IBM Performance Management

Granting privileges to non-SYS users for ASM instances

You must connect to ASM instances that are using the SYSDBA and SYSASM roles for users. If you do not want to use the SYS account to connect to ASM instances, create a user account and grant the SYSDBA and SYSASM roles to the account.


  1. Run the following commands to create a user account and grant roles:
    • For Oracle 10g
      Important: Oracle 10g does not have the SYSASM role and does not support creating a new database user in the ASM instance directly using sqlplus.

      When you create the ASM connection in the configuration panel, specify the UserName user and the SYSDBA role for Oracle Database 10g. Use only the SYSDBA role. The UserName must be created first.

      1. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables as RDBMS home/sid:
        • Windows systems:
          SET ORACLE_SID= sid
          SET ORACLE_HOME= home 
        • UNIX or Linux systems:
          export ORACLE_SID = sid
          export ORACLE_HOME = home 
      2. Create the database user by logging in to RDBMS in sqlplus, and creating a new user:
        • create user UserName identified by Password
        • connect / as sysdba
        • grant sysdba to UserName
      3. Rename the original ASM password file:
        1. Back up the ASM password file:
          mv password file for asm instance password file for asm instance.orig
        2. Copy the RDBMS password file and rename the file with the ASM password file name:
          cp password file for database instance password file for asm instance
      4. Verify the connection to ASM on a separate computer with UserName in sqlplus SQL> connect UserName/Password as sysdba.
    • For Oracle 11g
      For Oracle 11g, you must log in to the ASM database with the SYSASM role to create a new user for an agent and grant the SYSDBA role or SYSASM role:
      create user UserName identified by Password
      grant sysdba to UserName
      grant sysasm to UserName
  2. When you create the ASM connection in the configuration panel, specify the UserName user and the SYSDBA role for Oracle Database 10g, and the UserName user and the SYSDBA or SYSASM role for Oracle 11g.
    Note: If you choose the SYSASM role to access the Oracle 11g ASM database, you must configure the agent instance by using Oracle 11g Oracle home or Oracle instant client to connect to the Oracle database.