Troubleshooting data for Dynamic Scripting problems in CICS TS 4.2 or CICS TS 4.1

CICS® MustGather for Dynamic Scripting problems in CICS TS 4.2 or CICS TS 4.1

A Dynamic Scripting problem in CICS occurs for many reasons. For information about the most common problems, see Troubleshooting and support for CICS Dynamic Scripting Feature Pack V1.1 and Troubleshooting and support for CICS Dynamic Scripting Feature Pack V1.0.

Gather the following diagnostic information before contacting the CICS support team to troubleshoot your Dynamic Scripting problems.

Required data:
  • If available, the JVM server standard out and standard error files. These files are created in the JVM server working directory. For command-line interface (CLI) JVMs, this is the directory from which you enter the command. For application JVMs, this is the root directory of the application.

    The files are named applid.JVMServerID.dfhjvmerr and applid.JVMServerID.dfhjvmout, where applid is the application identifier (APPLID) of the CICS region and JVMServerID is the name of the JVMSERVER resource.

Optional data:

If IBM® Support requests more detailed logging of the interaction between Dynamic Scripting and the CICS region, consider the following options:

  1. Enter export CICS_DEBUG=ON to turn on the environment variable CICS_DEBUG in the z/OS® UNIX shell before you start the application or run the problematic CLI command. As a result, extra logging is sent to the console and the log files. For more information, see Troubleshooting the command-line interface.
  2. Provide the contents of your JVM profile directory. This directory is defined in the JVMPROFILEDIR system initialization parameter in your CICS region. For more information about the JVMPROFILEDIR parameter, see JVMPROFILEDIR for CICS TS 4.2 and JVMPROFILEDIR for CICS TS 4.1.