Installing the IBM Data Server Driver Package software on Mac OS X

On Mac OS X operating systems, you install the IBM Data Server Driver Package software by issuing the installDSDriver command. You can use the IBM Data Server Driver Package software for mass application deployment scenarios.

Before you begin

You can download the IBM Data Server Driver Package software from the following link:

About this task

The IBM Data Server Driver Package includes database drivers for Java™, ODBC/CLI, PHP, Python, and Ruby on Rails, each of which is stored in its own subdirectory.


  1. Double-click the file_name.dmg file to mount the disk image. A new Finder window opens with the contents of the disk image. If the Finder window does not open, double-click the file_name icon on your desktop.
  2. In the Finder window, double-click the installDSDriver icon to install the driver package to the default location /Applications/dsdriver. The installDSDriver script creates the db2profile and db2cshrc script files.
  3. To set the IBM data server driver environment, run the following script files based on your operating system environment:
    • Bash or Korn shell: . ./db2profile
    • C shell: source db2cshrc
  4. To connect to the database from the command line, double-click the CLPPlus icon in the Applications folder.