Associating property groups with debug sessions

You can associate property groups to avoid parsing errors in the language editors and ensure that visual debug can work properly. The property group can be associated either in a z/OS Batch Application using a property group launch configuration or during a debug session if you use a z/OS Batch Application using existing JCL or z/OS Unix Application launch configuration.

Before you begin

Note: Only COBOL and PL/I debug sessions are currently supported.
The property groups that you created to compile your source can be reused for debug. Ensure that you have a property group with necessary options specified. For a complete list of options, see Setting up property groups for editing.

Associating a property group in the launch configuration


  1. From the main toolbar, click the down arrow to the right of the debug icon (Debug icon) and select Debug Configurations.
    The Debug Configurations wizard opens.
  2. In the wizard, from the list on the left, right-click z/OS Batch Application using a property group and select New.
    The z/OS Batch Application using a property group debug configuration wizard opens.
  3. In the Property Group field of the JCL Options tab, specify a property group to associate with the debug session.

Associating a property group during the debug session

About this task

If you use a z/OS Batch Application using existing JCL or z/OS Unix Application launch configuration, you can associate a property group during the debug session.


  • If only one property group is defined under the remote host, this property group is automatically selected and associated with the debug session.
  • If two or more property groups are defined for the remote host, the Select Property Group window is displayed, and you can choose the property group to associate with the debug session.
    You can choose whether to show this window when the debug editor initializes.
  • To set a different property group, right-click in the editor and select Set Property Group from the menu. In the Set Property Group window, select a different property group to associate with the debug session.

What to do next

Refresh the editor so that the newly associated property group can work properly.