Components of the base application

Use these tables to understand the components of the base application and the members supplied in the SDFHSAMP sample. The SDFHSAMP members listed contain BMS maps, COBOL source, and copybooks for the base application, web service client application, and the wrapper modules.

Table 1. SDFHSAMP members containing BMS maps
Member name Description
DFH0XS1 BMS macros for the mapset consisting of the map (EXMENU) for the Main Menu screen and the map (EXORDR) for the Details of your order screen.
DFH0XS2 BMS macros for the mapset consisting of the map (EXINQC) for the Inquire Catalog screen.
DFH0XS3 BMS macros for the mapset consisting of the map (EXCONF) for the Configure CICS example catalog application screen.
DFH0XM1 COBOL copybook generated by assembling DFH0XS1. DFH0XGUI and DFH0XCUI include this copybook
DFH0XM2U COBOL copybook generated by assembling DFH0XS2 and editing the result to include an indexed array structure for ease of copybook programming. DFH0XGUI and DFH0XCUI include this copybook.
DFH0XM3 COBOL copybook generated by assembling DFH0XS3. DFH0XCFG includes this copybook
Table 2. SDFHSAMP members containing COBOL source for the base application
Member name Description
DFH0XCFG Program invoked by transaction ECFG to read and update the VSAM configuration file.
DFH0XCMN Controller program for the catalog application. All requests pass through the controller program.
DFH0XGUI Program invoked by transaction EGUI to manage the sending of the BMS maps to the terminal user and the receiving of the maps from the terminal user. This program links to program DFH0XCMN.
DFH0XODE One of two versions of the endpoint for the order dispatch web service. This is the version that runs in CICS®. This program sets the text "Order in dispatch" in the return COMMAREA.
DFH0XSDS A stubbed or dummy version of the data store program that allows the application to work when the VSAM catalog file has not been set up. DFH0XSDS uses data defined in the program rather than data stored in a VSAM file.
DFH0XSOD A stubbed version of the order dispatch program. It sets the return code in the COMMAREA to 0 and returns to its caller. DFH0XSOD is used when outbound web services are not required.
DFH0XSSM A stubbed version of the stock manager (replenishment) program. DFH0XSSM sets the return code in the COMMAREA to 0 and returns to its caller.
DFH0XVDS The VSAM version of the data store program. DFH0XVDS accesses the VSAM file to perform reads and updates of the catalog.
DFH0XWOD The web service version of the order dispatch program. DFH0XWOD issues an EXEC CICS INVOKE WEBSERVICE to make an outbound web service call to an order dispatcher.
Table 3. SDFHSAMP members containing COBOL copybooks for the base application
Member name Description
DFH0XCP1 Defines a COMMAREA structure that includes the request and response for the inquire catalog, inquire single, and place order functions. Programs DFH0XCMN, DFH0XCUI, DFH0XECC, DFH0XGUI, DFH0XICW, DFH0XISW, DFH0XPOW, DFH0XSDS, and DFH0XVDS include this copybook.
DFH0XCP2 Defines a COMMAREA structure for the order dispatcher and stock manager modules. Programs DFH0XCMN, DFH0XSOD, DFH0XSSM, and DFH0XWOD include this copybook
DFH0XCP3 Defines a data structure for an inquire catalog request and response. Used as input to DFHLS2WS in order to produce inquireCatalog.wsdl and inquireCatalog.wsbind.
DFH0XCP4 Defines a data structure for an inquire single request and response. Used as input to DFHLS2WS in order to produce inquireSingle.wsdl and inquireSingle.wsbind.
DFH0XCP5 Defines a data structure for a place order request and response. Used as input to DFHLS2WS in order to produce placeOrder.wsdl and placeOrder.wsbind.
DFH0XCP6 Defines a data structure for a dispatch order request and response. Used as input to DFHLS2WS in order to produce dispatchOrder.wsdl and dispatchOrder.wsbind.
DFH0XCP7 Defines the data structure for a dispatch order request. Programs DFH0XODE and DFH0XWOD include this copybook
DFH0XCP8 Defines the data structure for a dispatch order response. Programs DFH0XODE and DFH0XWOD include this copybook.
Table 4. SDFHSAMP members containing COBOL source code for the web service client application thatruns in CICS
Member name Description
DFH0XCUI Program invoked by transaction ECLI to manage the sending of the BMS maps to the terminal user and the receiving of the maps from the terminal user. It links to program DFH0XECC.
DFH0XECC Makes outbound web service requests to the base application, using the EXEC CICS INVOKE WEBSERVICE command. The web service specified is one of the following:
  • inquireCatalogClient
  • inquireSingleClient
  • placeOrderClient
Table 5. SDFHSAMP members containing COBOL copybooks for the web service client application thatruns in CICS. They are all generated by DFHWS2LS, and are included by program DFH0XECC.
Member name Description
DFH0XCPA Defines the data structure for the inquire catalog request.
DFH0XCPB Defines the data structure for the inquire catalog response.
DFH0XCPC Defines the data structure for the inquire single request.
DFH0XCPD Defines the data structure for the inquire single response.
DFH0XCPE Defines the data structure for the place order request.
DFH0XCPF Defines the data structure for the place order response.
Table 6. SDFHSAMP members containing COBOL source code for the wrapper modules
Member name Description
DFH0XECC Web services client program
DFH0XICW Wrapper program for the inquireCatalog service.
DFH0XISW Wrapper program for the inquireSingle service.
DFH0XPOW Wrapper program for the purchaseOrder service.
Table 7. SDFHSAMP members containing COBOL copybooks for the wrapper modules
Member name Description
DFH0XWC1 Defines the data structure for the inquire catalog request. Program DFH0XICW includes this copybook.
DFH0XWC2 Defines the data structure for the inquire catalog response. Program DFH0XICW includes this copybook.
DFH0XWC3 Defines the data structure for the inquire single request. Program DFH0XISW includes this copybook.
DFH0XWC4 Defines the data structure for the inquire single response. Program DFH0XISW includes this copybook.
DFH0XWC5 Defines the data structure for the place order request. Program DFH0XPOW includes this copybook.
DFH0XWC6 Defines the data structure for the place order response. Program DFH0XPOW includes this copybook
Table 8. CICS Resource Definitions
Resource name Resource type Comment
EXAMPLE CICS Resource definition group CICS resource definitions required for the example application.
EGUI TRANSACTION Transaction to invoke program DFH0XGUI to start the BMS interface to the application (Customizable).
ECFG TRANSACTION Transaction to invoke the program DFH0XCFG to start the example configuration BMS interface (Customizable).
EXMPCAT FILE File definition of the EXMPCAT VSAM file for the application catalog (Customizable).
EXMPCONF FILE File definition of the EXMPCONF application configuration file.