Mapping your API and z/OS Assets

How to map z/OS Assets in a z/OS Connect API project in the z/OS Connect Designer.

This task takes you through the numerous ways to do data mapping in z/OS Connect Designer. Starting with basic data mapping, through to the advanced data-mapping capabilities of JSONata in z/OS Connect Designer.

Note: For more information about mapping with JSONata, see
  • What is JSONata? - this topic explains what JSONata is and the advantages it gives application developers by using z/OS Connect Designer to query and transform JSON data.
  • Sample JSONata expressions - this topic provides samples to illustrate some of the powerful mapping functions of JSONata. You can use part of, all of or even combine the samples to meet your mapping requirements; from basic mappings through to and including more complex mappings.
  • JSONata4Java limitations - z/OS Connect uses the open source Java version of JSONata called JSONata4Java. This section lists the functions that JSONata4Java does not implement.
Use the following procedure to open the operation you want to do the mappings. To open the operation, use one of the following three methods.
  • Click Paths then the selected operation in the navigation panel.
  • Click Paths then the selected operation from the main canvas.
  • Select the z/OS Asset associated with the operation from the z/OS Asset in the navigation panel. Scroll through the z/OS Asset details to find the Operations in which the z/OS Asset is implemented. Click the Operation for the z/OS Asset.
The operation flow diagram that is displayed on the main canvas shows the selected API request, the z/OS Asset implemented with your API operation and the associated responses. The responses section in this example has a node for return codes 200, 404 and 500.
Figure 1. Your selected operation displayed on the main canvas ready to start data mapping
The selected operation displayed on the main canvas ready to start data mapping.