Defining the CICS EXCI CONNECTION and SESSIONS resources

Instead of using the DTCN API, Debug Profile Service can be set up to use external CICS interface (EXCI) to manage debug profiles stored in the region’s repository. Define a CICS CONNECTION resource and a CICS SESSIONS resource for every CICS region that you want Debug Profile Service to access.
  1. Use the following CEDA command to define a CONNECTION resource in a group:
    CEDA DEF CONNECTION(connection-name) GROUP(group-name)
    Ensure that the group in which you define the resource is in the startup GRPLIST so that the connection starts when CICS starts. Specify values for the key fields:
    Key field Value
    CONnection(connection-name) Name of the connection. Specify a name that is 4 characters or less, for example, DPSC.
    Group(group-name) Name of the group. Specify a name that is 8 characters or less.
    Netname EQAPROF
    ACcessmethod IRC
    PRotocol EXCI
    COnntype SPECIFIC
    INservice YES
    ATtachsec LOCAL
  2. Use the following CEDA command to define a SESSIONS resource in a group:
    CEDA DEF SESSIONS(sessions-name) GROUP(group-name)
    Specify values for the key fields:
    Key field Value
    Sessions(sessions-name) Name of the session. Specify a name that is 4 characters or less, for example, DPSC.
    Group(group-name) Name of the group. Use the same group name as in the CONNECTION resource definition.
    COnnection Name of the connection. Use the same connection name as in the CONNECTION resource definition.
    PRotocol EXCI
    RECEIVEPfx <
    RECEIVECount 200
  3. Use the following CEDA command to install the CONNECTION and SESSIONS resource definitions in the group:
    CEDA INS GROUP(group-name)