Private Area Detail section

The optional Private Area Detail section provides information about the number of bytes of allocated blocks by area below the 16-megabyte line. In the header, the job name and the memory limit in bytes for this address space is displayed.

Start of change
Figure 1. VSTOR report - Private Area Detail and High Virtual Memory Usage (above 2GB)
                                        V I R T U A L    S T O R A G E    A C T I V I T Y                                          
                                                                                                                          PAGE    4
           z/OS V2R4                SYSTEM ID SYSF             START 07/17/2019-10.14.33  INTERVAL 000.15.00                       
                                    RPT VERSION V2R4 RMF       END   07/17/2019-10.29.33  CYCLE 1.000 SECONDS                      
                                                PRIVATE AREA DETAIL                                                                
    JOB NAME -  RMF        MEMORY LIMIT - 16384P                                                                                   
    NUMBER OF BYTES OF ALLOCATED BLOCKS BY AREA (BELOW 16 MEG)                                                                     
    SUBPOOL (AREA)      MIN             MAX             AVG                                                                        
      230               72K 10.15.01    72K 10.15.01    72K                                                                        
      236 (SWA)         84K 10.15.01    84K 10.15.01    84K                                                                        
      237 (SWA)         24K 10.15.01    24K 10.15.01    24K                                                                        
      255 (LSQA)        28K 10.15.01    28K 10.15.01    28K                                                                        
    USER REGION                                                                                                                    
        0               32K 10.15.01    32K 10.15.01    32K                                                                        
        7                4K 10.15.01     4K 10.15.01     4K                                                                        
        9                4K 10.15.01     4K 10.15.01     4K                                                                        
       10                4K 10.15.01     4K 10.15.01     4K                                                                        
       11                4K 10.15.01     4K 10.15.01     4K                                                                        
      252 (REENTRANT)  552K 10.15.01   552K 10.15.01   552K                                                                        
                                                HIGH VIRTUAL MEMORY USAGE (ABOVE 2GB)                                              
    BYTES               MIN             MAX             AVG   PEAK                                                                 
      PRIVATE        10.00M 10.15.01 10.00M 10.15.01 10.00M 9.000M                                                                 
      SHARED              0 10.15.01      0               0      0                                                                 
      COMMON         22.00M 10.15.01 22.00M 10.15.01 22.00M 22.00M                                                                 
    MEMORY OBJECTS                                                                                                                 
      PRIVATE             6 10.15.01      6 10.15.01      6                                                                        
      SHARED              0 10.15.01      0               0                                                                        
      COMMON             20 10.15.01     20 10.15.01     20                                                                        
      FIXED 1 MB          2 10.15.01      2 10.15.01      2                                                                        
      FIXED 2 GB          0 10.15.01      0               0                                                                        
      SHARED 1 MB         0 10.15.01      0               0                                                                        
    1 MB FRAMES                                                                                                                    
      FIXED               4 10.15.01      4 10.15.01      4                                                                        
      PAGEABLE            0 10.15.01      0               0                                                                        
    2 GB FRAMES                                                                                                                    
      FIXED               0 10.15.01      0               0 
End of change
Table 1. Fields in the Virtual Storage Activity report - Private Area Detail section
Field Heading Meaning
JOB NAME The job analyzed in the report.
MEMORY LIMIT The memory limit in bytes for this address space.
SUBPOOL (AREA) / USER REGION The MIN, MAX, and AVG values for the number of bytes of allocated blocks during the report interval, broken down by subpool and by area (LSQA, SWA).