Limitations and known issues for Db2 Big SQL

The following limitations and known issues apply to Db2 Big SQL.

Db2 Big SQL pods are unschedulable due to insufficient resources.
You are able to specify large values for the number of cores and memory in the Db2 Big SQL provisioning UI and to save these values. The Db2 Big SQL UI does not reflect the unschedulable pods, but the OC console does.
To work around the problem, use oc or k8s commands to set acceptable resource values. For example:
oc set resources deployment bigsql-<instance-id>-head --limits=cpu=4,memory=16Gi --requests=cpu=4,memory=16Gi
oc set resources statefulset bigsql-<instance-id>-worker --limits=cpu=4,memory=16Gi --requests=cpu=4,memory=16Gi
  • Applies to: 7.1.1 and later
Connecting your JSqsh client to the Db2 Big SQL server with JSON web token (JWT) authentication that uses securityMechanism=15 and pluginName=IBMIAMauth is currently not supported.
A workaround is to configure JWT authentication by using securityMechanism=19 and accessTokenType=jwt.
  • Applies to: 7.1.1 and later
HBase tables are not supported.
  • Applies to: 7.1.1 and later
Transactional tables are not supported.
  • Applies to: 7.1.1 and later
Tables that are created in Db2 Big SQL will not be propagated to Apache Atlas, if Atlas is installed on the remote Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) or Cloudera Data Platform - Data Center (CDP-DC) cluster.
  • Applies to: 7.1.1 and later
Some data types (such as TIMESTAMP) in some file formats (such as ORC, Parquet, AVRO, and so on) that are used by Db2 Big SQL might not be compatible with older versions of Hive.
Db2 Big SQL uses more recent versions of those file formats. Consequently, data that is written to HDP 2.6 clusters through Db2 Big SQL INSERT statements can be read by Db2 Big SQL, but might not be readable by Hive engines on target clusters.
  • Applies to: 7.1.1 and later
The LOAD command is not supported.
  • Applies to: 7.1.1 and later