DSNB250E csect-name A PAGE RANGE WAS ADDED TO THE LOGICAL PAGE LIST. DATABASE NAME=database-name, SPACE NAME=space-name, INSTANCE=instance-number, DATA SET NUMBER=data-set-number, PAGE RANGE X'low-page' TO X'high-page', START LRSN=X'start-lrsn', END LRSN=X'end-lrsn', START RBA=X'start-rba', LPL TRACE ID=trace-id, LPL REASON TYPE=reason-type


DB2 added a page range to the logical page list (LPL) for the specified data set, because the pages in the page range had a problem.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The name of the database.
The name of the table space or index space that is associated with the action.
The instance number of the table space or index space.
The data set number.
low-page and high-page
The range of pages that was added to the LPL. The values are hexadecimal page numbers.
start-lrsn and end-lrsn
The log range that is needed to recover the pages in the page range. These values are RBA values unless DB2 is in a data sharing environment. In that case, these values are LRSN values. A zero value for end-lrsn refers to the current end of the recovery log.
In a data sharing environment, the starting RBA value of the recovery log range if the value is not zero. The start-rba value applies to log records for only the DB2 member that issued the message.
A value that is used for serviceability by IBM® Support.
The reason why the pages were added to the LPL. reason-type can contain one of the following values:
Db2 encountered a DASD I/O error when trying to read or write pages on DASD.
Db2 cannot apply log records to the pages.
Db2 cannot successfully read from or externalize the pages to the group buffer pool. This problem occurred for one of the following reasons:
  • a link or structure failure
  • the group buffer pool is in rebuild status
  • the group buffer pool was disconnected
DB2 cannot get the required page latch or page P-lock on the pages.
The Db2 castout processor cannot successfully cast out the pages.
Work on an object needs to be undone. However, the work was not logged, because the object has the NOT LOGGED attribute.

System action

The pages are added to the LPL

For any reason-type value other than NOTLOGGD, Db2 initiates the automatic LPL recovery. The pages remain inaccessible until they are recovered.

If you attempt to access a page in the LPL, Db2 returns SQLCODE -904 with reason code 00C20206.

If MVS™ detects a problem when accessing the group buffer pool, DB2 writes a SYS1.LOGREC entry that describes the error.

System programmer response

Take the appropriate actions for the reason-type value based on the console message.

To recover pages from the LPL, perform one of the following actions:

  • For a reason-type value other than NOTLOGGD, issue the START DATABASE command with the SPACENAM option.
  • Run the RECOVER utility
  • Run the LOAD utility