Troubleshooting data for Ansible IBM z/OS CICS collection problems

CICS® MustGather for Ansible® IBM® z/OS® CICS collection problems

Gather the following diagnostic information before contacting the CICS support team to troubleshoot your Ansible IBM z/OS CICS collection problems.

Required data:
Service MustGather for the Ansible collection
  1. The installed Ansible version.
  2. The version of the installed IBM z/OS CICS collection. You can identify the version as follows:
  3. The installed Z Open Automation Utilities (ZOAU) version.
  4. Environment specifics, including the operating system your Ansible is running on, the z/OS version, and so on.
  5. Steps to reproduce the problem. For example, you can provide the playbook that can reproduce the problem.
  6. Expected results.
  7. Actual results, for example, the playbook output.
  8. Ansible configurations, including:
    1. The ansible.cfg files and the output you get by running:
      ansible-config dump --only-changed
    2. The content of your inventory file
    3. The content of host_vars and group_vars directories, if any
Additional CICS data based on the type of the connection you use
  • If you are connecting to a CICSPlex® SM:
    1. The complete job log, including CICS TDQ output, of the WUI server and the CMAS to which the WUI server connects.
    2. If you receive a bad response from the CICS management client interface (CMCI) or the CMCI REST API, for example, FAILED or EXCEPTION, collect the unformatted auxiliary trace data sets from the WUI server and the CMAS to which the WUI server connects.
  • If you are connecting to a CICS System Management Single Server (SMSS), that is, a single CICS region that is not connected to a CICSPlex SM:
    • The complete job log, including TDQ output.