Removing residual files

How to remove the possible residual files that may exist after the uninstall process.

About this task

When you uninstall Tivoli® Netcool® Performance Manager, some of the files remain on the disk and must be removed manually. After you exit from the deployer (in uninstall mode), you must delete these residual files and directories manually.

Perform the following steps:


  1. Log in as database instance name. For example, oracle for Oracle and db2 for DB2.
  2. Enter the following commands to stop:
     sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
     shutdown abort
     lsnrctl stop
    db2stop force
  3. As root, enter the following commands to delete these files and directories:
    Table 1. Oracle and IBM DB2 commands to delete these files and directories
    rm -fR /tmp/PvInstall
    rm -fR /var/tmp/PvInstall
    rm -fR /opt/Proviso
    rm -fR /opt/proviso
    rm -fR $ORACLE_BASE/admin/PV
    rm -fR $ORACLE_BASE/admin/skeleton
    rm -fR $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initPV.ora
    rm -fR $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/lkPV
    rm -fR $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwPV
    rm -fR $ORACLE_HOME/lib/
    rm -fR $ORACLE_HOME/lib/
    rm -fR $ORACLE_HOME/lib/
    rm -fR $ORACLE_HOME/bin/snmptrap
    rm -fR $ORACLE_HOME/bin/notifyDBSpace
    rm -fR $ORACLE_HOME/bin/notifyConnection
    rm -rf /tmp/import_chnl_reg.udef.log
    rm -fR /tmp/PvInstall
    rm -fR /var/tmp/PvInstall
    rm -fR /opt/Proviso
    rm -fR /opt/proviso
    rm -fR $DB2_BASE/tnpm_dbadmin
    rm -fR $DB2_BASE/create_db.ini
    rm -fR $DB2_BASE/sqllib/function/
    rm -fR $DB2_BASE/sqllib/function/
    rm -fR $DB2_BASE/sqllib/function/
    rm -fR $DB2_BASE/tnpm_dbadmin/db2/
    rm -fR $DB2_BASE/tnpm_dbadmin/db2/
    rm -fR $DB2_BASE/tnpm_dbadmin/db2/
    rm -rf /tmp/import_chnl_reg.udef.log
    • $ORACLE_BASE: /opt/oracle
    • $DB2_BASE: /opt/db2 and
    • $ORACLE_HOME: /opt/oracle/product/18.0.0
    • $DB2_HOME: /opt/db2/opt/db2/product/11.1.0
  4. Enter the following commands to clear your database mount points and remove any files in those directories:
    Table 2. Commands to clear your Oracle or DB2 mount points
     rm -r /raid_2/oradata/*
     rm -r /raid_3/oradata/*
     rm -fR /raid_2/db2data/*
     rm -fR /raid_3/db2data/*
  5. Enter the following command to delete the temporary area used by the deployer:
     rm -fr /tmp/ProvisoConsumer
  6. Delete the installer file using the following command:
    rm /var/.com* 
  7. Delete the startup file, netpvmd.
    • For use the command:
       rm /etc/init.d/netpvmd
    • For AIX, use the command:
       rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/netpvmd
    • For Linux, use the command:
       rm /etc/init.d/netpvmd
    Note: The netpvmd startup and stop files are also present in /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rc3.d as S99netpvmd and K99netpvmd. These files must also be removed.

What to do next

Following Tivoli Common Reporting uninstallation:

To prevent any possible system instability caused by residual processes post-uninstall of Tivoli Common Reporting, run thetcr script on all systems where Tivoli Common Reporting is uninstalled:

  1. On the host where the Tivoli Common Reporting installation failed, change to the directory containing tcr
      cd /opt/IBM/proviso/deployer/proviso/bin/Util/ 
  2. Run tcr
  3. When prompted, enter the location where Tivoli Common Reporting was installed.
Note: If you have uninstalled Tivoli Common Reporting on a remote host, thetcr file is sent by using ftp to the remote host for execution.