HLASM Toolkit Feature Interactive Debug Facility User's Guide
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Minimized Windows Viewer

HLASM Toolkit Feature Interactive Debug Facility User's Guide

The MINIMIZE command "shrinks" a window, and so frees up space on the display screen. The first MINIMIZE command opens the Minimized Windows Viewer below the Command window (command line and PF Keys). An entry representing the minimized window is placed in the Minimized Windows Viewer. You can select the window to be minimized with the cursor.

The MAXIMIZE command restores a minimized window to its previous position on the display screen. When the last minimized window is maximized, the Minimized Windows Viewer closes. You can select the window to be maximized with the cursor.
Figure 1. A sample screen before any windows are minimized
 ┌01─Current Registers───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 │ (TCAT) @PROLOG+44                       PSW 078D100080057722 (CC mask=4 L)│
 │  R0 00009025  R1 000120D4  R2 FEFE020F  R3 FEFE030F FPR0 0000000000000000 │
 │  R4 FEFE040F  R5 FEFE050F  R6 FEFE060F  R7 FEFE070F FPR2 0000000000000000 │
 │  R8 FEFE080F  R9 000577BC R10 FEFE0A0F R11 FEFE0B0F FPR4 0000000000000000 │
 │ R12 800576E0 R13 00012130 R14 000145CC R15 800576E0 FPR6 0000000000000000 │
 │ (TCAT) @PROLOG+32                                                         │
 │  00057716 92C1 C0CA                   MVI   CTGTYPE,193                   │
 │  0005771A 943F C0BA                   NI    CTGOPTN3,63                   │
 │  0005771E 9620 C0BA                   OI    CTGOPTN3,32                   │
 │  00057722 4190 07D8                   LA    R9,2008                       │
 │  00057726 5090 C108                   ST    R9,CATWRK                     │
 │  0005772A 1F88                        SLR   R8,R8                         │
 │  0005772C 5080 C10C                   ST    R8,CATWRKUS                   │
 │  00057730 4190 C108                   LA    R9,CATWRK                     │
 │  00057734 5090 C0C4                   ST    R9,CTGWKA                     │
 │  00057738 4170 0002                   LA    R7,2                          │

 1 Stmtstep   2 Regs       3 Quit        4 Until       5 Run         6 Dump
 7 Previous   8 Next       9 Disasm     10 Break      11 Step       12 Retrieve
Figure 2. The same screen after the Disassembly window is minimized
 ┌01─Current Registers────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 │ (TCAT) @PROLOG+44                       PSW 078D100080057722 (CC mask=4 L) │
 │  R0 00009025  R1 000120D4  R2 FEFE020F  R3 FEFE030F FPR0 0000000000000000  │
 │  R4 FEFE040F  R5 FEFE050F  R6 FEFE060F  R7 FEFE070F FPR2 0000000000000000  │
 │  R8 FEFE080F  R9 000577BC R10 FEFE0A0F R11 FEFE0B0F FPR4 0000000000000000  │
 │ R12 800576E0 R13 00012130 R14 000145CC R15 800576E0 FPR6 0000000000000000  │


 1 Stmtstep   2 Regs       3 Quit        4 Until       5 Run         6 Dump
 7 Previous   8 Next       9 Disasm     10 Break      11 Step       12 Retrieve
 MIN-> 02-Disasm

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