Db2 Big SQL appears to be stuck at AutoConfigure step after installation (Db2 Big SQL)

After Db2® Big SQL is installed or after the head pod is restarted, Db2 Big SQL isn't ready and appears to be stuck on the AutoConfigure step.


The head pod is running the AutoConfigure script for a prolonged period. At the end of the container logs for the head pod, you see a message such as:
oc logs $head_pod | tail -3

Running command [ bigsql ]
sh -c ssh -o LogLevel=error -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o BatchMode=yes head.bigsql.zen.svc.cluster.local /usr/ibmpacks/IBM-Big_SQL/current/bigsql-cli//BIGSQL/package/scripts/bigsql-standalone-autoConfigure.sh

Resolving the problem

Restart the Db2 Big SQL service to allow the autoConfigure operation to complete.
  1. Log in to your OpenShift® cluster as a project administrator:
    oc login OpenShift_URL:port
  2. Change to the project where the Cloud Pak for Data control plane is installed:
    oc project Project
  3. Create a cpd-cli profile.

    To manage Db2 Big SQL instances (by running the cpd-cli service-instance command), you must create a cpd-cli profile. The profile must be set up with the identity of a user that was granted access to the Db2 Big SQL instance. For more information about creating a cpd-cli profile, see Creating a profile to use the cpd-cli management commands.

  4. Identify the Db2 Big SQL instance ID.
    ./cpd-cli service-instance list --service-type bigsql --profile <profile-name>
  5. Get the name of the Db2 Big SQL head pod:
    head_pod=$(oc get pod -l instance=<instanceid>,app=db2-bigsql,bigsql-node-role=head --no-headers=true -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name)
  6. Restart Db2 Big SQL:
    oc exec -i $head_pod /usr/ibmpacks/IBM-Big_SQL/current/standalone/scripts/bigsql-restart.sh
  7. Allow 5 minutes for the AutoConfigure step to complete, and then check that the Db2 Big SQL service is fully started and is ready for use:
    oc logs $head_pod | grep "Big SQL service is ready for use" | tail -5