication-enabled tables that can be loaded in a single load operation is limited. This limit was exceeded, so the load operation does not begin.

User action

Specify fewer replication-enabled tables for the load operation.

DGU20045W The table schemaName.tableName cannot be added to the database with the location name locationName because the database has been removed from the catalog.


Location name of the database system that is removed
Schema name of a table to be added to the removed database
Name of a table to be added to the removed database

Problem determination

You can only define new tables using the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_ADD_TABLES stored procedure if the pairing between Db2 for z/OS is intact and has not been removed or is about to be removed.

User action

Ensure that a pairing between Db2 for z/OS and the Db2 Data Gate instance exists. Then repeat the operation.

DGU20046W Tables originating from the Db2 subsystem with the location name systemLocationName were still in the Db2 Data Gate instance when the pairing between Db2 and the Db2 Data Gate instance was removed. These numTables tables were also deleted from the Db2 Data Gate instance.


Location name of the Db2 subsystem that the tables originated from
Number of tables that still existed in the instance when it was removed

Problem determination

This warning occurs when the command or stored procedure to remove a Db2 Data Gate instance is executed although tables still exist in the Db2 Data Gate instance. This might happen if a table is defined just at the time when the Db2 Data Gate instance is being removed. Note that all such tables are removed.

User action

No action is required. You can ignore the error messages that are issued by related processes running in parallel.

DGU20047E The detectChanges=DATA attribute must not be specified for loading the schemaName.tableName table because an external loader is employed.


Schema name of the table to be loaded
Name of the table to be loaded

Problem determination

The load operation involves an external load utility and the data source might not be Db2. The Db2 run-time statistics cannot be used to determine reliably whether a partition or table has changed and must therefore be reloaded in the Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

Do not specify detectChanges=DATA.

DGU20049E Task maintenanceTaskID of type maintenanceTaskType has switched the system into maintenance mode, which prevents the current task taskID of type taskType from doing the same.


ID of the task that requests the maintenance mode
Type of the task requests the maintenance mode
ID of the task that currently works in maintenance mode
Type of the task that currently works in maintenance mode

Problem determination

Another task has already reserved the maintenance mode for the system. This mode cannot be given to more than one task at the same time.

User action

  1. Wait until the other maintenance task has finished.
  2. Retry the operation.

DGU20050E Task taskID of type taskType cannot switch the system into maintenance mode within timeOut ms because the following other tasks are still running: blockingTasks.


ID of the task that requests the maintenance mode
Type of the task that requests the maintenance mode
Timespan required to reach the desired state (in ms)
List of the tasks that block the switch into maintenance mode

Problem determination

The system cannot be switched into maintenance mode within the given time span because at least one other task exists that claims the maintenance mode for itself.

User action

  1. Wait until the other tasks have finished, or cancel those tasks.
  2. Retry the operation.

DGU20051E The columnName column of the tableSchema.tableName table was dropped from the Db2 subsystem after the table was defined in the Db2 Data Gate instance.


Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table
Name of the affected table column

Problem determination

This exception occurs when a column dropped from a table after the table was defined in a Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

  1. Remove the table from the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  2. Redefine the table in the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  3. Rerun the stored procedure that returned the error.

DGU20052E The tableSchema.tableName table cannot be defined in the Db2 Data Gate instance because it exceeds the limit rowLengthLimit bytes for the maximum row length.


Schema name of the table that could not be created in the database in the instance
Name of the table that could not be created in the database in the instance
Maximum length in bytes permitted by the database in the instance

Problem determination

The maximum row length of the table that you want to define in the Db2 Data Gate instance exceeds the limit.

User action

Change the table in Db2 so that it contains fewer columns or shorter rows (column values).

DGU20053E The tableSchema.tableName table on the dataGateInstanceName Db2 Data Gate instance uses the unsupported CCSID ccsid.


Name of the instance
Schema name of the table that uses an unsupported CCSID
Name of the table that uses an unsupported CCSID
The unsupported CCSID

Problem determination

The specified single-byte coded character set identifier (CCSID) for the table is not supported by IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate. Therefore, you cannot define the table in the Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

Use a supported CCSID.

DGU20054W The load process for the tableSchema.tableName table detected invalid bytes sequences in the load data. This affected numberDiscardedRows rows, which have been discarded during the process.


Schema name of the table that contains the invalid UTF-8 characters
Name of the table that contains the invalid UTF-8 character
Number of discarded rows

Problem determination

The load process for the specified table detected invalid bytes sequences (like invalid UTF-8 characters) in the load data. The load process was completed, but the rows containing the invalid characters were discarded. Be aware that the table data in the Db2 Data Gate instance now differs from the data in the corresponding Db2 table. Therefore, the results of a query can vary, depending on where it is executed (Db2 Data Gate instance or Db2 for z/OS).

User action

  1. Replace the invalid characters in the original Db2 table with valid ones.
  2. Reload the corresponding Db2 Data Gate instance table.
  3. Review processes or applications programs that might have inserted the invalid byte sequences. IBM can help you identify the numbers of the discarded rows in the Db2 Data Gate instance trace information.

DGU20055W The numbers of distinct values in each column of the schemaName.tableName table, which are required for the selection of an organizing key, could not be determined.


Schema name of the table that was supposed to provide the organizing key
Name of the table that was supposed to provide the organizing key

Problem determination

The number of distinct values in a table column is the decisive factor for its suitability as an organizing key. It was not possible to determine this number for each table column. An organizing key was therefore not created.

User action

  1. Run the Db2 utility RUNSTATS to generate up-to-date statistics for the estimated number of distinct values in each column, also known as COLCARDF.
  2. Disable incremental updates for the table and then re-enable these.
  3. Retry the load operation.

DGU20060W Entries were excluded from the query history because the QUERY_LIST output parameter of the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_GET_QUERIES stored procedure cannot contain more than maxMessageSize bytes of data. This maximum was exceeded. Therefore, only retrievedNumSQLStatementEntries entries out of requestedNumSQLStatementHistoryEntries have been included in the retrieved query history.


Maximum allowed size for the XML document of the SQL statement history (in bytes)
Requested (total) number of SQL statement history entries
Number of actually retrieved entries of the SQL statement history

Problem determination

The maximum size of the output list was exceeded, and therefore, some entries had to be excluded from the query history. Entries that show up at the top are preserved, and later entries that exceeds the limit are included.

User action

Use a more restrictive filter so that the number of output entries fits the allowed maximum size. Change the filter by altering the values in the query_selection parameter of the stored procedure,

DGU20061E Load specification specified XML attributes detectChanges=detectChanges and forceFullReload=false for replication-enabled table schemaName.tableName, which is not permitted.


Schema name of the table
Unqualified name of the table
Explicit or default setting for detectChanges XML attribute

Problem determination

The XML load specification for replication-enabled tables must either exploit change detection or imply a full-table reload to guarantee that no lost updates can occur during the load itself on partitions that are not being loaded.

User action

Repeat the load operation with detectChanges=DATA or forceFullReload=true in the XML load specification for the table.

DGU20094W A catalog object (for example, a database system table) has been removed even though it was requested for an operation.


A description of the occurred error.

Problem determination

Catalog object has been removed during command execution.

DGU20095E The organizing key for table tableSchema.tableName in the database system with the location name locationName can have maxNumOrganizingKeyColumns columns at most. However, numOrganizingKeyColumns columns have been specified. The limit has been exceeded.


Location name identifying the Db2 subsystem to which the table belongs
Schema name of the table that uses the organizing key
Name of the table that uses the organizing key
Number of specified organizing key columns
Allowed maximum number of organizing key columns

Problem determination

The organizing key has too many columns.

User action

Reduce the number of columns in the organizing key so that the limit is not exceeded.

DGU20100E The name of an already existing file (fileName) was specified in the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 deployPackage command. The file already exists in the target directory in the Db2 Data Gate instance.


Name of the already existing file

Problem determination

The name of a file to be transferred with the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 deployPackage command must be unique and the file must not yet exist in the transfer directory in the Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

You might cancel the operation because you need not deploy the same file twice. If you want to redeploy the same file, rename it in the source directory or remove the existing file from the Db2 Data Gate instance by using the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 removeDeployedPackages command before you transfer it to the Db2 Data Gate instance.

DGU20101E The file integrity could not be verified for the fileName file. The file was transferred using the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 deployPackage command. The hash value callerHash that was provided does not match the hash value computed in the Db2 Data Gate instance. Checksum output of the Db2 Data Gate instance: computedHash


Name of the file that failed the checksum integrity test
The provided checksum value
The checksum computed in the instance

Problem determination

When a file is transferred to a Db2 Data Gate instance by the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 stored procedure, a checksum is computed to verify the integrity of the file. This checksum does not match the checksum provided by you or the calling application.

User action

Retry the file transfer. If the error persists, check the validity of the file in the source source directory. The checksum file might contain an invalid checksum. For example, verify that the binary option was used when the file was downloaded to the source location. Also verify that a valid checksum*.txt file was placed in the source directory.

DGU20102W The file fileName could not be removed because it was not found.


File name of the package to be removed.

Problem determination

You tried to remove a package file, but that file was not found. Either the specified file name is incorrect, or the file has already been removed by another command that was issued around the same time.

User action

Check the file name. If the file name was correct, but the file does not longer exist, ignore this warning. Tip: To retrieve the list of files that can be removed, run this command:

DGU20103W The file fileName could not be extracted. Diagnostic information: diagnostics


Name of the package to be deployed
Diagnostic information

Problem determination

You tried to transfer a package file, but the file could not be extracted. The file has been saved in the Db2 Data Gate instance, but can not be installed by the software update function.

User action

  1. Make sure that you have used a valid software update file.
  2. Remove the transferred file from the Db2 Data Gate instance.
    Tip: To remove the file from the Db2 Data Gate instance, run this command:
  3. Retry the transfer or open a service request to help you diagnose the problem, so that you can install the update manually.

DGU20104E Failed to enable synchronization. A unique constraint, such as a primary key or unique index, is not defined for the tableSchema.tableName table. During an insertion, data consolidation might merge multiple rows into just one row, or the deletion of one row might cause the deletion of multiple rows from the Db2 Data Gate instance table. Incorrect query results will be the consequence. Another problem with tables of this type is that queries and incremental updates take much longer. That's why it is not allowed to enable this table for incremental updates.


Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table

Problem determination

Without a unique constraint, all columns of a table are used to identify a single table row. There might be multiple rows with exactly the same column values. In this case, inserting the same row multiple times might result in the insertion of just one row at the target. In addition, the deletion of one row from a Db2 for z/OS table might entail the deletion of all rows with the same values from the corresponding Db2 Data Gate table because duplicate rows cannot be differentiated. This leaves you with inconsistent tables, which inevitably leads to incorrect query results from the Db2 Data Gate instance. The absence of a unique constraint also means that the identification of table rows takes longer because the entire table must be scanned. For large tables, this might result in a poor query and update performance. That's why it is not allowed to enable this table for incremental updates.

User action

To add a unique constraint to the table, follow these steps:
  1. Remove the table from the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  2. In Db2, define a unique constraint.
  3. Redefine the table in the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  4. Enable incremental updates for the redefined table.
  5. Load the redefined table.

DGU20105E A stored procedure or sub-function of a procedure has been called that is not supported for this type of Db2 Data Gate instance: unsupportedFunction


Name or description of the unsupported procedure or function

Problem determination

The product supports different deployment modes and platforms with a uniform application programming interface (API). Some functions, however, are only supported in specific deployment modes or on specific platforms. This exception occurs if you run a function that is not supported in the current deployment mode or on the current platform of this Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

The function is not supported and cannot be used for this Db2 Data Gate instance. Check the documentation for the supported functions in this deployment mode or on this platform.

DGU20106E An invalid file name was specified in the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 activateDeployedPackage command. File Name: fileName.


Name of the already existing file

Problem determination

The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 stored procedure can transfer any file to a Db2 Data Gate instance, but only files that have been identified as valid software updates can be installed. The file name that you specified was not identified as a valid software update package.

User action

Use the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 listDeployedPackages command to display a list of software packages that can be activated. If you have not yet transferred a valid software update package to the Db2 Data Gate instance, use the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 deployPackage command. Some packages must be installed manually. For these, refer to the instructions that came with the package or contact IBM support.

DGU20107E The component responsible for software updates did not finish the execution of the command 'command' within the timeout period of timeout seconds.


Unfinished software update command
Maximum wait time in seconds

Problem determination

The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 activateDeployedPackage was invoked to install new software in the Db2 Data Gate instance. The operation did not finish within the timeout period. This internal error most likely indicates a temporary overload situation in the Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

This error indicates a temporary problem.
  1. Retry the operation.
  2. If the problem persists, contact IBM support.

DGU20108E The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 activateDeployedPackage command failed for product version version. The Db2 Data Gate instance is not ready for the installation. The prerequisite check failed with the following messages: message Diagnostic information 1: stdout Diagnostic information 2: stderr


The software version that was specified in the activateDeployedPackage command.
Additional description of the error
Diagnostic information
Diagnostic information

Problem determination

The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 activateDeployedPackage command was invoked to install new software in the Db2 Data Gate instance. Before the software is installed, the status of the Db2 Data Gate instance and the necessary installation prerequisites are checked. This check failed.

User action

If the error information indicates a temporary problem, retry the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 command. If the problem persists, contact IBM support.

DGU20109E The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR getActivationLog command failed. An installation log was not found. Diagnostic message: message


Additional description of the error

Problem determination

The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR getActivationLog command was invoked to retrieve the latest information from the installation log, but an installation log was not found.

User action

If you have never installed a software update before, this error is expected. If you have already installed or tried to install software packages, but still run into this error, contact IBM support.

DGU20110E Operation operation, which was supposed to transfer numBytes bytes on TCP/IP socket socket to the remote machine at IP address remoteIPAddress and port remotePort was interrupted. numAlreadyProcessedBytes bytes could be processed until the interruption.


Socket number
Operation that was interrupted
Number of bytes to be processed by the operation
IP address of the remote machine
Port number of the remote machine
Number of bytes that could be sent and received

Problem determination

The TCP/IP operation was interrupted, for example because the task was canceled.

DGU20111E Operation operation, which was supposed to transfer numBytes bytes on TCP/IP socket socket to the remote machine at IP address remoteIPAddress and port remotePort could not be completed within the time allotted (timeoutInSeconds seconds). numAlreadyProcessedBytes bytes could be processed until the connection broke off.


Socket number
Operation that failed as a result of the closed connection
Number of bytes to be processed by the operation
IP address of the remote machine
Port number of the remote machine
Number of bytes that could be sent and received
Timeout period that was exceeded

Problem determination

The TCP/IP operation could not be completed within the time allotted. The cause is probably a connection problem or an internal protocol error.

User action

Verify the proper functioning of the network connection. If everything is OK, contact IBM support.

DGU20112E Operation operation, which was supposed to transfer numBytes bytes on TCP/IP socket socket, failed because the connection to the remote machine at IP address remoteIPAddress and port remotePort has been closed by a regular shutdown. numAlreadyProcessedBytes bytes could be processed until the shutdown.


Socket number
Operation that failed as a result of the closed connection
Number of bytes to be processed by the operation
IP address of the remote machine
Port number of the remote machine
Number of bytes that could be sent and received

Problem determination

The TCP/IP operation failed because the connection was shut down. The cause is probably a connection problem or an internal protocol error.

User action

Verify the proper functioning of the network connection. If everything is OK, contact IBM support.

DGU20113E Operation operation, which was supposed to transfer numBytes bytes on TCP/IP socket socket, failed because the connection to the remote machine at IP address remoteIPAddress and port remotePort has been closed unexpectedly. Reason: errorNumber.


Socket number
Operation that failed as a result of the closed connection
Number of bytes that to be processed by the operation
IP address of the remote machine
Port number of the remote machine
Error number

Problem determination

The TCP/IP operation failed because the remote machine closed the connection unexpectedly. The cause is probably a connection problem or an internal protocol error.

User action

Verify the proper functioning of the network connection. If everything is OK, contact IBM support.

DGU20114E Socket socket could not be connected to the remote machine at IP address remoteIPAddress and port remotePort. Reason: error.


Socket number
IP address of the remote machine
Port number of the remote machine
Error message indicating the reason for the failure; (error number mapped to a string)

Problem determination

A TCP/IP connection could not be established. The error message explains why.

User action

Correct the problem and retry the operation.

DGU20115E The communication protocol flow was broken by the peerType because an error happened at the end of the network communication.


Cause of the communication failure

Problem determination

This internal error message is accompanied by other messages indicating the cause of the error

User action

Check the accompanying messages to find the cause of the error and resolve the problem.

DGU20116E The communication protocol flow is broken because the unexpected network message receivedNetworkMessage was received although message expectedNetworkMessage was expected.


Expected network message
Received network message

Problem determination

This internal error points to a protocol violation between the communicating components.

User action

Contact IBM support.

DGU20117W An internal warning occurred on the 'dataGateInstanceName' Db2 Data Gate instance: diagnosticMessage


Name of the instance
Diagnostic information returned by the instance

Problem determination

DGU20118E A distributed commit between the stored procedure and the server failed for the following reason: diagnosticMessage


Reason why the distributed commit failed

Problem determination

A distributed commit between the stored procedure and the server failed for the indicated reason.

User action

Contact IBM support.

DGU20119E Enter a location name. The location name must not be an empty string.

Problem determination

This error occurs if you do not specify a location name (the location name is an empty string).

User action

Try to add the Db2 Data Gate instance again. This time, provide a location name.

DGU20120W The Db2 subsystem or data sharing group with the location name removedTimeReferenceSystemLocationName, which acted as the time reference system for the Db2 Data Gate instance, has been removed. The new time reference system is the Db2 subsystem or data sharing group with the location name newReferenceTimeLocationName.


Location name of the new time reference system
Location name of the previous time reference system

Problem determination

This warning occurs when the time reference system changes.

User action

No action necessary

DGU20121E The load request failed because the following error occurred: reasonText


Root exception message

Problem determination

This error occurs if a load request fails and no tables were loaded with data.

User action

Run the load job again. If the problem persists, contact IBM support.

DGU20122E A table named tableSchema.tableName cannot be found in the Db2 subsystem or data sharing group with the location name locationName.


Location name of the Db2 subsystem or data sharing group that is supposed to contain the table
Schema name of the table that cannot be found
Name of the table that cannot be found

DGU20123E The option invalidContentOption was specified in a request to save trace data, but that option is unknown.


Content flag that is not compatible with others in the list

Problem determination

The request to save trace data cannot be processed because an unknown content option (invalidContentOption) was used.

User action

Remove the invalid option invalidContentOption and repeat the operation.

DGU20124E You specified the option invalidContentOption in a request to save trace data, but that option is not compatible with other options in contentOptionList.


Incompatible content option flag
List of all content options used

Problem determination

Restrictions apply when you specify a combination of content options in a request to save trace data. One of these restrictions was violated when you specified option invalidContentOption together with other options in the list contentOptionList.

User action

Remove option invalidContentOption. Use this option individually in a separate request to save trace data, so that it cannot conflict with the other options.

DGU20125E EXPLAIN information about this query could not be obtained. Diagnostic information: exceptionText


Detailed exception text returned by the EXPLAIN service

Problem determination

The inability to retrieve EXPLAIN information can have a number of reasons. The database system can be offline, the SQL statement might be invalid, or a table, view or column referenced by the query no longer exists in the Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

Verify that the Db2 Data Gate instance is online. Verify that all tables referenced by the query still exist in the Db2 Data Gate instance. Review the diagnostic information in this message to diagnose the problem.

DGU20126E The component responsible for managing incremental updates did not finish the execution of a command within the timeout period.

Problem determination

This internal error most likely indicates a temporary overload situation in the Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

Check the states of your incrementally updated tables. If tables are in unexpected states, take action to change the table states, so that the operation can be executed successfully.

DGU20127E The request-issuing component did not receive a reply within the timeout period.

Problem determination

This internal error most likely indicates a temporary overload situation in the Db2 Data Gate instance.

User action

Check the overall system status. Take compensating action if a system component is in an unexpected state.

DGU20128E An interaction between two components failed due to the following reason:diagnosticMessage


Reason why the interaction failed

Problem determination

An interaction between two components failed for reasons indicated in the diagnostic text.

User action

Contact IBM support.

DGU20130E The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 deployPackage preliminary check failed. The package file (software bundle) for product version version has been transferred and was detected as a valid bundle according to its file naming pattern. However the package file cannot be installed because the Db2 Data Gate instance is not ready for the installation. The prerequisite check failed with the following messages: message Diagnostic information 1: stdout Diagnostic information 2: stderr


The software version that was specified in the deployPackage command.
Additional description of the error
Diagnostic information
Diagnostic information

Problem determination

The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 deployPackage command was invoked to transfer new software to the Db2 Data Gate instance. Before the software is installed, the status of the Db2 Data Gate instance and the necessary installation prerequisites are checked. This check failed.

User action

If the error information indicates a temporary problem, you can still try the apply step to install the software, later. Otherwise, contact IBM support.

DGU20131E Table tableSchemaName.tableName must be fully reloaded due to too complex partition changes: details


Schema name of the table that could not be partially reloaded
Name of the table that could not be partially reloaded
Exception details

Problem determination

A partitioned table could not be partially reloaded due to too complex partition changes.

User action

Fully reload the table.

DGU20132E The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 activateDeployedPackage command failed for file fileName. Diagnostic information 1: stdout Diagnostic information 2: stderr


Name of the file to be installed
Diagnostic information. This output can help to assess if it is a temporary problem.
Diagnostic information. This output can help to assess if it is a temporary problem.

Problem determination

The SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 activateDeployedPackage command was invoked to install new software in the Db2 Data Gate instance. The installation failed.

User action

If the error information indicates a temporary problem, retry the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 command. If the problem persists, contact IBM support.

DGU20133E The DATA CAPTURE CHANGES option is not defined for the tableSchema.tableName table.


Schema name of the affected table
Name of the affected table

Problem determination

If DATA CAPTURE CHANGES is not specified for the table, no detailed log data is written. Detailed log data is required if you want to update a table incrementally. You can set the DATA CAPTURE CHANGES option when you create a table in Db2 for z/OS. It is also possible to add this option later by submitting an ALTER TABLE statement. The DATA CAPTURE CHANGES option is mandatory if you want to enable incremental updates for a table.

User action

To change the DATA CAPTURE logging option, follow these steps:
  1. Remove the table from the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  2. In Db2, submit an ALTER TABLE statement to set the DATA CAPTURE CHANGES option for the table. Alternatively, drop the table and recreate it with DATA CAPTURE CHANGES enabled.
  3. Redefine the table in the Db2 Data Gate instance.
  4. Enable incremental updates for the redefined table.
  5. Load the redefined table.

DGU20135E The software can only be installed in the Db2 Data Gate instance if incremental updates have been stopped for all connected Db2 subsystems.

Problem determination

You tried to install new software in the Db2 Data Gate instance by running the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_UPDATE_SOFTWARE2 stored procedure in connection with the activateDeployedPackage command. The operation failed because it is checked before the installation whether incremental updates have been stopped for all connected Db2 subsystems. This was not the case.

User action

  1. In IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Studio, check your database connection profiles to find the Db2 subsystems that have been paired with the Db2 Data Gate instance you want to update.
  2. Open the Db2 Data Gate instance view of each of these profiles and make sure that the replication status is Stopped. If not, click the Stop link. Alternatively, you can run the SYSPROC.DATAGATE_CONTROL_ACCELERATOR with the stopReplication command for each connected Db2 subsystem.
  3. Retry the software update.

DGU20136E Invalid parameter specification. Contact IBM support. 'configParameter' (errorDescription).


Configuration parameter that caused the error
Description of the error

Problem determination

This error occurs if the configuration file of the instance server contains an invalid setting.

User action

Contact IBM support.