ASC X12/HIPAA outbound ISA IEA (Interchange level) envelope properties

These properties are displayed when you view or edit an ASC X12/HIPAA outbound ISA IEA (Interchange level) envelope. Not all properties can be edited.

Basic properties

See General properties.

Control Numbers properties

See General properties.

Advanced properties: 1. Outbound Properties

(ISA01) Authorization Information Qualifier
Coded information qualifier of the authorization level associated with this interchange. Required.

Valid values: * (asterisk) as wildcard, two standard characters

(ISA02) Authorization Information
Coded authorization level associated with this interchange. Optional.

Valid values: * (asterisk) as wildcard, two standard characters

(ISA03) Security Information Qualifier
Coded security qualifier of the authorization level associated with this interchange. Required.

Valid value: * (asterisk) as wildcard, 10 standard characters

Security Information
Coded security level associated with this interchange. Optional.

Valid values: * (asterisk) as wildcard, 10 standard characters

What values should be used in the Authorization and Security information field when enveloping acknowledgments
Specify which values should be used in the Authorization and Security information field when envelope acknowledgment is performed.
Valid values:
  • None (leave empty)
  • Values specified in this envelope (default)
  • Values from the inbound interchange
(ISA05) Sender ID Qualifier
Coded qualifier of the sender ID as it should appear on the message group header sent to this company or division. Required.

Valid values: * (asterisk) as wildcard, four standard characters

(ISA07) Receiver ID Qualifier
Coded qualifier of the receiver ID as it should appear on the message group header sent to this company or division. Optional.

Valid values: * (asterisk) as wildcard, two standard characters

(ISA11)Interchange Control Standards Identifier Repetition Separator versions 403 and above
Specify the character used to separate repeated elements. Optional.

Valid values: * (asterisk) as wildcard, one standard character

Interchange Control Version Number
Version number of this control interchange. Required.

Valid values: * (asterisk) as wildcard, five standard characters

Use correlation overrides
Whether to use correlation overrides. Required. Valid values are:
If a correlation override value is provided, always use that value instead of the value in the envelope (except for the Sender ID, Receiver ID, and Sender/Receiver Qualifier fields, which must have a * in the envelope definition to use the correlation override value).
Only when the envelope field has a wildcard value (*)
Only use correlation override values for fields in the envelope definition that are specified with a wildcard (*).
Never use correlation overrides.
Use the default specified in
Use the value for the enveloping.correl_override_default.[standard] property file to define when to use correlation overrides.
Use global control number
Whether this envelope definition must use a global transaction set number to uniquely identify message group headers.
Valid values:
Select a global number that is already created.
Yes (and generate name from data)
The global number name is generated by using values from the inbound data or envelope definition.
Specify a control number is owned only by this envelope.
(ISA14) Acknowledgment Requested
Request an acknowledgement that notifies the sender that the receiver has received an interpretable interchange transmission. Required.

Valid values: Yes, No

(ISA15) Usage Indicator
Operation mode to use for this envelope. Valid values:
  • Test
  • Production (default)
  • Information
  • Any Indicator (wildcard)
Accepter Lookup Alias
Identifying string used with the sender ID and the receiver ID to look up this envelope with the EDI Encoder service for TA1 processing. This alias associates a document with the service it requires. Required.

Valid value: Must match specified format on inbound ISA envelope. Default is TA1.


If you selected an option other than 997 or 999 for the Inbound Accepter Lookup Alias for generated 997/999s parameter (inbound interchange envelope), the name of the accepter lookup alias is generated based on values in the inbound interchange. This allows you to have multiple outbound envelopes for acknowledgments that use different versions and test modes to achieve the appropriate outbound response.

Example: If you have two ST outbound 997/999 envelopes with the same Sender ID, Receiver ID, and Accepter Lookup Alias (because there are two different inbound versions (004010 or 004030) of a particular document), and you change the inbound GS envelope Accepter Lookup Alias for generated 997/999s to reference 99X_[group version] instead of just 997 or 999. Then, for the outbound 997/999 ST envelope, the accepter lookup alias must be entered as 99X_004010.

If Use global control number is set to Yes, this Assign control number property is displayed:
(ISA13) Global Interchange Control Number
Interchange control reference number used globally. Select a previously defined number to reference. Required.

Valid value: Nine standard characters

If Use global control number is set to Yes (and generate from data), this Generate control number property is displayed:

Primary Name Format
Information to include when generating a global number name from data.
  • Select All
  • Test Indicator

If Use global control number is set to No, these Assign control number properties are displayed:

Local Interchange Control Number
(ISA13) Interchange control reference number used locally. Select a previously defined number to reference. Required.

Valid value: Nine standard characters

Sequence Type
Type of control number sequencing to use.

Valid values: SPE, Database

If Sequence Type is set to SPE, this Locking Mode property is displayed:
Hold locks until commit
Whether to restrict access to the messages until all changes are committed.

Valid values: Yes, No (default)

Use WTX Compliance Checking
Whether to use WebSphere® Transformation Extender compliance checking.

Valid values: Yes, No (default)

Maximum number of documents per interchange
Specify the Maximum number of documents per interchange.

If you do not specify a value or if you specify zero, the system will not check for maximum documents per interchange. If you specify a value greater than zero, only that number of documents (or less) will be included in an interchange. This parameter can work in conjunction with the Limit Interchange Size parameter to limit the number of documents per interchange and also limit the size of the interchange. This may result in less than the maximum number of documents depending upon the size limit you impose. Optional.

Limit Interchange Size
Maximum size allowed for an interchange before a single interchange is split into multiple interchanges that are each under the maximum size limitation. Required.
Valid values:
  • No
  • Use smallest transaction limit (default)
    Note: The Use smallest transaction limit setting is specific to the limitation imposed by the standard.
  • Specify size limit
  • Use global default in
Note: If you select Use transaction set default in, you need to specify the size limit directly (in the Maximum Interchange Size parameter) or by setting properties in the property file, which contains a property for each supported standard and more specific properties for each message type (for example, 810 and 850 for the ASC X12 standard) that can override the standard property.
Invoke Business Process for Each Interchange
Whether a business process is invoked for each interchange generated. Required.

Valid values: Yes, No (default).

Note: If Invoke Business Process for Each Interchange is set to No, the service places the name of the business process specified in the envelope into process data using the key WFD_NAME. This business process is then invoked by the Invoke Business Process Service. If Invoke Business Process For Each Interchange is set to Yes, the service directly bootstraps an instance of the business process specified in the envelope, and does not set WFD_NAME in process data.
Maximum Interchange Size
Specify the maximum size of each individual interchange. Required.
Note: Only displayed if you selected Specify size limit for the Limit Interchange Size parameter. If you choose to specify a maximum value, the value you specify is checked to make sure it is at least 249 bytes based on the header and trailer size for X12 standard.
Note: For performance reasons, the size is estimated for some components of the interchange (for example, control numbers) when determining the size. For this reason, the actual enforced size limit is slightly smaller than the value you specify.
Data Element Separator
EDI delimiter to use to separate elements. Required.
Segment Terminator
EDI delimiter to use to indicate the end of segments. Required.
Component Element Separator
EDI delimiter to use to separate components. Required.
Release Character
Character to use to release an EDI delimiter. Required.
Stream Segments
Whether to stream segments or insert an end-of-line character after each segment record. Required.
Valid values:
Stream segments; do not insert the end-of-line character after each segment record.
Insert the end-of-line character after each segment record. Default.
Encode Document
Whether to specify character encoding for the document. Required.

Valid values: Yes, No

Type of character encoding specified for the message group that includes this header. Optional.

Valid value: Six standard characters

Determine the SPE Driver by
Select a driver that should run with extracted X12 outbound ISA/IEA messages as the primary document. Required.
Valid values:
  • Specifying a driver
  • Generating the driver name from the data
Determine the Business Process by
(SPE and Sterling B2B Integrator integrations only) Select a business process that should run with extracted X12 outbound ISA/IEA messages as the primary document. Required.
Valid values:
  • Specifying a business process
  • Generating the business process name from the data
SPE Driver List
Select a driver to run when this envelope is processed. Optional.
Business Process List
(SPE and Sterling B2B Integrator integrations only) Select a business process to run when this envelope is processed. Optional.
Primary Name Format
Used to specify what information to include when generating a business process. Information includes the following:
  • EDI Standard (default)
  • Sender ID Code Qualifier (default)
  • Sender ID (default)
  • Receiver ID Code Qualifier (default)
  • Receiver ID (default)
  • Transaction Set ID Code (default)
  • Implementation Convention Reference
  • Version, Release, Industry Identifier Code (default)
  • Test Indicator

Check all that you want to use in the format. Only displayed when Determine the Business Process by is set to Generating the business process name from the data.

Backup Name Format
Used to specify what information to include when generating a business process. The Backup Name Formats are used when a valid business process cannot be determined from the Primary Name Format.
Information may include some or all of the following:
  • EDI Standard (default)
  • Sender ID Code Qualifier (default)
  • Sender ID (default)
  • Receiver ID Code Qualifier (default)
  • Receiver ID (default)
  • Transaction Set ID Code (default)
  • Implementation Convention Reference
  • Version, Release, Industry Identifier Code
  • Test Indicator

Check all that you want to use in the format.

Backup Name Format
Used to specify what information to include when generating a business process. The Backup Name Formats are used when a valid business process cannot be determined from the Primary Name Format.
Check all that you want to use in the format. Information may include some or all of the following:
  • EDI Standard (default)
  • Sender ID Code Qualifier (default)
  • Sender ID (default)
  • Receiver ID Code Qualifier (default)
  • Receiver ID (default)
  • Transaction Set ID Code (default)
  • Implementation Convention Reference
  • Version, Release, Industry Identifier Code
  • Test Indicator
Generate an error if no generated business process name exists in the system
Whether to generate an error if the specified business process name does not exist in the system. Required.

Valid values: Yes (default), No

Extraction Options
(Sterling B2B Integrator hosted installations only.) The extraction options to use. Required.
Valid values:
  • Determined by a business process
  • Extract to a file system directory
Data Extraction Directory
Directory for data extraction. Optional.
Data Extraction Filename
Filename for data extraction. Optional.


See Working with versions.


See Viewing the usage of an envelope.