Planning domains

A IBM Workload Scheduler network contains at least one master domain manager that acts as a management hub for the product. Additional domains can be used to divide a widely-distributed network into locally-managed groups of workstations.

In a single domain configuration, the master domain manager maintains communications with all of the workstations in the network.

In a multiple domain configuration, the master domain manager communicates with the workstations in its domain and all immediately subordinate domain managers. The subordinate domain managers communicate with the workstations in their domains and their immediately subordinate domain managers, and so on. Domain managers report all of the activities of the domain to the master. Using multiple domains reduces network traffic and the load on the master by reducing the number of direct communications between the master domain manager and workstations. Multiple domains also provide fault-tolerance by limiting the outage caused by losing a domain manager in a single domain. To limit the effects further, you can designate backup domain managers to take over if domain managers fail.

When you define a new domain, you must identify the parent domain and the domain manager. The parent domain is the domain directly above the new domain in the domain hierarchy. All communications to and from a domain are routed through the parent domain manager.