DSNTIPX: Routine parameters panel

The entries on this panel are used to start the stored procedures address space so that it can run stored procedures or user-defined functions.

Figure 1. Routine parameters panel: DSNTIPX

 Enter data below:

  1 WLM PROC NAME    ===> DSN1WLM  WLM-established stored procedure JCL PROC
  2 NUMBER OF TCBS   ===> 8        Number of concurrent TCBs (1-100)
  3 MAX ABEND COUNT  ===> 0        Allowable ABENDs for a routine (0-255)
  4 TIMEOUT VALUE    ===> 180      Seconds to wait before SQL CALL or
                                   function invocation fails(5-1800,NOLIMIT)
  5 WLM ENVIRONMENT  ===>                                  Default WLM 
                                                           environment name
  6 MAX OPEN CURSORS ===> 500      Maximum open cursors per thread
  7 MAX STORED PROCS ===> 2000     Maximum active stored procs per thread
  8 BIF COMPATIBILITY===> CURRENT            Compatibility level for Db2
                                   built-in functions (V9,
                                   V9_DECIMAL_VARCHAR, V9_TRIM, or CURRENT)
  9 ADMIN SCHEDULER  ===> DSN1ADMT Administrative scheduler task proc name
 10 SUBSTR COMPATIBILITY===> PREVIOUS Compatibility level for Db2 SUBSTR
                                      built-in function (PREVIOUS, CURRENT)
 11 MAX UDFS         ===> 2000     Maximum active external scalar UDFs
                                   per thread (0-99999) 

 PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information