Deleting snapshots

You can use the Process Admin Console or a REST API call to delete snapshots of process applications or toolkits from Process Server or Process Center. You can only perform this operation if your user ID is a member of the administrator group.
Important: Before you delete any snapshots, make sure that the prerequisites for snapshot deletion are met.

Using the Process Admin Console

  1. Click Server Admin > IBM BPM Admin > Health Management.
  2. Select the command Delete Snapshots.
  3. Specify values for the command's parameters.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. If there is an error, you will see the error message. Otherwise, you can check the progress of the deletion in the system log.

Using a REST API call

Call the BPM operations REST API DELETE https://host:port/ops/std/bpm/containers/acronym/versions. Where acronym is the acronym of the process application or toolkit that contains the snapshots to delete.

Remember: For IBM® BPM on Cloud, the operations REST APIs have the following URL,, where environment has the value dev for the development system, test for the test system, or run for the production (runtime) system.
Important: Depending on whether host:port resolves to a Process Server or a Process Center, different parameters are required, optional, or ignored. For details about the BPM operations REST APIs and to try invoking them from a browser, use the Swagger interface. The Swagger interface is available at the URL https://server:port/ops/explorer Where server is the host name of your BPM server and port is the port number that is used by the BPM server. For example, https://localhost:9443/ops/explorer
The following examples illustrate how to use the REST API to delete snapshots from Process Server and Process Center.
Process Server examples
  • Delete named snapshots V01 and V02 of toolkit TK1:
    DELETE http://host:port/ops/std/bpm/containers/TK1/versions?versions=V01,V02
  • Delete the last and default snapshot VLAST of process application APP1:
    DELETE http://host:port/ops/std/bpm/containers/APP1/versions?versions=VLAST&force=true
Process Center examples
  • Delete archived named snapshots V01 and V02 of the default track of toolkit TK1:
    DELETE http://host:port/ops/std/bpm/containers/TK1/versions?versions=V01,V02
  • Delete all unnamed snapshots except the tip snapshot of track Test of toolkit TK1:
    DELETE http://host:port/ops/std/bpm/containers/TK1/versions?branch_name=Test&kept_number=0
  • Delete all unnamed snapshots of track Test of process application APP1 created before snapshot V20:
    DELETE http://host:port/ops/std/bpm/containers/APP1/versions?branch_name=Test&created_before_snapshot=V20
  • Delete all unnamed snapshots of track Test of process application APP1 created before a point in time:
    DELETE http://host:port/ops/std/bpm/containers/APP1/versions?branch_name=Test&created_before=2016-10-01T00:00:00-06:00
    Remember: If you need to specify a time zone that is ahead of UTC, you must encode the + symbol as %2B. For example, for the Central European Time zone +01:00, you must use %2B01:00 in your URL. Alternatively, you can specify a UTC date, for example ended_after=2016-01-01T01:00:00Z.
Important: All calls to the IBM BPM operations REST API require that the HTTP header BPMCSRFToken is set with every request. For information about how to obtain a token, see Preventing cross site request forgery.

Using wsadmin commands