The absolute path and name of the HFS/zFS environment variable file for the Db2-supplied Java WLM environment, DSNWLM_JAVA.

Acceptable values: An HFS/zFS path name of up to 47 characters
Default: /usr/lpp/db2c10/base/classes/ssnmenvfile.txt or /usr/lpp/db2c10/base/classes/group-attach-nameenvfile.txt (if a group attach name was specified on panel DSNTIPK)
Update: None
Data sharing scope: Group
DSNZPxxx: None
z/OSMF variable: JAVAENVV
This file is created when you run installation job DSNTIJMJ and must not already exist. It is referenced in the _CEE_ENVFILE environment variable of the JAVAENV data set specified in the JAVA ENV DATA SET field. It specifies the names and locations of the following properties to be used when the DSNWLM_JAVA environment is started:
  • CLASSPATH: The HFS/zFS directory of the Java class that contains the jar file for z/OS XML System Services XML schema registration (gxljapi.jar).
  • DB2_BASE: The highest-level directory in the set of HFS/zFS directories that contain DB2 for z/OS-supplied Java classes and native methods (DLLs).
  • JCC_HOME: The highest-level directory in the set of HFS/zFS directories that contain the classes and other objects for the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ
  • JAVA_HOME: The HFS/zFS directory where the z/OS Java Software Development Kit (SDK) resides.
  • JVMPROPS: The HFS/zFS path and name of the startup options for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) used by the DB2-supplied Java WLM environment, DSNWLM_JAVA.
  • LIBPATH: The HFS/zFS directory that contains the native library for z/OS XML System Services (
  • STEPLIB: The name of the DB2 for z/OS runtime library.

The security profile of the user ID used to execute job DSNTIJMJ must include an OMVS segment. The user ID must also have write permission to the HFS directory where the file is to be created.

If you do not use Java, just accept the default setting.