The monitoring control table (MCT)

Use the monitoring control table (MCT) to control the nature and extent of the monitoring that you require.

  • To specify the type of resource for which you want to collect transaction resource monitoring data.
  • To deactivate data compression for monitoring records because data compression is the default.
  • To enable application naming support, which makes available the CICS®-generated DFHAPPL EMPs to your application programs.
  • To specify whether you want additional monitoring performance data to be collected for the resource managers used by your transaction.
  • To notify CICS about the EMPs that you have coded in your application programs and about the data that is to be collected at these points.
  • To notify CICS that you want certain system-defined performance data not to be recorded during a particular CICS run.

Full details of the MCT are provided in MCT —monitoring control table.

Four sample monitoring control tables are also provided in CICSTS53.CICS.SDFHSAMP:
  • DFHMCTT$, for terminal-owning regions (TORs)
  • DFHMCTA$, for application-owning regions (AORs)
  • DFHMCTD$, for application-owning regions (AORs) with DBCTL
  • DFHMCTF$, for file-owning regions (FORs)
These samples show you how to use the EXCLUDE and INCLUDE operands to determine the data that is included in the performance class record.


You use the TYPE=INITIAL macro to indicate whether you want application naming support, data compression, additional performance class monitoring for the resource managers used by your transactions, and the transaction monitoring resource limit values.

For information about the APPLNAME, COMPRESS, RMI, DPL, FILE, and TSQUEUE parameters that control these facilities, see Control section—DFHMCT TYPE=INITIAL.


There must be a DFHMCT TYPE=EMP macro definition for every user-coded EMP. This macro has an ID operand, whose value must be made up of the ENTRYNAME and POINT values specified on the EXEC CICS MONITOR command. The PERFORM operand of the DFHMCT TYPE=EMP macro tells CICS which user count fields, user clocks, and character values to expect at the identified user EMP, and what operations to perform on them.


The DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD macro allows you to exclude specific system-defined performance data from a CICS run.

Each field of the performance data that is gathered at the system-defined EMPs belongs to a group of fields that has a group identifier. Each performance data field also has its own numeric identifier that is unique within the group identifier. For example, the transaction sequence number field in a performance record belongs to the group DFHTASK, and has the numeric identifier ‘031'. Using these identifiers, you can exclude specific fields or groups of fields, and reduce the size of the performance records.