Content Analytics Plugin for i2 Analyst's Notebook

If you use IBM® i2 Analyst's Notebook, you can create a plugin that allows users to search documents in an IBM Watson Explorer Content Analytics collection and import facet information into an i2 Analyst's Notebook chart. This function became available in Watson Explorer Content Analytics Version

IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook is software that you can use to visualize and analyze relationships among entities. The following diagram is an example of facets that were imported from Watson Explorer Content Analytics into an i2 Analyst's Notebook chart by using the Content Analytics Plugin for i2 Analyst's Notebook:
Example of an i2 Analyst's Notebook chart that shows facets that are imported from a search of Watson Explorer Content Analytics documents.
For example, suppose a query returns two documents with the following named entity facets:
Document 1
  • Title: IBM Is Founded
  • Content Summary: ... Charles Flint hired Thomas Watson Sr. as a general manager in 1914. ..., C-T-R changed its name to International Business Machines....
  • Person Facet: Charles Flint, Thomas Watson
  • Organization Facet: International Business Machines. IBM
  • Location Facet: Ohio
Document 2
  • Title: Good Design Is Good Business
  • Content Summary: ...Thomas Watson Jr. hired architect and industrial designer Eliot Noyes in 1956 to create the Corporate Design Program at IBM as its first consultant....
  • Person Facet: Eliot Noyes, Thomas Watson
  • Organization Facet: IBM
  • Location Facet: New York
With the Content Analytics Plugin, the entities that are extracted from the document content as facets can be imported as chart items into i2 Analyst's Notebook. This example shows the named entities extracted from the preceding documents as facets. Each facet is labeled as an ICA Entity, which indicates a Content Analytics entity, and by the facet type, such as person, organization, and location. The number that is associated with each link label indicates the number of times the facet appears in the document.
Example of how the entities extracted from two documents appear in an i2 Analyst's Notebook chart.


The architecture of the plugin includes i2 Analyst's Notebook, Watson Explorer Content Analytics, and a web application server.

The Content Analytics Plugin is installed on top of i2 Analyst's Notebook. The web application for the plugin is deployed on a web application server such as IBM WebSphere® Liberty Profile.
Depicts three servers and shows the web application for the plugin on the web application server, the Content Analytics Plugin on the i2 Analyst's Notebook server, and the Watson Explorer Content Analytics server.
To obtain a list of collections or to search documents in collections, the Content Analytics Plugin for i2 Analyst's Notebook issues a Search REST API directly to Watson Explorer Content Analytics.
Depicts three servers and shows the cross-communication between i2 Analyst's Notebook and Watson Explorer Content Analytics during a document search.
To import facet information into an i2 Analyst's Notebook chart, the web application works as a proxy. The web application receives an import request from the plugin and retrieves facet information from Watson Explorer Content Analytics. The web application converts the information into a file in CSV format and returns the file to the plugin. The plugin then calls i2 Analyst's Notebook with an embedded CSV import function so that facet information can be imported into the chart.
Depicts three servers and shows the cross-communication between Watson Explorer Content Analytics and the web application, and between i2 Analyst's Notebook and the web application.