HLASM Programmer's Guide
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Ordinary symbol and literal cross reference

HLASM Programmer's Guide

This section of the listing concerns symbols and literals that are defined and used in the program.
Figure 1. Ordinary symbol and literal cross reference
SAMP01                         Ordinary Symbol and Literal Cross Reference                                                           Page    6
 1         2        3        4   5   6    7     8         9     10 
Symbol   Length   Value     Id    R Type Asm  Program   Defn References                                           HLASM R6.0  2008/07/11 17.48
DCBBIT0       1 00000080 FFFFFFFF A   U                   68  101   109   122   146   179   181   182   184   207   210   230   234   249   286
DCBBIT1       1 00000040 FFFFFFFF A   U                   69  102   110   124   147   148   157   163   179   181   183   184   212   230   232
                                                              234   252   253   254   289   290   344
DCBBIT2       1 00000020 FFFFFFFF A   U                   70  103   111   125   126   127   147   148   152   158   163   179   180   185   214
                                                              235   236   257   258   259   293   294   345
DCBBIT3       1 00000010 FFFFFFFF A   U                   71  104   125   127   128   147   160   186   217   235   238   261   262   263   297
                                                              298   345
DCBBIT4       1 00000008 FFFFFFFF A   U                   72  112   161   162   163   187   218   240   245   246   266   267   301   302   304
                                                              305   346
DCBBIT5       1 00000004 FFFFFFFF A   U                   73  113   168   190   191   220   240   242   243   246   270   272   273   274   308
                                                              309   310   311   346
DCBBIT6       1 00000002 FFFFFFFF A   U                   74  105   169   170   173   190   192   221   277   278   279   280   314   315   316
                                                              317   347
DCBBIT7       1 00000001 FFFFFFFF A   U                   75  106   169   171   173   194   225   282   283   320   321   323   324
Entry1        2 00000000 00000003     I                   23   24    25U
IHADCB        1 00000000 FFFFFFFF     J                   56   34U   35U   83   132   203   328   335   353
INDCB         2 0000002A 00000003     H  H                46   34U
Open          2 00000022 00000003     H  H               366   42B
OUTDCB        2 0000007A 00000003     H  H                48   35U
plist         1 00000000 FFFFFFFE     J                  360   37U   38U
PlistIn  ***QUALIFIER*** 00000001     U                   37   38
RCNVDATE      1 00000000 0000000D     T                  699  699
RCNVTIME      1 00000000 0000000E     T                  700  700
r1            1 00000001 00000003 A   U                  369   40
r2            1 00000002 00000003 A   U                  370   41M
r5            1 00000005 00000003 A   U                  373   40M   41
Samp01        1 00000000 00000003     J                    2   20    45    47   356   363   365
Savearea ***UNDEFINED*** 00000000 A   U                        26
=f'1'         4 000000D0 00000003     F                  698  396
=f'2'         4 000000DC 00000003     F                  701  400
              4 000000D4 00000003     V                  699  397
              4 000000D8 00000003     V                  700  399
Shows each symbol or literal. Symbols are shown in the form in which they are defined, either in the name entry of a machine or assembler instruction, or in the operand of an EXTRN or WXTRN instruction. Symbols defined using mixed-case letters are shown in mixed-case letters, unless the FOLD assembler option was specified.
If a symbol name is used as a literal more than once in a program, and the form of the symbol name is coded differently, for example =V(symbol) and =V(SYMBOL), and the symbol is not defined in the program, the symbol is listed in the form of the first reference. In the following example, the assembler lists the symbol name as inPUT, because the third statement is the first occurrence of the symbol, and the symbol was not previously defined.
test     csect
         using      *,15
         la         1,=v(inPUT)        third statement
         la         1,=v(INPUT)
In the following example, the assembler lists the symbol name inPUT, because the third statement defines inPUT as an external symbol. The assembler also lists the symbol name INput, because the fifth statement defines INput as an ordinary symbol.
test     csect
         using      *,15
         la         1,=v(inPUT)        third statement
         la         1,=v(INPUT)
INput    dc         cl4' '             fifth statement
Shows, in decimal notation, the byte length of the field represented by the symbol. This field is blank for labeled USINGs (see symbol WA).
Shows the hexadecimal address assigned to the symbol or literal, or the hexadecimal value to which the symbol is equated. This field is blank for labeled USING symbols. The Value column can contain the UNDEFINED or QUALIFIER strings, depending on the properties of the symbol.
For symbols and literals defined in an executable control section or a dummy section, this field shows the external symbol dictionary ID (ESDID) assigned to the ESD entry for the control section in which the symbol or literal is defined. For external symbols, this field indicates the ESDID assigned to ESD entry for this symbol. For symbols defined in a dummy control section, this field indicates the control section ID assigned to the control section. For symbols defined using the EQU statement, if the operand contains a relocatable expression, this field shows the external symbol dictionary ID of the relocatable expression. Otherwise, it contains the current control section ID.
Column title R is an abbreviation for “Relocatability Type”. Symbols fl12nd and WA are absolute symbols and are flagged "A" in the R column. Symbol jix is the result of a complex relocatable expression and is flagged "C" in the R column. Symbol IOerror is relocatable and is not flagged.
Indicates the type attribute of the symbol or literal. Refer to "Type attribute (T')" in the HLASM Language Reference for details.
Indicates the assembler type of the symbol, including type extensions (if any). Refer to HLASM Language Reference for details.
Indicates the program type of the symbol. Refer to HLASM Language Reference for details.
Is the statement number in which the symbol or literal was defined.
Shows the statement numbers of the statements in which the symbol or literal appears as an operand. Additional indicators are suffixed to statement numbers as follows:
The statement contains a branch instruction, and the relocatable symbol is used as the branch-target operand address.
The statement contains a DROP instruction, and the symbol is used in the instruction operand.
The instruction causes the contents of a register represented by an absolute symbol, or a storage location represented by one or more relocatable symbols, to be modified.
The statement contains a USING instruction, and the symbol is used in one of the instruction operands.
The statement contains an EX machine instruction, and the symbol in the second operand is the symbolic address of the target instruction.
In the case of a duplicate symbol this column contains the message:
A symbol name can appear in the cross reference section as both an external symbol name and an ordinary symbol name. In this situation there is no duplication.
The following notes apply to the cross reference section:
  1. Cross reference entries for symbols used in a literal refer to the assembled literal in the literal pool. Look up the literals in the cross reference to find where the symbols are used.
  2. A PRINT OFF listing control instruction does not affect the production of the cross reference section of the listing.
  3. In the case of an undefined symbol, the columns Length ( 2 ) and Value ( 3 ) contain the message:

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