OFFLOAD(n) - Offload Device

The OFFLOAD(n) initialization statement defines the logical offload device used for both offloading (transmitting) and reloading (receiving) operations. This statement defines the offload data set to which pre-execution jobs and SYSOUT data sets are offloaded and from which these jobs and SYSOUT are reloaded.

Specifying n from 1 to 8 associates this offload data set with the specific offload job transmitter (OFF(n).JT), SYSOUT transmitter (OFF(n).ST), job receiver (OFF(n).JR), and SYSOUT receiver (OFF(n).SR). Offload devices are initialized at the multi-access spool member level; therefore, if one member has started a specific offload device, it cannot be started by another member while in use by any other member.