What to do if you cannot find what is overlaying the SAA

The technique described in this section enables you to locate the code responsible for the error by narrowing your search to the sequence of instructions executing between the last two successive old-style trace entries in the trace table.

You do this by forcing CICS® to check the SAA chain of terminal storage and the storage check zones of user-task storage every time an old-style trace entry is made from AP domain. These types of trace entry have point IDs of the form AP 00xx, “xx” being two hexadecimal digits. Storage chain checking is not done for new-style trace entries from AP domain or any other domain. (For a discussion of old and new-style trace entries, see Using CICS trace.)

The procedure has a significant processing overhead, because it involves a large amount of tracing. You are likely to use it only when you have had no success with other methods.