
SET SYSTEM (change system settings) on z/OS

Use the MQSC command SET SYSTEM to dynamically change certain general system parameter values that were initially set from your system parameter module at queue manager startup. To permanently change these, either change the CSQ6SYSP parameters and regenerate the parameter module, or put the SET SYSTEM commands into a data set in the CSQINP2 concatenation.

Using MQSC commands

For information on how you use MQSC commands, see Performing local administration tasks using MQSC commands.

You can issue this command from sources 12CR. For an explanation of the source symbols, see Sources from which you can issue MQSC commands on z/OS®.

Synonym: None


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram SET SYSTEM DEFAULTparameter block CMDSCOPE(' ')CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name)1CMDSCOPE(*)1
Parameter Block
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramACCTIME(character)ACELIM(integer)EXCLMSG(character)LOGLOAD(integer)SERVICE(character)STATIME(character)TRACTBL(integer)
  • 1 Valid only when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group.

The CTHREAD, IDFORE, and IDBACK parameters are ignored in IBM® WebSphere® MQ 7.1 or later, but are still allowed for compatibility with earlier versions. Any attempt to change the value of one of these parameters sets it to a default value of 32767.

Usage notes for SET SYSTEM

The new values take immediate effect, with the possible exception of STATIME, [MQ 9.2.4 Nov 2021]ACCTIME, and TRACTBL.

Changes to STATIME [MQ 9.2.4 Nov 2021]and ACCTIME take effect when the current interval expires, unless the new interval is less than the unexpired portion of the current interval, in which case SMF data is gathered immediately and the new interval then takes effect.

For TRACTBL, if there is any trace currently in effect, the existing trace table continues to be used, and its size is unchanged. A new global trace table is only obtained for a new START TRACE command. If a new trace table is created with insufficient storage, the old trace table continues to be used, and the message CSQW153E is displayed.

Parameter descriptions for SET SYSTEM

This parameter applies to z/OS only and specifies how the command runs when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group.
' '
The command runs on the queue manager on which it was entered. This is the default value.
The command runs on the queue manager you specify, providing the queue manager is active within the queue sharing group.

You can specify a queue manager name, other than the queue manager on which it was entered, only if you are using a queue sharing group environment and if the command server is enabled. You cannot use CMDSCOPE( qmgr-name) for commands issued from the first initialization input data set, CSQINP1.

The command runs on the local queue manager and is also passed to every active queue manager in the queue sharing group. The effect of this is the same as entering the command on every queue manager in the queue sharing group.

You cannot use CMDSCOPE(*) for commands issued from CSQINP1.

Resets all the general system parameters to the values set at queue manager startup.

Parameter block

[z/OS]For a full description of these parameters, see Using CSQ6SYSP.

Parameter block is any one or more of the following parameters that you want to change:
[MQ 9.2.4 Nov 2021]ACCTIME
Specifies the interval, in minutes and seconds, between consecutive gatherings of accounting data.
Specify a number in the range 0 through 1440 minutes in the format 'mmmm', or in the range 0 through 1439 minutes, and 0 - 59 seconds, in the format 'mmmm.ss'. The default is 30 minutes.
Specify a number, either -1, or in the range 0 through 1440 minutes in the format 'mmmm', or in the range 0 through 1439 minutes, and 0 - 59 seconds, in the format 'mmmm.ss'.
  • When specifying an interval of seconds only, you must prefix the interval with a value of 0. The smallest possible interval is one second: '0.01'.
  • If you specify a value of 0, accounting data is collected at the SMF data collection broadcast. See Using System Management Facility for more information.
  • If you specify a value of -1, which is the default, accounting data is collected using the STATIME value.
For example:
  • '0.30' sets an interval of 30 seconds.
  • '5.30' sets an interval of 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
  • '30' sets an interval of 30 minutes.
Specifies the maximum size of the ACE storage pool in 1 KB blocks. The number must be in the range 0-999999. The default value of zero means no imposed constraint, beyond what is available in the system.

You should only set a value for ACELIM on queue managers that have been identified as using exorbitant quantities of ECSA storage. Limiting the ACE storage pool has the effect of limiting the number of connections in the system, and so, the amount of ECSA storage used by a queue manager.

Once the queue manager reaches the limit it is not possible for applications to obtain new connections. The lack of new connections causes failures in MQCONN processing, and applications coordinated through RRS are likely to experience failures in any IBM MQ API.

An ACE represents approximately 12.5% of the total ECSA required for the thread-related control blocks for a connection. So, for example, specifying ACELIM=5120 would be expected to cap the total amount of ECSA allocated by the queue manager (for thread-related control blocks) at approximately 40960K; that is 5120 multiplied by 8.

In order to cap the amount total amount of ECSA allocated by the queue manager, for thread-related control blocks at 5120K, an ACELIM value of 640 is required.

You can use SMF 115 subtype 5 records, produced by statistics CLASS(3) trace, to monitor the size of the 'ACE/PEB' storage pool, and hence set an appropriate value for ACELIM.

You can obtain the total amount of ECSA storage used by the queue manager, for control blocks, from SMF 115 subtype 7 records, written by statistics CLASS(2) trace. The total amount of ECSA storage used is the sum of the QSRSPHBGF and QSRSPHBGV fields.

For more information about SMF 115 statistics records, see Interpreting IBM MQ performance statistics.

Note that, you should consider setting ACELIM as a mechanism to protect a z/OS image from a badly behaving queue manager, rather than as a means to control application connections to a queue manager.

Specify a list of message identifiers to be excluded from being written to any log. Messages in this list are not sent to the z/OS console and hardcopy log. As a result using the EXCLMSG parameter to exclude messages is more efficient from a CPU perspective than using z/OS mechanisms such as the message processing facility list and should be used instead where possible. This list is dynamic and is updated using the SET SYSTEM command.

The default value is an empty list ( ).

Message identifiers are supplied without the CSQ prefix and without the action code suffix (I-D-E-A). For example, to exclude message CSQX500I, add X500 to this list. This list can contain a maximum of 16 message identifiers.

To be eligible to be included in the list, the message must be issued after normal startup of the MSTR or CHIN address spaces and begin with the one of the following characters E, H, I, J, L, M, N, P, R, T, V, W, X, Y, 2 ,3, 5, 9.

Message identifiers that are issued as a result of processing commands can be added to the list, however are not excluded.

For example:

suppresses the channel started and channel no longer active messages.
Specifies the number of log records that IBM MQ writes between the start of one checkpoint and the next. IBM MQ starts a new checkpoint after the number of records that you specify has been written.

Specify a value in the range 200 through 16 000 000.

This parameter is reserved for use by IBM.
[MQ 9.2.4 Nov 2021] From IBM MQ for z/OS 9.2.4, specifies the time, in minutes and seconds, between consecutive gatherings of statistics data. If ACCTIME is not set, or is -1, also specifies the time, between consecutive gatherings of accounting data.

If you specify a value of 0, data is collected at the SMF data collection broadcast.

Specify a number in the range 0 through 1440 minutes in the format 'mmmm', or in the range 0 through 1439 minutes, and 0 - 59 seconds, in the format 'mmmm.ss'. The default is 30 minutes.

Specify a number, either -1, or in the range 0 through 1440 minutes in the format 'mmmm', or in the range 0 through 1439 minutes, and 0 - 59 seconds, in the format 'mmmm.ss'.
Note: When specifying an interval of seconds only, you must prefix the interval with a value of 0. The smallest possible interval is one second: '0.01'.
For example:
  • '0.30' sets an interval of 30 seconds.
  • '5.30' sets an interval of 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
  • '30' sets an interval of 30 minutes.
[Long Term Support]From IBM MQ for z/OS 9.2.0 to 9.2.3, specifies the interval, in minutes, between consecutive gatherings of statistics.

Specify a number in the range 0 through 1440 minutes.

If you specify a value of 0, both statistics data and accounting data is collected at the SMF data collection broadcast.

Specifies the default size, in 4 KB blocks, of trace table where the global trace facility stores IBM MQ trace records.

Specify a value in the range 1 through 999.

Note: Storage for the trace table is allocated in the ECSA. Therefore, you must select this value with care.