Editor Configurations (remote property group)

Use this page to define the location of called program search libraries and to configure a preprocessor for COBOL or PL/I source program files. When you configure a preprocessor in the property group, the editor can start the preprocessor and identify any coding issues before compilation.

Called program search libraries: Specify the local directory paths or remote libraries where the editor searches for files that are referred to in statements such as the CALL statement. The Open File, Browse File, and View File editor commands use these libraries to find called files. This field does not set copy and include libraries. Use the SYSLIB field to define copy and include libraries.
Note: For fields that take partitioned data sets as their value, you can drag a partitioned data set name from the Remote Systems view, z/OS Projects view, or Remote z/OS Search results view and drop it in the field. To change the order of partitioned data set names in a field, place the cursor in the field and click Change Order from the menu.

Use local preprocessors: Choose this option to use a local preprocessor. Use the Local Preprocessor page to set preprocessor options.

Use preprocessor extension: Choose this option to use an installed preprocessor extension. Choose a preprocessor extension from the Preprocessor extension list.
Note: This option is displayed only when one or more preprocessor extensions are installed in the product workspace. If this option is not displayed on the page, then no preprocessor extension is installed in the product workspace. For more information about configuring a preprocessor extension, see the related topics.

Use remote preprocessors: Choose this option to use a remote preprocessor. Use the fields in the Remote preprocessor configuration area of this page to set remote preprocessor options.

REXX or CLIST invoking preprocessor: Specify the name of the REXX script or CLIST on the remote system that starts remote preprocessors. It must be a partitioned data set member. It can be a user-defined script or the sample PL/I macro preprocessor FEKRNPLI, located by default in FEL.SFELSAMP(FEKRNPLI). The PL/I macro preprocessor is not supported on Linux.

Preprocessor output location: Specify the fully qualified name of an output file to be generated and downloaded from the remote system to the workstation after a remote preprocessor is started. It must be either a partitioned data set member or a sequential data set. If you specify a partitioned data set name without a member name, such as MY.PDS( ), the member name of the program that you are editing is used.

High-level qualifier for preprocessor data: Specify a qualifier to be used to allocate a temporary sequential data set. The product writes data to this data set to be read by the REXX script or CLIST on the remote system. The sequential data set is deleted after the REXX script or CLIST runs successfully. If the script fails, the data set is not deleted.

Preprocessor parameters: Specify any additional information that is needed for the REXX script or CLIST to start the remote preprocessors.

PL/I: If you specify the FEKRNPLI PL/I macro preprocessor, then the following preprocessor parameters are needed for it to run successfully. For full instructions on using the preprocessor and a complete list of options you can specify, see the comments in the header of the FEKRNPLI member.
  • Specify an output listing sequential data set in a <SYSPRINT>dataSetName</SYSPRINT> parameter. The sequential data set that you specify in this parameter must be allocated before you run the preprocessor.
  • If your compiler options contain more than 100 characters, specify a compiler options file in an <OPTIONS>dataSetName</OPTIONS> parameter. You can specify a sequential data set or a partitioned data set member.
    Important: To use a compiler options file, you must also specify +DD:OPTIONS in the Compiler options field of the PL/I Compile Step Options section on the Procedures and Steps page in the property group.
    PL/I compiler options file