SUBMITLIB(xxxxxxxx) - JCL library definition

The SUBMITLIB(xxxxxxxx) statement defines a data set concatenation to be used when submitting batch jobs that use the $SUBMIT command on this member. These concatenations can contain any combination of partitioned data sets (PDSs) or file system paths. SUBMITLIBs can be added, updated, or deleted through operator commands.

If a file system path is specified, files in the path with 1-8 character uppercase file names that conform to standard PDS member names can be accessed using the FILEDATA=TEXT allocation option.

Similar to PROCLIB concatenations, JES2 does not by default get the SYSDSN ENQs for data sets in the SUBMITLIB concatenations. If you would like these ENQs to be obtained (for example, to prevent the data sets from being deleted), then, like PROCLIB, you can set the DSI program property attribute that is associated with the HASJES20 program by using the SCHEDxx member of PARMLIB. If HASJES20 is defined with DSI, then JES2 requests the appropriate ENQs when the SUBMITLIB data sets are dynamically allocated.
Note: SUBMITLIB statement processing only ensures that the data sets specified can be allocated. It does not ensure that they actually exist or can be opened and used as a SUBMITLIB data set. That processing occurs when the SUBMITLIB is used by a $SUBMIT command.