Merging and exporting code coverage results from z/OS

When you use headless code coverage on z/OS as part of a build or run individual tests, you can use the script to merge and export multiple code coverage results into a single file.

About this task

By default, a code coverage result file (*.cczip) is generated, but also supports merging and exporting results into additional formats:
  • Cobertura (*.xml)
  • SonarQube (*.xml)
  • Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
You can find the file in directory /usr/lpp/IBM/debug/headless-code-coverage/bin/.


  1. Collect file names, or directories that contain code coverage results.
    Tip: If you are collecting code coverage as part of a build, you can generate all the session results in a same directory by explicitly specifying the -o,output parameter when starting the headless code coverage daemon.
  2. Run the command from z/OS Unix. example
    The syntax diagram for command is shown below. You can use either the single letter parameter or the complete one for each option. All parameters and values are case-sensitive .
    Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax -h,help-p,path=<paths>-o,outputpath=<path> -r,recursive=TRUE|FALSE-n,outputfilename=<string>-e,exportertype=<CCSONARQUBE|SQ|CCPDF|PDF|CCCOBERTURA|COB>-G,exportencoding=<encoding>
    Options list
    Format: [options]
    Specifies a directory or a path to a results (*.cczip) file.
    If a directory is specified, all the *.cczip files in the directory are included.
    You can specify more than one path by using the system path separator between values. On z/OS, the path separator is colon (:).
    Optional: Indicates that any directory specified should be recursively searched one level for subdirectories with results.
    Specifies the directory to save the merged code coverage result. A merged result with a timestamp is created under the output directory. A subdirectory is created when you export the result in the SonarQube or Cobertura format.
    Optional: Specifies a name for the file to use for the export operation.
    Optional: Specifies additional export formats for code coverage data. You can specify multiple export types by using a comma to separate.
    • CCSONARQUBE or SQ produces the SonarQube format with the .xml extension. A subdirectory is created when you use an exporter to produce the SonarQube format.
    • CCPDF or PDF produces the PDF format with the .pdf extension.
    • CCCOBERTURA or COB produces the Cobertura format with the .xml extension. A subdirectory is created when you use an exporter to produce the Cobertura format.
    Optional: Specifies an encoding for source when you export in the SonarQube format. By default, UTF-8 is specified.
    This parameter is valid only when -e,exportertype=CCSONARQUBE is specified.
    Prints the help screen.