Preparing and executing SQL statements in PHP (PDO)

To prepare and execute an SQL statement that includes variable input, use the PDO::prepare, PDOStatement::bindParam, and PDOStatement::execute methods. Preparing a statement improves performance because the database server creates an optimized access plan for data retrieval that it can reuse if the statement is executed again.

Before you begin

Obtain a connection object by calling the PDO constructor. Refer to Connecting to an IBM data server database with PHP (PDO).


To prepare and execute an SQL statement that includes parameter markers:

  1. Call the PDO::prepare method, passing the listed arguments:
    A string that contains the SQL statement, including question marks (?) or named variables (:name) as parameter markers for any column or predicate values that require variable input. You can only use parameter markers as a place holder for column or predicate values. The SQL compiler is unable to create an access plan for a statement that uses parameter markers in place of column names, table names, or other SQL identifiers. You cannot use both question mark (?) parameter markers and named parameter markers (:name) in the same SQL statement.
    Optional: An array that contains statement options:
    This option sets the type of cursor that PDO returns for result sets. By default, PDO returns a forward-only cursor (PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY), which returns the next row in a result set for every call to PDOStatement::fetch(). You can set this parameter to PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL to request a scrollable cursor.

    If the function call succeeds, it returns a PDOStatement object that you can use in subsequent method calls that are related to this query.

    If the function call fails (returns False), you can use the PDO::errorCode or PDO::errorInfo method to retrieve diagnostic information about the error.

  2. Optional: For each parameter marker in the SQL string, call the PDOStatement::bindParam method, passing the listed arguments. Binding input values to parameter markers ensures that each input value is treated as a single parameter, which prevents SQL injection attacks against your application.
    A parameter identifier. For question mark parameter markers (?), this is an integer that represents the 1-indexed position of the parameter in the SQL statement. For named parameter markers (:name), this is a string that represents the parameter name.
    The value to use in place of the parameter marker
  3. Call the PDOStatement::execute method, optionally passing an array that contains the values to use in place of the parameter markers, either in order for question mark parameter markers, or as a :name => value associative array for named parameter markers.

    For more information about the PDO API, see


Prepare and execute a statement that includes variable input.

$sql = "SELECT firstnme, lastname FROM employee WHERE bonus > ? AND bonus < ?";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
if (!$stmt) {
  // Handle errors

// Explicitly bind parameters
$stmt->bindParam(1, $_POST['lower']);
$stmt->bindParam(2, $_POST['upper']);


// Invoke statement again using dynamically bound parameters
$stmt->execute($stmt, array($_POST['lower'], $_POST['upper']));

What to do next

If the SQL statement returns one or more result sets, you can begin fetching rows from the statement resource by calling the PDOStatement::fetch or PDOStatement::fetchAll method.