Exec into the Db2 Warehouse pod with catalog partition

To do some common administration tasks, you must be able to run the exec command on the Db2® Warehouse pod with catalog partition.


  1. Find the namespace for your database deployment:
    • oc -n namespace get po --selector name=dashmpp-head-0
      kubectl -n namespace get po --selector name=dashmpp-head-0 
  2. Use the Kubernetes name label selector to find the Db2 Warehouse pod name with catalog partition:
    kubectl -n namespace get po --show-labels=true --selector name=dashmpp-head-0
  3. Run the exec command in the Db2 Warehouse catalog node pod with the label name=dashmpp-head-0:
    oc -n namespace exec -it repro-db2u-0 bash --