z/OS TSO/E Command Reference
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Nicknames section tags

z/OS TSO/E Command Reference

The nicknames section is composed of tags and their values in the same manner as the control section. The nicknames section is different from the control section in that it is divided by the occurrence of each :NICK tag and continues until the next :NICK tag, which starts the next definition. Use the nickname as either a nickname of a single user or the name of a distribution list. The :NODE and :USERID tags are present when you use the nickname for a user definition. The :LIST and :CC tags, or both are present when you use the nickname for distribution list definition.

Use the log and notify tags, except for :LOGLST and :NOLOGLST, with either a user ID definition or a distribution list definition.

Note the following:
  1. Each nickname entry must begin with the :NICK tag and :NICK must be the first non-blank character on the line.
  2. You can specify the tags as all uppercase or all lowercase.
  3. :NICK.nickname and :USERID.user_id are required.
in the control section, specifies whether you want notification for any addressee specified by node and user ID, and for any nickname where the nickname entry does not contain :NOTIFY or :NONOTIFY. The value of :NOTIFY or :NONOTIFY in the NAMES data set might be overridden by a similar specification on the TRANSMIT command. If you want to be notified for addressees on distribution lists, you must specify :NOTIFY on the distribution list in the control data set or specify NOTIFY(ALL).
indicates a nickname entry in the NAMES data set. It must be the first non-blank (except for line numbers) character of the record. The nickname is a 1 to 8 character string of non-blank alphanumeric characters.
in the nickname entry, specifies a network node name for the nickname entry. If the :NODE tag is not present in a nickname entry, the local user's node name is assumed.
specifies the user ID of the user to be identified by the nickname. You cannot use the :USERID tag with :LIST or :CC tags in the same nickname entry.
in the control section, indicates whether you want logging for any addressee specified by node and user ID and for any nickname that does not also specify :LOG or :NOLOG. If the nickname entry contains the :LOG or :NOLOG tag, this value overrides any value in the control section. However, it might have been overridden by a specification on the TRANSMIT command. If you specify NOLOG in your NAMES data set in the control section or on a :NICK tag, TSO/E prompts you with a message to receive data set ‘A.MAIL.USERID’. TSO/E then stores and places the message in ‘myid.MAIL.USERID’ where myid is the receiver of the message and USERID is the originator of the message.
in the nickname entry, defines a distribution list. The tag indicates whether a log entry should be made for each addressee in the list.
specifies the plain text name of the user being defined. This name appears in the copy list and in any log entries for this nickname. You can specify up to 30 characters.
in the nickname entry, specifies the mailing address of the specified user. Separate individual lines of the address with semicolons.
:LIST.{name | name_list}
in the nickname entry, specifies a list of addressees that make up the distribution list. Specify the addressee as either a nickname of the name or another distribution list. The :LIST tag can reference up to 100 nicknames. If you want to be notified for addressees on distribution lists, specify :NOTIFY on the distribution list in the control data set or specify NOTIFY(ALL) on the TRANSMIT command.
:CC.{name | name_list}
specifies further nicknames of addressees for a distribution list. It is treated as a synonym of the :LIST tag. You can specify up to 100 nicknames.
specifies up to 30 characters of installation-defined data. TSO/E passes this data to the RECEIVE command installation exits. For more information about how an installation uses these exits, see z/OS TSO/E Customization.

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