Impact diagram

Impact diagrams visualize the positive and negative relationships between the metrics in your metrics cube. This type of diagram shows how the business actually works by displaying how one metric influences another.

An example for an impact diagram might show how Revenue and Expenses influence Profit, which then affects Bonuses and Research Funding.

An impact diagram showing how Profit is affected by other metrics. Each metric has a traffic light and a trend icon beneath its name.

Impact diagrams display traffic light and trend indicators that show the status and the trend of each metric in the diagram. When a user interacts with an impact diagram, they can filter for different contexts. The traffic light and trend indicators update with new values for the selected dimension.

Designing impact diagrams

Impact diagrams organize your metrics into three categories; Impacting Metrics, Focused Metrics, and Impacted Metrics.

  • Impacting metrics - examples include Expenses and Revenue
  • Focused metrics - examples include Profit
  • Impacted metrics - examples include Research Funding and Employee Bonuses

Nature of Impact property

The Nature of Impact property configures the line type to show either positive or negative impact relationships between the metrics in the diagram.

  • Positive - Displays a solid line in the diagram to show a positive influence from one metric to another metric.
  • Negative - Displays as a dashed line in the diagram to show a negative influence from one metric to another metric.

This property can be set for each metric in the Impacting Metrics and Impacted Metrics lists.