Abstract for IBM Encryption Facility for z/OS: Using Encryption Facility for OpenPGP

Purpose of this information

Encryption Facility for z/OS® support for OpenPGP allows you to encrypt and decrypt messages and data files that comply with OpenPGP standards.

This document provides you with the information to use Encryption Facility for OpenPGP.

Who should read this information

Anyone who plans, installs, customizes, administers, and uses Encryption Facility for OpenPGP should use this document. It should also be used by those who install, configure, or provide support for Encryption Facility in the following areas:
  • Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility (ICSF)
  • Resource Access Control Facility

This product assumes that you have experience installing, configuring, and using z/OS, ICSF, and RACF®. It also assumes that you understand Java™–related concepts and tasks.