Start of change

Built-in global variables

Built-in global variables are provided with the database manager and are used in SQL statements to retrieve scalar values associated with the variables.

As an example, the SYSIBM.PRODUCTID_EXT built-in global variable is referenced in an SQL statement to retrieve the extended product identifier of the database manager that invoked a function.

The authorization ID of any statement that retrieves the value of the global variable is required to have one of the following:
  • The READ privilege on that global variable
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • SYSADM authority

The READ privilege is granted to PUBLIC for built-in global variables, unless RACF external security is in use.

The authorization ID of any statement that assigns a value to a global variable is required to have one of the following:
  • The WRITE privilege on that global variable
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • SYSADM authority

The WRITE privilege is not granted to PUBLIC for built-in global variables. The GRANT (variable privileges) statement can be used to grant the WRITE privilege to other users.

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