Changing resource allocation

You can change resource allocations for number of CPUs and memory.

About this task

You must be a cluster administrator to complete this task.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift cluster as cluster administrator:
    oc login -u <username> -p <kubeadmin_password>
  2. Switch to project (namespace) that has the IBM® Cloud Pak for Data deployment:
    oc project <cp4d_namespace>
  3. Update the resource allocation on ds-engine-compute, is-en-conductor, or is-engine-compute.
    • Change both request and limit for CPU and memory (statefulset-name can be replaced with ds-engine-compute, is-en-conductor, and so forth). See the following example:
      oc set resources sts <statefulset-name> --requests=cpu=2,memory=3Gi --limits=cpu=5,memory=12Gi
    • Change only the CPU limit:
      oc set resources sts <statefulset-name> --limits=cpu=5