HLASM Toolkit Feature Interactive Debug Facility User's Guide
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Disassembly window

HLASM Toolkit Feature Interactive Debug Facility User's Guide

Open a Disassembly window with the DISASM command or the OPEN DISASM command. Close it by issuing the DISASM command without an address or by issuing the CLOSE command against that window. Many Disassembly windows can be open. Each Disassembly window can display storage and source at a different address.

In a Disassembly window, instructions are shown disassembled to their approximate assembler syntax. You can change the contents of the locations displayed by overtyping the hex values shown on the left side of the screen. When storage that cannot be disassembled is displayed, up to 48 bytes (three rows) are displayed in dump format in both hexadecimal and character form. The character form is EBCDIC unless the ASCII option is ON. Modify this storage by overtyping either the hexadecimal or the character portions. Characters overtyped in the character portion are EBCDIC unless the ASCII option is ON. If you have specified the PATH or PATHFILE options, a column of numbers is displayed at the right side of the screen. These numbers are execution counts for the instructions they are next to.

To change the location counter such that it reflects the original location counter of the CSECT as it appears in the assembler listing, use the OFFSET command to set the offset to the starting location of the CSECT within the modules. It may be necessary to set the OFFSET option on (use the OPTIONS command to review the current options).

CSECT names and external symbols are shown intensified (or in the heading color) and the next instruction to be executed is shown intensified (or in the message color). If a breakpoint was set for an instruction, then its address (at the left side of the screen) is shown intensified (or in the heading color). If a watchpoint was set for an instruction, then its address is shown intensified (or in the heading color) and is preceded by a 'w'. If an instruction starts a subroutine that is being skipped, then its address is shown intensified (or in the heading color) and is preceded by an 's'.

Branch instructions are disassembled to their appropriate extended mnemonics unless the NOBCX option is specified.

All open Disassembly windows share any space on the screen not occupied by the Additional Floating-Point Registers window, the Current Registers window, the Old Registers window, the Options window, and the Target Status window with any open Dump windows, and LSM Information windows. Use the SIZE and MOVE commands to change the size and location of any open window.

Figure 1. Disassembly window
 │ (RXLOCFN) RXLOCFN            RXLOCFN  CSECT                                │
 │  00057F88 47F0 F016                   B     RXLOCFN+22                     │
 │  00057F8C 10D9                        LPR   R13,R9                         │
 │  00057F8E     E7D3 D6C3C6D5 404040F8 F94BF1F9 │   XLOCFN   89.19           │
 │  00057F9C F400                                │ 4.                         │
 │  00057F9E 90EC D00C                   STM   R14,R12,12(R13)                │
 │  00057FA2 18CF                        LR    R12,R15                        │
 │  00057FA4 1FFF                        SLR   R15,R15                        │
 │  00057FA6 43F0 CBD4                   IC    R15,RXLOCFN+3028               │
 │  00057FAA 1F00                        SLR   R0,R0                          │
 │  00057FAC BF07 CBD5                   ICM   R0,B'0111',RXLOCFN+3029        │
 │  00057FB0 18E0                        LR    R14,R0                         │
 │  00057FB2 4100 0FF8                   LA    R0,4088                        │
 │  00057FB6 190E                        CR    R0,R14                         │
 │  00057FB8 47B0 C036                   BNL   RXLOCFN+54                     │
 │  00057FBC 180E                        LR    R0,R14                         │
 │  00057FBE 0700                        NOPR                                 │
 │  00057FC0 47F0 C040                   B     RXLOCFN+64                     │
 │  00057FC4 00000200                            │ ....                       │
 │  00057FC8 89F0 0008                   SLL   R15,8                          │
 │  00057FCC BFFD C03C                   ICM   R15,B'1101',RXLOCFN+60         │
 │  00057FD0 1B11                        SR    R1,R1                          │
 │  00057FD2 0A78                        SVC   120                            │
 │  00057FD4 1A10                        AR    R1,R0                          │
 │  00057FD6 1B1E                        SR    R1,R14                         │
 │  00057FD8 1B0E                        SR    R0,R14                         │
 │  00057FDA 1300                        LCR   R0,R0                          │
 │  00057FDC 58E0 D00C                   L     R14,12(,R13)                   │
 │  00057FE0 5000 1000                   ST    R0,0(,R1)                      │
 │  00057FE4 18B1                        LR    R11,R1                         │
 │  00057FE6 50D0 B004                   ST    R13,4(,R11)                    │
 │  00057FEA 50B0 D008                   ST    R11,8(,R13)                    │
 │  00057FEE 98F1 D010                   LM    R15,R1,16(R13)                 │
 │  00057FF2 18DB                        LR    R13,R11                        │
 │  00057FF4 1871                        LR    R7,R1                          │
 │  00057FF6 92E8 B064                   MVI   100(R11),232                   │

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